Friday, April 1, 2016

The Fitfh Elements

The Fifth Element
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Apr 1, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

The legendary Fifth Element holds the key to the answer to one of today's top mysteries in the worlds of physics and cosmology. Scientists estimate that 84% of the matter in the universe is composed of invisible dark matter, but they have no idea what it is. With a short venture into the world of metaphysics, you are about to find out the answer!
In ancient Greece, all material things were said to be composed of a mixture of the four elements of earth, fire, water and air. There was also said to be a more subtle, fifth element. This was called the quintessence (literally, "fifth element"), implying it’s very delicate or refined state of existence.
For many centuries, philosophers considered that all matter consisted of combinations of the basic elements in the Greek tradition. In the early 1500s, Philip von Hohenheim boldly renamed himself Paracelsus, meaning "beyond the medical pioneer Celsus" and came out with a counter-proposal. He declared that, instead of the old elements, all things consist of the subtle essences of elements that he called salt, sulfur and mercury. However, this only served to confuse the situation further as both theories did little to identify the basic chemicals that combine to form the enormous variety of compounds that are found in nature.

Next, fast-forward to the Age of Enlightenment.
In the late 1600s, the early scientist Robert Boyle published The Skeptical Chemist, rejecting both schools of thought in favor of the then-novel idea that materials are composed of a variety of basic chemicals which, unlike compounds, cannot be further reduced by chemical operations. This demystified chemistry, laid the basis for its development as a science, and made possible the development of the table of elements that we use in chemistry today.
As the science of chemistry developed and accumulated physical knowledge, however, it became focused entirely on physical materials and ignored the old idea of anything more subtle.
The fifth element has been given various names in traditional Eastern thought and practices - such as prana, chi, qi, and mana - but it can be better understood by calling it vital life energy or etheric energy. From a physics perspective, the most concise term is etheric energy, which implies a more subtle energy than electric energy.
When electric and magnetic energies combine in complementary motion, they produce physical light as well as the building blocks of physical matter. Your body is composed of electromagnetic energy. Etheric energy is actually more common in the universe than electric energy. Its manifestation, etheric matter, forms most of the matter in the universe. Cosmologists know that it exists, even though they can't see it (hence the term, dark matter), because of its gravitational effects on physical matter in the cosmos.
"Dark" energy and "dark" matter are roughly five times more prolific than their physical counterparts, so their influence in the cosmos is quite marked. The gravitational effect is a result of the fact that both energies - physical electric energy and the more subtle etheric energy - share a common interaction with magnetic energy. The magnetic energy component is provided by the ever-present fabric of space, which I term the God Field.
By using the term the God field, we can reduce a common form of confusion that exists today. The God field was traditionally called the aether and, although that sounds a lot like etheric energy, the two are quite different.
The God field is the fabric of space. It is a subtle, fluid, magnetic energy which fills all space. It is intensified within and around matter, where its attractive nature produces the force of gravity.
Etheric energy, or vital life energy, is the primary energy of the universe. Electric energy is, by comparison, a secondary, more physical energy. Electric energy interacts with the magnetic fabric of space to form physical light and physical matter. Etheric energy interacts with the magnetic fabric of space to form etheric light and etheric matter.
Etheric energy is a subtle, primary life energy, while electric energy is a physical, secondary energy. Both energies interact with the magnetic fabric of space, producing etheric matter and physical matter.
The great advantage with knowing about etheric energy is that this vital life-giving energy holds the key to vibrant wellness. Vital life energy or etheric energy is present in all effective healing systems. In acupuncture, it is the "qi" energy that is enhanced or balanced in its flow along acupuncture meridians. It is the healing energy transmitted in distant healing. It is the same healing energy that is passed to the recipient in Reiki or Polarity Therapy
Vital life energy is the essence within sacred healing oils. It is the energy that flows into a person as they practice Qigong. It is the life energy in organic foods, in water exposed to sunlight, and in the oxygen that we breathe. Without vital life energy, we would not physically exist. With additional vital life energy, miraculous healings can occur.
It is impossible for any individual, even the most wise and elevated soul, to completely comprehend the amount of Light that is revealed through every action.
Even King Solomon who is meant to be one of the wisest of men who ever lived with the deepest, most complete understanding of the spiritual and physical worlds and the power of the tools says of himself in Ecclesiastes, “I thought, I understood or gained wisdom of these tools, but they are way beyond me”. At their root, the power that the tools of Kabbalah have, where they reach and the Light that they awaken is far beyond our comprehension.
The kabbalists teach that whenever you are making a connection with a desire to awaken Light or blessings, it’s important to have whatever level of understanding that you have from what you have learned, but to also always know that the true amount of Light that is going to be revealed, the true effect of this action is far beyond your comprehension.
Only if an individual does both of these things, meaning, pushes himself to understand as much as he can and then always before making a connection says, “I have some level of understanding, but I know with certainty that the amount of Light that will actually be revealed through this action is far beyond anything I can comprehend,” will his or her action reveal endless Light. Doing an action with the thought that we think we understand its power and the amount of blessing it will reveal limits the amount of Light that can be revealed.
To the degree that you have this understanding that any one of our actions—if it’s reading Zohar, the Morning Connections or the Third Meal of Shabbat—any connection that we make—it’s important to always realize and remind ourselves that we have some understanding of how much Light it will bring for myself and for the world and to also know that the true amount of Light that will be revealed through this action is far beyond my comprehension.
Only if you are consistent in this consciousness and understanding before every connection you make and before every awakening of Light that you do will your actions truly reveal endless Light. It puts much more importance to every time we read Zohar. It puts much more importance into every spiritual action that we make because this simple understanding literally awakens endless Light.
Blessings and Light,
Dr Raven Dolick MsD

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