Thursday, November 27, 2014

What Is Wildcrafting

What is Wildcrafting

Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov1, 2014

All rights reserved

In addition to growing your own magical herbs in your garden, in many areas you can harvest herbs from their natural environment -- in the wild. This is known as wildcrafting, and is becoming a popular pastime. If you’re one of the many Pagans or Wiccans who enjoys working with herbs, you may want to look into wildcrafting. However, much like any other natural resource, herbs must be harvested responsibly -- otherwise, a once-plentiful plant can quickly end up on the endangered list! An ethical wildcrafter should never cause damage, nor should they deplete a resource. Here's how to be an ethical wildcrafter.

Get Permission
First, be sure you have permission to wildcraft in the area you're visiting. Some public lands require you to have a permit before you may harvest any plants. If you're on private property, get permission from the landowner. Also, be sure you check your local Department of Agriculture extension to see if there are plants that are on the endangered list in your area. That wild ginger may seem inviting, but if it's being depleted in your region, you need to pass on it.

Know What You're Seeing:
Have a guidebook handy, with color photos of local plants. What grows in Virginia is not the same as what grows in Wyoming, and a plant common in New Hampshire may be non-existent in Florida. Use a field guide to local plants to help you properly identify items you may wish to wildcraft.

Where to Pick:
When you're looking for herbs to harvest, don't collect from the first patch you see. Typically, that first patch is the same one that everyone else sees when they're walking down a trail or driving by. Instead, go further afield, moving off-trail if possible to look for another patch. This way, you can harvest from a location that won't be noticeably damaged the next time someone walks by. In some public parks, you may only harvest at a certain distance away from trails, so be sure you check with your local agency.

Stay Safe:
Pay attention to the environment around you. Many a beginning wildcrafter has gotten lost in the woods because they weren't paying attention to their surroundings. Likewise, watch for hazards like loose rocks, narrow trails along ridges, or low-hanging tree limbs. Remember that the further away from civilization you get, the further you are from help if you need it.
If possible, wildcraft with a friend, or at the very least, carry a cell phone and/or handheld GPS with you.

What to Gather:
Try to harvest plants that are not damaged easily before you go for the more fragile ones. Some plants, like dandelion, yarrow, and blackberry are just about impossible to kill simply by picking them -- they'll always grow back. Also, when you take a plant, take only what you can use in the foreseeable future. Many wildcrafters try to use a specific ratio of one in four or even one in five -- that means for every plant you harvest, you must leave four to five plants in the same patch.

Giving Thanks:
In many Wiccan and Pagan traditions, it is customary to offer a blessing or a prayer of thanks when harvesting wild herbs. If this is something you'd like to do, you can say something simple, like:
I offer thanks to the god and goddess,
for allowing me this small gift.
You may also wish to leave an offering by scattering seeds, so that new plants will grow to replace the ones you have taken.
Again, be sure to check with all your state and local regulations before you go out wildcrafting, so that you can harvest herbs ethically and responsibly.


Brief History of Religious Sex

Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov 20, 2014

All rights reserved

The religion of the Goddess, wherever it was practiced throughout history, has always been sex positive. The most famous of the ancient rituals is the Hieros Gamos, or Sacred marriage ritual. Records of this ceremony have been dated as far back as early Sumerian, about 5500 years ago. In this ritual the high priestess acting as avatar of The Goddess had sex with the ruler of the country to show the Goddess's acceptance him as ruler and caretaker of her people. Here is part of the ceremony as translated from an ancient Sumerian poem.

The High Priestess, acting for Inanna, is speaking to Dumuzi the new king.
My vulva, the horn, The boat of Heaven, Is full of eagerness like the young moon. My untilled land lies fallow. As for me, Inanna, Who will plow my vulva? Who will plow my high field? Who will plow my wet ground? As for me, the young woman, Who will plow my vulva? Who will station the ox there? Who will plow my vulva?
The symbolism is, I hope, obvious to you. If you've ever looked at an anatomical picture of the female reproductive system, you may have noticed that the vagina is shaped like a horn, it curves upward and narrows towards the back.

On the male side, an old time plow (not the modern day tractor type) had a long, hard projection that pushed into the ground. Dumuzi, the king replies: Great Lady, the king will plow your vulva, I, Dumuzi the King, will plow your vulva Inanna accepts him saying: Then plow my vulva, man of my heart Plow my vulva.
Then follows more details of the happenings
My eager impetuous caresser of the navel, My caresser of the soft thighs; He is the one my womb loves best, My high priest is ready for the holy loins. My lord Dumuzi is ready for the holy loins. The plants and herbs in his field are ripe. O Dumuzi, Your fullness is my delight.
The high priestess then directs things to be readied Inanna called for the bed. Let the bed that rejoices the heart be prepared Let the bed that sweetens the loins be prepared Let the bed of kingship be prepared! Let the bed of queenship be prepared! Let the royal bed be prepared!
This bed was set up in front of the entire congregation. The people watched the entire ritual including the sexual part.
He shaped my loins with his fair hands, The shepherd Dumuzi filled my lap with cream and milk. He stroked my pubic hair. He watered my womb. He laid his hands on my holy vulva, He smoothed my black boat with cream, He quickened my narrow boat with milk. He caressed me on the bed. The King went with lifted head to the holy loins. He went with lifted head to the loins of Inanna He went to the queen with lifted head. He opened wide his arms to the holy priestess of heaven. We rejoiced together. He took his pleasure of me. He laid me down on the fragrant honey-bed My sweet love, lying by my heart, Tongue-playing, one by one, My fair Dumuzi did so fifty times. Now, my sweet love is sated.
At the climax of the ceremony (or should I say, climaxes, fifty times, wow!) the populous would cheer and shout their approval and appreciation. This ritual brought prosperity to the people and to the land, so they were very happy to witness its successful completion.

A lot has been written since women's liberation about the performance anxiety men feel in our modern times. Performing sex in front of other people was not the stressful thing in ancient days as it is now. Sex was often done in religious ceremonies in groups--Orgies.
Nowadays the word orgy connotes something depraved and degenerate. That was not the original meaning for the word. The word "orgy" comes from the Greek word "orgia" meaning "secret worship". Since most secret worship involved sexual rituals, and Christians were opposed to anything sexual the word orgy came to have the debased meaning it has today, rather than the noble, spiritual meaning of the original word.
Many words that are used to describe extreme religious fervor are also used to describe great sex, such as passion, bliss, and ecstasy. There were many orgies throughout the year as celebrations in the religion of the Goddess. Many of these celebrations have been taken over by the Christians who removed their sexual nature. The best known is undoubtedly Christmas taken from the pagan festival of Saturnalia.

Saturn, from whom we get the word for the day of the week, Saturday, was the Roman name for the Greek God, Cronus and the Babylonian God, Ninip. Sometimes called the Lord of Death, he was represented by the sun at its lowest aspect at the winter solstice. That's when the earth is cold, and most plants are dead, and it was believed that the sun was approaching death. Today that's around December 21, but because of calendar changes, it was originally December 25th. Saturnalia celebrated the sun overcoming the power of winter, with hope of spring when life would be renewed. In Roman times, Bacchus, the god of wine, became the lord of these festivals. During the Bacchanalian festivals the everyday rules were turned topsy turvy. The masters waited on the servants. All sexual prohibitions were lifted. It was a time of true good will towards all men. Even dresses were exchanged with men dressing as women. Erotic dances were performed with a large erect phallus being carried around in the dancing processionals.
The custom of exchanging clothes during Saturnalia and Bacchanalia was an activity frowned upon by the Jews and Christians as it is prohibited by the Bible, Deuteronomy 22;5 "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy god" So much for Biblical transvestites.
However, the god Hermes in order to become a god of magic went into the temple of his consort Aphrodite where he wore a woman's robes and artificial breasts. In the temple he learned all the secrets of the Goddess Aphrodite which were exclusively taught to her female priestesses. The priests of the very masculine Greek hunk, Hercules, always wore female dress, probably in memory of Hercules service in female dress to the Queen Omphale. Zeus had sent Hercules to be a slave to the Queen for having killed a young man, Eurytus, after his father had insulted Hercules.

One of the most famous prophets and seers of ancient time, Teiresias, was a man who was changed into a woman and served in the temples as a priestess for seven years to gain the feminine powers of insight and divination. During this time as a woman he gave birth to a daughter before being turned back into a man. It was Teiresias who gave us the "scale of one to ten." Myth has it that Zeus and Hera once argued who had the most pleasure in sex. Zeus said it was the woman, while Hera asserted it was the man. They agreed that Teiresias should judge who was right. He did not hesitate to tell the God and Goddess, "Measured on the scale of pleasure, in the act of sex man has one measure to woman's nine." Hera became incensed by this, stating that judges, like referees in sporting events are all blind, and made Teiresias blind.
Anciently men's transvestism had its roots in the desire to attain female magic and powers and was common among the Pagan priests up to the time of St. Augustine who denounced the custom, saying that men who wore women's garments could never attain salvation, even if they were otherwise good Christians. So the good Catholics simply made the women's gowns into Priests robes. They looked the same, had the same function, but a "robe by any other name, does not a transvestite make."

Another favorite converted Pagan holiday is Valentines Day taken from the Lupricalia. The festivals of Lupricalia were noted for their wild, sensual dances in which sausages played a very important part. So important in fact that both dancing and sausages were outlawed by the Christian Emperors of the 4th and 5th century.
And, of course, May Day used to have great sexual frolics around that giant phallic symbol, the May pole. The May pole represented the Gods phallus in Mother Earth. People decorated it and danced around it. Kids still do today, even though they have no idea of its original meaning. The Christian church opposed May festivals because of its association with pagan gods. A 16th century English Puritan writer Philip Stubes, railed against May pole dancing. He said,

"What clipping, what culling, what kissing and bussing, what smooching and slobbering one of another, what filthy groping and unclean handling is not practiced in the dances." Stubes estimated, though how he got his statistics is unknown, probably from peeping through bushes, that not one girl in three retained her virginity after taking part in May pole rituals. After dancing around the Maypole celebrants would retire to the open fields where they would have sex with anyone and everyone in the plowed fields in order to insure the fertility of the land and prosperous yield of crops. May was a month of sexual freedom throughout rural Europe up to the 16th century. Marriage bonds were suspended for the month of May, commenced again in June - hence, June weddings.

All of these ancient rituals, these orgia, involved group sex and nudity. The hang ups and inhibitions that most people have about having sex in groups or in front of other people are largely the result of Biblical attitudes. Sex, was something to be done only in private behind locked doors, and only for procreation. Those restrictive ideas come to us from the Bible, in which nudity is condemned as soon as Adam and Eve ate the apple (or technically, the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil).
Also in Genesis we read the story of Noah getting drunk and lying around naked in his tent. His son Ham, the father of Canaan, came in and saw him and went out and told his two brothers about it. They came in and, walking backwards, covered him. When Noah woke up he knew what Ham had done and he said,

"Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren" So the father curses his son and his descendants--who are according to some biblical interpretations, especially those of Whitehead and many Mormon, and some nineteenth century christian writers, the blacks--to be servants to his white brothers just because Ham saw him naked. A little extreme, I'd say. And it doesn't matter that some interpret this differently, as one of the justifications for American slavery of blacks was this interpretation of the Bible.

Nudity is frowned on by the Judaeo-Christian god, but Greek Gods are usually depicted as nude in magnificently detailed statues. The god of the Bible is always portrayed with plenty of flowing robes on. What does he have to be ashamed of? Did they cut too much off when he was circumcised?
In pagan religion rituals, men and women had sex with their friends and neighbors. The Bible forbids such activities in no uncertain terms, Leviticus 20:10,

"And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death." Even today some states still cling to archaic Judaeo- Christian religious laws making adultery a crime.

In ancient times a priestess could be married or unmarried. She performed sexual purification rituals with all worthy men regardless of her marital status. In some cultures all women were required to serve in the temple. Herodotus, the father of history, writing about the Babylonians states,

"Babylonian custom compels every woman of the land once in her life to sit in the temple of love and have intercourse with some stranger. The men pass and make their choice. It matters not what be the sum of money; the woman will never refuse, for that were a sin, the money being by this act made sacred. After their intercourse she has made herself holy in the sight of the Goddess and goes away to her home." That is unless she decided to continue as a full time priestess. The man was not paying for sex, but rather making an offering to the Goddess for allowing him to participate in the sacred ritual.

One hundred and fifty years later, Quintus Curtius, the historian who accompanied Alexander the Great on his conquests, reported:

"There is none other more corrupt than this people, or none other more learned in the art of pleasure and voluptuaries. Fathers and mothers suffered their daughters to prostitute themselves to their guests for silver and husbands were not less indulgent with respect to their wives. The Babylonians plunged into drunkenness and all the disorders which follow it. The women appeared at the banquets with modesty at first, but they ended by abandoning their robes, then the rest of their garments one after another, disrobing themselves little by little of modesty until they were entirely naked. And these were not public women who abandoned themselves so; they were the most respectable matrons and their daughters."

In some cultures, as in Egypt, the upper class women were priestesses. Almost all of the Egyptian queens were High Priestesses of the Goddess, up until Cleopatra. She was the 369th in a line of which I am 537th High Priestess. Egyptologists who know how sexual the high priestesses were, just cannot believe that a queen would have sex with anyone other than her husband-- like the good Jewish Queens of the Bible. They seem to think that Cleopatra, who had sex with 100 Roman noblemen in one night was unusual. The fact is, all priestesses, queens or otherwise had sex with thousands of men.
In ancient cultures with matriarch religions, sex was considered something ennobling and uplifting. Sex could take you closer to the Gods rather than alienate you from god.
An example of this come from one of the oldest stories in existence, the Gilgamesh Epic. Some place the Epic by tradition around 5,000 years before the current era. The story tells of many heroic adventures of Gilgamesh who is part human and part god. One particular story tells that the gods placed a wild man, Enkidu, in the wilderness area and required Gilgamesh to capture and tame him. Gilgamesh is told of this wild man by a shepherd who has seen him. Rather than run out with spears, arrows and nets, Gilgamesh sends a priestess of the Goddess to the watering place of the wild man. She takes off her clothes, exposing her charms. The wild man, finding her much more appealing than his animal friends, has sex with her for 6 days and 7 nights and is won from his wild life. He is calmly led by the priestess back to the city, to civilization.
This story dramatizes the ennobling, civilizing benefits of sex. Sex is portrayed as a force for good. Contrast that with the Biblical version of the first sex activities. Adam and Eve were living in Paradise without sex. They disobeyed their god's order not to eat fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is only after they eat of the fruit of knowledge that they become aware of their genitals and sex. As a result they are caste out of paradise, out of the presence of their god, into a cold, cruel, uncultivated world--where sex is evil.

In the Goddess religion sex brings one to civilization and the goddess, in the Judaeo-Christian religion sex drives one into the wilderness away from their god.
In Judaism, the sins of the individual are put on some animal which is ritualistically killed by the a priest, or sent as a scapegoat into the wilderness. In Christianity, the sins are put on the dead god Jesus, whom they believe died for all men's sins, past, present and future. (So since your sins are already all taken care of, why not enjoy yourself?) In the religion of the Goddess, the priestess takes upon herself the sins and transgressions of the man in the ritual of negation. In the Egyptian language the word, Negation, pronounced negation but obviously spelled differently in hieroglyphics, meant Semen or the essence of man. The word modernly means to cancel or wipe out, to make negative. You may wonder how it got from one language to the next with such a drastic change in meaning. That is because in the ritual of negation, a man ejaculates, or leaves his negation, his semen inside the twat of the priestess, as a symbol that he is willing to give up his all in order to have his sins wiped out. The term negation came to be applied to the whole ritual or wiping out ceremony. Gradually through the centuries, the semen, and religious connection got lost and only the wiping out part remained. The priestess literally takes upon herself the transgressions of the man, she intercedes on man's behalf with the Goddess, so that he can be purified. She is his guide in this life to bring him to the hereafter.
There have been some Christian sects through the centuries that have selectively interpreted passages of the Bible to allow them to indulge in sexual activity typically forbidden by their god. The Aegopy had open, free love when christianity first began. Other "heretical" sects in early Christianity, such as the Brothers and Sisters of the Free Spirit, were killed off by good christians about 600 years ago. A heresy is anything which the Catholic Church does not agree with. America has had several religious groups which practiced open sex. The Oneida Company of New York, which makes beautiful silver work was originally run by one such religious group. John Humphrey Noyes preached what became known as his "perfectionist" doctrine which required its members to lover one another--and make love to one another.

Another sect which was established about the same time was the Brotherhood of the New Life. It was started by Tom Harris who taught that people had a duty to love each other, not just spiritual brotherly love, but also physical love with many partners.

Most people know the Mormons practiced polygamy in the 1800's. But the Mormons also had secret sexual practices in which women were shared among the inner circle of male leaders in the early days of the church. John Law, one of the ruling three men of the Mormon Church, second only to Joseph Smith, had his printing press destroyed by angry church leaders when he threatened to publish accounts of the men who had had sex with his wife. This is emphatically denied today by Mormon leaders, but Mormons leaders also denied that they were practicing polygamy until polygamy became the "New and Everlasting Covenant of Celestial Marriage". Sex with several women became the "order" as long as you were married to them; and there appears to have be no limit put on the number of wives. The Mormons correctly pointed out that this practice was common among patriarchs of the Bible--Abraham, Israel, King David and Solomon, to name a few. Unfortunately Mormon women were never given the same freedom of having sex with other men as were the priestess wives of David and Solomon, and other patriarch.

This right of the priestess, to have sex with any man she desired, appears to have been originally taught by the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, but was rejected by his wife, Emma, who also rejected polygamy. Why bother to twist and select passages from the Bible to allow sex in religion when there already exists the religion of the Goddess with its emphasis on spiritual sex?
Each of these modern religions gave up their attempt at spiritual sexuality, due to pressure from Judaeo-Christian religions. Sex is no longer just a religious issue, it is a political issue. From the mayors and councilmen of cities, legislators and governor, to the President, the politics of sex demands an outward profession of the Judaeo-Christian ethics. A politician is required to parade his wife, children, church attendance and sexual fidelity before the public as a sign of his character. In this land of the free where there is supposedly freedom of religion, we are slaves to Judaeo/Christian traditions which promote a male patriarchal order as "family values".
The sexuality of the Goddess has been feared by men from their beginning and Her sexuality is feared today. Christian fundamentalists are in dread of a sex-positive religion which will have a greater appeal then their sex-negative, ascetic doctrines. Christians fear the haunting shadows of their forgotten ancestors--those ancients who worshipped the pagan goddess and the Goddess in Her temples and groves--who still bring up images of hidden memories of her priestesses in their subconscious who speak a truth which Christians openly deny. Christians fear the obvious, that after 2000 years their dead god has not returned and the twilight of christianity has arrived--that long awaited time when the "Lady of the New Dawn" would arrive.
Never waver from your intent.

Always look inside and you will always be shown signs telling you how to get what you want.
The key words are intent, inside and always....

If you hold the intent it will come.
If you look inside it will come faster.

Don't worry what you see in the outside world. It is what is going on inside you that matters. This is hard for many to grasp, especially with the world throwing itself in your face everyday, But once you truly understand this you can make magic happen. You learn that you are in control. It is an incredible feeling.
Again, learn to go inside yourself and you will be shown signs to get exactly what you want.

I want to show you the signs I was shown. The signs that took me from a failed business to doing what I want, when I want. You can do it to and even faster because I will be showing you many of the signs I kept over looking.

Just keep checking in and let's do this new earth together.
We are the New Earth!

Past Lives
Some Helpful Information
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D. May 8, 2014
All rights reserved

A short while ago I had a phone call from a friend who deep into the upbeat conversation she admitted to me that she had always had both a fascination and a fear of the subject of reincarnation. She also admitted, somewhat hesitantly, that she had always wanted to try a past life regression but was worried about the results she might be given—meaning that she didn't want to hear she had been a really nasty person in another incarnation. She was also concerned about the trust factor with a regression therapist and wanted information on what a session felt like, and any other details I could give her.
I was happy to oblige, and gave her information from my own experiences. Of course I alerted her to the fact that a past life regression would be different for each individual, and once she said she understood that we were off.
I began by telling her that it had been a huge step for me to begin regression sessions back in the late 1970s (and this despite the fact that I had been brought into the presence of a person ideally suited for the job of leading me onto the next magical part of my spiritual journey). I admitted to my fear of finding out about my previous incarnations, but I also had to admit to a feeling of trust in the timing of the whole thing; I stated that I believed in that saying, "When the student is ready the master will appear." This trust I had in the absolute synchronicity of meeting my therapist had translated to a feeling of trust in the woman and in the panorama of events playing out in my life at that time.

I then told her something I had learned after my regression sessions: a way to find clues to past lives from her present lifetime—clues often present since early childhood. It was a very simple technique and required no other person to be involved.

I told her to ask herself four questions:
1.What things deeply interested her? (Music, art, writing, any job or hobby she would be willing to do for hours and that gave her a sense of time being non-existent)
2.What time periods of history held a fascination for her?
3.What periods of history or even specific geographic locations made her uncomfortable or even repulsed?
4.What scared her? (Here would be things like fire, water, heights and so forth)

As examples I told her of my youthful fascination with ancient Babylon and medieval times. I touched on my terror of water and my almost equal fear of it during my childbirth that had been present to me afterward and didn't know I harbored since I was very young. I loved writing and reading, and as a four- or five-year-old had enjoyed copying text over onto a notepad. So, it was not a surprise to me when after my regression sessions ended most of my loves and fears were echoed in my past lives.
She was amazed and said that she would begin to write out a list of answers to the four questions that very night. She admitted it was a comfort knowing that she could get a handle on her past lives by following these easy steps.
Then she wanted to know more about what a regression session actually felt like. Again, I told her I could only speak from my own experience and that a session would be most likely be very different for her.

My initial regression session actually began without much warning. I had gone for an appointment with the regression therapist so that we could talk about reincarnation, ghosts, and so forth. During the appointment he told me he would like permission to regress me immediately, and that request catapulted me into something akin to both fear and fascination. Of course, I decided to take that first step and never looked back. And yes, I told my friend, there was an element of trust and also of being aware on a soul level that this was somehow the right time for me to be going through this experience.
As for what it felt like to be regressed, I have a favorite sentence for what I experienced: "It was like being awake/asleep." I was both aware and alert to my physical self being in the office of my therapist, but I was also fully living and being present in the times and circumstances I was regressed to. I had full and total awareness of feelings of sun warmth on my body, scents of flowers, cold winter winds, and so forth. I interacted with the people I met in each time period and they interacted with me. Some of it was like playing a role in a movie of my past selves, and yet also watching that story play out. It had some fearful moments but even then I had a safety net in place with my therapist who had given me instructions on how to deal with those moments. And even when I moved into the phases of a lifetime where I was transitioning to death, there were boundaries in place that made that not seem so bad.
I concluded by stating that I truly believed that my regressions had been a necessary part of my life journey. The time spent in these sessions brought me into great understanding of myself as an eternal and immortal being. I learned many valuable lessons about myself and my fellow humans during those months with my therapist. Most importantly, I learned that we had been taught wrongly about ourselves—that we were not bodies with souls but rather we were souls using a physical body to gain experiences in lifetime after lifetime.
This knowledge changed my entire outlook on life and death, and from that I continue to grow and learn every day of my life during this incarnation.

My friend was quiet after my explanation and then uttered a soft, "Wow."
I continued with a little more advice sensing she might like it. I admitted that I had been very fortunate because of the timing of various mentors who came into my life just after I had had a third near death experience. And then my regression therapist entering my life in the way she did and at the precise time that my soul was ready for her to appear was a continuation of the miracle of timing. She was a professional man and a certified hypnotherapist and he led me carefully yet firmly along the path I needed to follow for the next phase of my journey in this incarnation. She opened my eyes to the vastness of eternity and brought me to understanding of so many of the fears, loves, and ideals that were a part of my present lifetime. Without this knowledge I might have stumbled through my life unmindful of so many things that would have probably impeded my soul's growth. Without my regressions I knew my life would have been mostly one dimensional and devoid of a greater understanding. I will be forever grateful to my mentors and my therapist for being the lights I needed in my life.

My friend wanted to know how she could find a past life regression therapist. I told her that the first place to start might be locally. Many cities—even the smaller ones—often have a good base of spiritually enlightened people. The world has thankfully changed a great deal as it regards spiritual communities since the time I was undergoing regression sessions. Contacting one of these groups is usually relatively easy.
There are also online sources, and in this more modern time, past life readings can also be done at a distance and often without the need to be regressed by hypnosis or in an office. I do have some issues with this micro-wave mentality to the seriousness of hands on healing, but I have had great success with using long distance personification and the web chat option is admirable to me.
I cautioned my friend to make sure that any therapist she may choose is one she has checked out. And if she was comfortable with me as her healer I would be honored but also would help her seek one that was intune personally to her soul purpose.
If she went on her own to find an assist I told her:
If the therapist has a website, check it out. Read any testimonials there. Call the person and speak with them on the phone. Where did they get their training? Could you have a reference or two to speak with about the therapist's work with them?
If the therapist asks for any info other than perhaps your name or phone number or email address (some may ask for a date of birth) give that info but no more. Readings can be sent as an email attachment and they don't usually require a physical address. Never give out your social security number. My therapist knew my name, date of birth, and mailing address and that was it. But we did work hands on in a personal setting.
Find out the cost for the session or sessions. The cost should not be exorbitant.
By the time our conversation was winding up, my friend had decided to write out her list of answers to the four questions and go ahead and seek out a regression therapist. I wished her the very best of luck as she began the next phase of her spiritual journey. I told her that I admired her courage and her open-mindedness, and she thanked me for my time and promised to order my books on the subject—for which I thanked her.
When we spoke a few months later, she told me she had found a marvelous regression therapist who was out of state and doing long distance sessions with her. Amazingly enough she had discovered a lifetime spent in ancient Egypt, and so far not one "nasty" thing had been uncovered about her past incarnations.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Tarot Reading for Yourself

Tarot Reading for Yourself

Dr Raven Dolick Nov 16, 2014

All rights reserved

Being a tarot reader but finding it difficult to read for yourself is a bit like a cobbler whose children have no shoes. Right up there with, "I know what all the cards mean but I cannot seem to make a clear answer when I do a spread," "How can I read for myself?" is a common question tarot readers ask me. This article will give you some tips that should help for those I have been asked.
Blessing my lovelies..

If you are like me, one of the reasons readings for ourselves can be unsatisfying is that we don't treat readings for ourselves as we do for others. When reading for others, most readers prepare themselves in some way, whether it is a ritual, meditation, saying a quick blessing, lighting a candle, etc. We should take just as long, and in some ways, longer, to prepare for reading for ourselves.

1.Calm, Ground, and Center
Like any other person, when we are in the throes of emotional turmoil, we want instant answers and comfort. Most readers agree that it is not optimal to read for someone in a highly-charged state, so the first thing is to wait until you are calmer and can approach the cards with as much objectivity as possible. This may take just a short meditation or a few deep breaths, or it may take a day or two. Giving your emotions space and honoring them is necessary if you are to tap into your logical and intuitive skills with clarity.

The next tips are useful, regardless of whether or not you feel emotionally charged.

2. Write Out Your Question
This may take time as well. There is something about writing that forces us to be precise. Also, the act of reflecting upon your question will help you see the layers and perhaps heretofore unnoticed aspects of the question. Imagine that someone else came to you with this question. What, if anything, would you ask them before proceeding? Do the same for yourself.

3. Think About the Answer You Desire
One of the pitfalls of reading for yourself is spinning whatever cards come so that they suit what you hope will be the answer. Once you've thought about what you would consider your "best case scenario" answer, think about the cards that might come up to represent that answer. Write them down and why you think they'd herald that answer.

4. Think About the Answer You Dread
What would be the answer you don't want to see? Think about the cards that would represent that scenario. Write them down and include why they would indicate that outcome. This is important; no one wants bad news and so it is easy to justify any spin we put on the cards that might come up. By identifying ahead of time what these cards might be, it is easier to honest with yourself.

You can do this for as many variations on possible outcomes as you like; you are not limited to only the "worst" and "best."

5. Make Your Reading an Event
Treat it as you would a reading for a friend or client. If you light candles; set a nice space; ask for guidance from a deity, the universe, a guide, or your higher self; do this for yourself. Consulting your cards and employing your skills and gifts has value, so value them just as equally when you read for yourself.

6. One Reading Only
Just as many readers will only read for a specific question once in an allotted time period, determine that no matter what your reading says, you will only read once on this topic. A reading is an opportunity to converse with the divine. Respect that by respecting the cards laid and do not scoop them up in a fit of pique and start over.

Some people suggest using small spreads when reading for yourself. I think that you should use whatever spread(s) or techniques that you normally would use if someone came to you with this question.
1.You Are Your Own Client
Imagine that you, in your role as the reader, are channeling your higher self, guide, or source of wisdom. As the reader, interpret the reading out loud, using your name, as if you are talking to yourself (which you are). If possible, record the reading. Many readers, when they are in the flow or feeling tapped in, don't always remember what they say as they interpret the reading. If you record yourself, you will not miss any important messages.

2. Eschew Clarifiers
I'm never a fan of clarifiers. Not that I haven't or don't use them, but I think often they are overused. Try to stick with the cards that are present; they are there for a reason. If you are well and truly stuck, let the reading sit for a day or two and come back to it with fresh eyes. Or meditate on the card that is causing the roadblock. Memorize the card, close your eyes, and step into the card. Ask any characters or creatures present the questions you have about the card. The ego has ways of protecting itself, so the card may contain wisdom that it is not willing to hear. Going into a meditative state may make it easier to quell the ego and find the treasure in what at first glance appears to be an unfathomable or troubling card.

3. Look for Your Signposts
In preparing for the reading, you noted down specific cards that might indicate various outcomes. Look for those signposts and pay special attention to them.

4. End Strong
No matter what the outcome of the reading, include an action step. While there are some things truly beyond your control, no matter what happens, you always have the opportunity to take some kind of action or learn some kind of lesson. Leave yourself with the same optimism and sense of empowerment that you would give any friend or client.

A Technique
If you are reading about two or more choices, this technique is a great way to help with objectivity. Write your choices on separate small pieces of paper. Fold them up and mix them up so you don't know which is which. Lay them on the table (do whatever you need to do to make sure you truly don't know which is which). Then pull cards for each piece of paper and interpret the mini-readings. Without looking at the papers, decide which, simply based on the cards pulled, is the one you want. Then, look at the paper and you'll have your answer.

Practice Makes Perfect
One reason you may find it hard to read for yourself is that you aren't comfortable with it. Reading for yourself takes some mental adjustments. Also, we generally only read for ourselves when we are in a crisis or emotional turmoil. To build your skill in reading for yourself, practice reading for yourself on non-emotional or non-crucial topics. When you do these readings, follow all the steps…don't scrimp! that you become comfortable with them and they become second nature. The more comfortable you become, the easier it is to tap into or hear the voice of wisdom that we all seek during readings.

Second Opinions
Sometimes, despite all our best efforts, we simply cannot read for ourselves. In that case, there is nothing wrong with getting a second opinion. I have some tips about this (of course).
1.Don't Ask Others to Interpret Your Cards
I believe that the cards that come up in a reading are specific to the reader who laid them. You may have a certain way of interpreting the 5 of Swords and that's why it came up for you. If you ask someone else their opinion, you're going to get what the 5 of Swords means for them.

2. Again, One Reading Only
We all know this, don't we? Don't go from reader to reader until you get the answer you want.

3. Readers You Trust
Have a group of readers you trust and can go to for readings. Many readers have readers, just as priests have confessors and therapists have therapists. I actually have several. When I want a no-nonsense reading, a spiritual exploration, or a brainstorming reading, I know which of my readers best fit those needs. One reader may not fit all your needs.

Reading for yourself can challenging, but as with anything else, a little practice, patience, and intelligence, and you can turn it into a very rewarding activity.

More about me and our worldwide outreach:


Chakras and Functional Dysfunctional Archetype
Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov 20, 2014
All rights reserved

Each of the Chakras has a dysfunctional and functional archetype associated with it.
The dysfunctional archetype of the Throat Chakra is the Silent Child. I have worked with a number of clients recently who have a damaged Throat Chakra and a Silent Child who longs to be heard.
As children, many of us were not allowed to speak our truth or to voice our needs. We had to hold in our feelings and not reveal our hurt, pain or anger openly. We could not reveal our intense pain, sorrow or abuse. We felt safer by staying silent or jokingly hiding our true feelings.
But my lovelies it's time to relinquish that of our youth and evolve. Speak up and hold not your voice!
The Grand Cardinal Cross is coming to an end, leaving chaos and destruction in its path. Its purpose was to create change, on a personal and global level, and create change it did! Who we were a month ago is not who we are now, or who we will be next month. We will never be the same again, and neither will the world we live in. This complete destruction is a good thing, bringing us to zero point so we can be recreated.
The area of our lives that has needed the most healing is the one that has been highlighted. For some it is health, others finances. For many of us, it is relationships, and there has been a massive increase in the tensions with our family, friends and coworkers. Issues that need to be healed have been forced into the Light to be faced. We are being given no choice but to deal with these issues, to heal them so we can move forward in a more whole state.
Before our Soul chose to incarnate, it chose the lessons it wanted to focus on in this lifetime. It then asked other Souls to assist with those lessons. Our parents and siblings loved us so much that they vowed to push every button they could to help us to overcome the issues we chose to heal.
As you asked, your Mother agreed to judge you as much as possible until you learned to no longer accept judgment from others. Remember asking her ‘No matter what I do or say, don’t stop until I learn this.’? Your siblings may be helping you to learn to stand up for yourself and set boundaries.
Even though the human side of us thinks it is their issue – Mom is too judgmental, Sister is bossy, etc. – in reality, it is all about us learning what our Soul chose for us to learn.
Once we have no reason to react to them pushing our buttons, they will no longer have a reason to push them.
You can struggle for lifetimes to learn what the lessons are and release them, without success. You can continue to have the same experiences over and over and over, hoping that your human mind will figure it out.
Or, you can order a Heart and Soul Healing Session to easily and gently find the core issues, release them and learn powerful techniques to continue healing.
It is time for all of us to learn to love and value ourselves and our healing. The Universe is giving us no other choice.
Be kind to your soul my lovelies. Do it right this time and embrace the stripping of your soul journey as all of us are nekked and exposed.
I f I may help in your rediscovery of soul purpose then my heart to yours.
INjoy also my work with the Crystal Children here:

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Reiki What it is and ISNT

Reiki 101: Healing Energy
By Dr Raven Dolick MsD May 11, 2014
All rights reserved

*** This article is presented as a basic informative for those seeking Reiki h...ealing. It is intended to help navigate the huge influx of new age scams wrapped around this modality and how to spot them.
Reiki is a traditional Japanese healing modality which involves the channeling of the universal life force.
What is Reiki?
Reiki comes from two Japanese words which translate to "universal life force." This universal life force is an energy found within all things -- people, animals, plants, rocks, treesaa even the earth itself. Someone trained in the use of Reiki channels that life force, allowing the recipient to receive the healing energy.
Eastern Methods, Western Medicine:
This healing modality came to us from Japan, but Western medicine is finally beginning to recognize its benefits. Major medical centers, including the hospital at Ohio State University, are now discovering the value of integrative healing -- in other words, traditional Eastern healing methods are used to complement modern medicine.
Symbols and Spirit Guides:
Part of Reiki treatment includes the use of sacred symbols. In some traditions, these are kept secret from anyone who is not initiated into the system. In other paths, some symbols have been made public by way of books and the Internet. In addition to the symbols, however, a Reiki practitioner may call upon spirit guides, ascended masters, or angels, depending on their spiritual path. Reiki in itself is not a religion, and people from many different faiths practice it.
Healing Energy:
In Reiki, healing takes place on an emotional, spiritual, and physical level. The practitioner focuses on the recipient's chakra systems. Sometimes these imbalances are due to physical ailments -- a headache, a stomach virus, etc. Other times, it may be related to some sort of emotional or spiritual issue that the person hasn’t resolved yet -- relationship issues, problems at work, anger at a parent or spouse. By transferring Reiki energy into the recipient, the practitioner can help the individual heal through whichever issues are at hand.
Benefits of Reiki:
Reiki can be used to treat a number of ailments, both physical and emotional. According to its founder, Dr. Mikao Usui, just a few of the many benefits of Reiki are:
• Treat emotional wounds from earlier in life
• Provide calming energy to someone who may be overwhelmed by stress
• Purify food or drink by blessing them with Reiki energy
• Use in tandem with conventional health practices and medicine
• Improve or amplify spiritual awareness
• Relieve pain caused by disease or injury
• Provide therapeutic relief for someone who may be grieving a loss
Most people who wish to become practitioners of Reiki attend classes. Although a lot can be learned from books, there is much to be said for the hands-on approach of in-person instruction. Not only that, there are "attunements", which are basically Reiki initiations, which one can only receive from a Reiki master, and not out of the pages of a book or on a website. Once you have found a prospective teacher, be sure to ask about the individual's credentials, and how long they have been working with Reiki.
Among Reiki practitioners, there are basically two camps: traditional, and non-traditional, and the definitions vary significantly, depending on who you ask. Some feel that anyone who has strayed from the original teachings set forth by Dr. Usui, founder of the Usui system, is considered non-traditional.
What Reiki is not:
• A religion -- if you study Reiki, you will not be asked to worship a particular deity, nor will you be asked to give up your present religion. Reiki can work in tandem with your spirituality, but does not replace it.
• A substitute for medical care from a physician -- if someone has a medical condition that requires treatment, they need to see a doctor. A Reiki practitioner can help with pain management and emotional healing, but should never make a diagnosis.
• Massage therapy -- someone looking for therapeutic massage should see a licensed massage therapist.

Meditation 101 Course Study

Meditation 101 An Overview

Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov 20, 2014

All rights reserved

What is meditation?
For some folks in the Western hemisphere, meditation is often seen as some sort of “new-age hippie” fad, something that you do right before you eat granola and hug a spotted owl. However, Eastern civilizations have known about the power of meditation and used it to control the mind and expand the consciousness.
Today, Western thinking is finally catching up, and there is an increasing awareness of what meditation is and what it can be used for. The benefits of meditation are mentioned not only by Wiccans and Pagans but by health practitioners and other everyday people.

How does meditation work?
The mind is made up of many facets, many of which we have not even begun to tap into. The conscious mind consists of all the things you’re aware of on a daily basis: can I pay my bills? Does my lover still love me? Will my parents get sick? Did I forget to clean the cat box? There is also the subconscious mind – all the things you know, but don’t know that you know. This is where things like memory and involuntary body functions come from. Finally, there is the part called the super consciousness, which is the higher self, the center of spiritual growth and well-being.

What happens in a meditation session?
Meditation allows you to focus on the subconscious and the super conscious minds. During a meditative session, you may find yourself meeting various archetypes, or encountering things that seem symbolic. This is your mind’s way of telling you what’s going on, and all you have to do is figure out how to interpret the message.

Guided meditations:
There are different meditation techniques, one of which is called guided meditation. In this technique, a guide – either in person or via a recording – leads the meditation, telling you where to go and what you see. They may include things such as, “You are walking down a path in the woods,” or “There is a person coming towards you who holds something in her hand.” For beginners, a guided meditation is excellent, because it provides a good idea of what meditation actually is, and allows you to center your focus. You can buy commercially produced guided meditation CDs, or you can create your own with a tape recorder.

Freeform meditation:
Freeform meditation is one where there is no guide, and you simply let your mind wander. To do this, sit comfortably and allow yourself to relax as much as possible. Some people like to lie down when meditating, but others find that they fall asleep when they do so. Choose whichever method is best for you.

Where should I meditate?
Find a place where you can be relatively undisturbed. Turn off the phone and the television, put the kids to bed, and close the windows if there’s traffic outside. In some traditions, meditation is only performed inside a sacred space, so feel free to cleanse and consecrate the area as you see fit. Remove any possible distractions, and wear clothing that’s comfortable. In fact, you can meditate skyclad (nude) if you choose.

When is a good time to meditate?
As to when you meditate, the best time is whenever you can get some quiet time. If that’s in the morning before everyone else gets up, great. If it’s at night when your family has gone to bed, that’s fine too. Many people like to meditate at night so they can go outside and meditate under the moon and stars. Whatever time you decide to practice, try to do it at the same time every day. This will allow you for more consistency, and get you into good meditation habits.


Three Huge World Wide Changes That Are Going To Happen Within Ten Years.

The following is a synopsis of a talk given by futurist David Houle.

Most people do not like change but in the next decade humanity is going to experience a rapid ch...ange unlike any ever seen before.
We are in a transformative period. We have just started a new millennium. During this time during the last millennium, we were in the dark ages.
Change occurs so much faster today. We will advanced more in the next 100 years than we did all of the last millennium. Probably even faster. Many are estimating within 10 years.

There are three forces at work which will completely change humanity.
First there is a flow to global. We are now in the nation-state period. All that is left is the planet-state. Everything is going to become global. As younger generations come to power, they are not going to have the same loyalties and ties to nation and corporation that their parents and grandparents had.
Second, at the same time everything is also going to be flowing to the individual. This is because we are being given more and more choices in every single part of our life. This causes power to flow from the producer to the consumer and from the institution to the individual.

Just 30 or 40 years ago we had access to just two newspapers or three television stations for our information. Now with the internet we have access to unlimited information and therefore unlimited choice.

Third, all of humanity is being connected electronically. And this is empowering the individual. This is giving leverage to third world countries. They can connect and compete just as any other nation.
There are over 5 billion cell phone subscribers. “There is no time or distance limiting human communication.”
Place has been eliminated in human connection. It does not matter where you are. This is so empowering. This will cause upheavals in dictatorships. The people can see and connect past the rule and propaganda of the dictator.
We are moving from structure to nets. We don’t need to work in a big high rise corporate building. We can work anywhere we have a computer. We can connect to anyone from almost anywhere in the world.

This gives us two realities. We have our physical reality and now we have a screen reality. The screen reality is just as important as the physical reality. Power is no longer in the hands of institutions who advertise to tell you what to buy, what to do, and how to be. Power is now in the individual. You influence those you are connected to on the web.
We are moving from physical to non-physical. Just consider money. Money is now mostly just a figure on a computer screen.

Institutions are going to have to change their form if they want to stay current and compete financially. If they don’t they will not survive.

Most people are still stuck in twentieth century thinking and are not able to see the change coming. This is why so many things especially with our government are not working.
Everything changes. Just look back on your life and see how much the world has changed already. Now get ready for a big one.
Within the next 10 years it is highly likely our entire world will be under one government. Sounds shocking doesn’t it? But so many things are pointing in that direction.
We will still have our nation-states but there will be one central government for most of the world.

Your life is in a state of shift. Are you one of the many who can’t see it yet? Are you still holding on to beliefs of the past?
Accept that these changes are coming and coming very quickly. Put yourself in the position to take advantage of the change and not be blindsided, confused and not know what to do.
This is an incredible time to be alive.

It is very important and definitely time to make sure you are prepared for the change to come.
Follow us here and engage.
We are the New Earth!

2015? You know What's Up? I Do!

To my shining RavenStars

 As the year winds down, it's time to start thinking about what the new year will bring. The Sun's move into open-minded Sagittarius today is joined by a potent New Moon in the same sign, which has us feeling a doub...le-dose of optimism about the future -- but 2015 is going to be a very challenging year that you need to get prepared for!

Of course, the infamous Uranus-Pluto squares will continue to shake up every part of your life, while serious Saturn's move into philosophical Sagittarius could trigger a crisis of faith in a certain part of your life.

Fortunately Jupiter's move into Virgo will deliver a welcomed boost of physical and mental health. For the best outcome, knowledge is going to be your most powerful tool as you step into 2015!

Prepare with this... (my benefit program handles everything the serious practitioner need to navigate the cosmic tides):!/Monthly-Member-Benefit-Package/p/10002537/category=2441583


Why We Are Here
Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov 20, 2014
All rights reserved
The biggest mystery in spiritual philosophy has always been, “WHY did God create the universe?”
This was the eternal question, the ultimate question that no one was able to answer for thousands of years. Now, you’re about to discover the answer.
Once you know the answer, just imagine what it will be like to wake up every morning and know that you hold the key to the very reason for life itself. Not just the key to your own purpose, but the master key to the very reason for the existence of the universe!
Having gained this profound depth of understanding, imagine the sense of purpose and destiny that will be yours each and every day. You are about to discover the answer to what was the most ancient mystery on earth: The reason why the universe was created in the first place.
Here’s how the question was presented throughout the millennia and why it always led to an unresolved dilemma. First, think of what existed before the universe was ever created. Remember, before the beginning, the Original Consciousness we call God was pure beingness. There was no form, just an awareness that was silent, immobile, timeless perfection.
And yet, possessed with perfection, God decided to go into action and create a universe filled with intelligent life that spends its time traveling back toward its divine source. The reason for the journey is to evolve through experience in order to eventually gain perfection.
Whoa! Wait a minute!
Why, as pundits have always asked, would God create a journey from imperfection, or incompleteness, back to a state of perfection which already exists? “What would be the point?”
You are about to discover the point, just as I did on that fateful morning in December 2007, when the answer was virtually dropped into my lap. After several decades of dedication to research into spiritual metaphysics, I must have gained friends in high places because a profoundly graceful spiritual presence came into my study and stayed long enough to make sure that I wrote down the answer to this mystery correctly.
Here it is.
“Curiosity was the first seed of action.”
The First Cause was Curiosity!
It was curiosity that led God to pose the questions:
“What would happen if I created a universe filled with an infinite number of parts and made my awareness be present in those parts?”
“What if I were able to see myself from those parts as they provided me with an infinite number of viewpoints?”
“What would the experience be like?”
Curiosity, therefore, is a divine attribute. As such, it should be treasured, nurtured and expanded.
Adventures begin with curiosity. Personal growth begins with curiosity. Spiritual growth is the crown jewel of personal growth because it is so closely related to your ultimate purpose in life.
Curiosity leads to a quest for knowledge, for an understanding of the spiritual principles that operate behind the scenes and yet directly affect everyone’s lives. Follow your divine sense of curiosity and discover the spiritual principles of existence. Set aside time at the start of each day for meditation and inner reflection.
Do this one thing to create a fuller life that becomes filled with purpose:
Make spiritual growth your number one priority!
Because really my lovelies, that old nature of yours just isn't working out there anymore.

RavenStar Enchantments Astrology Nov 22

 A NEW Moon occurs on Saturday, November 22, 2014, at 7:32 AM EST.

On Saturday morning, a New Moon occurs very early in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius. This lunation represents a new beginning. It's a time w...hen we can focus on some of the constructive traits of the sign of the Archer - optimistic, enthusiastic, adventurous, honest, outspoken, independent - and consider how to positively incorporate these qualities into our lives. Now, we can focus on goals that will increase our understanding and awareness, give us courage to expand our horizons, and gain confidence and optimism through a broader perspective. We can too easily get lost in the details of mundane existence.

With this potent Sagittarius energy, we can find ways to transcend these details of day-to-day life and nurture our faith, hope, and vision.

Because Sagittarius thinks in big terms, we may have a tendency to overdo our expectations - something to watch for. It's time to be a little more adventurous, and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our braveries, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks' time after the Full Moon occurs.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 0 degrees and 7 minutes of Sagittarius, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 26 to 30 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) and 0 to 4 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.

Moon phase cycle: Bigger picture:
Nov 22, 2014 7:32 AM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Nov 29, 2014 5:06 AM Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Dec 6, 2014 7:27 AM Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Dec 14, 2014 7:51 AM Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Dec 21, 2014 8:36 PM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)


Basic Sex Magick Analogy
Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov 20, 2014
All rights reserved
If you are a self claiming witch and have trouble with this you should re evaluate your witch!
Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.”
Oscar Wilde
Sex magick means using your sexuality in order to work magick. This technique is not new nor outrageous; although usually kept secret many esoteric systems use sexuality for spiritual and magical aims. Examples of such traditions are witchcraft, shamanism, alchemy, Buddhist and Hinduist tantra and ancient Egyptian religion. A probably more known form of sex magick is the ceremonial sexual union of man and woman on the land to ensure a good crop. Their fertility act should encourage the land to deliver a rich harvest. Western sex magick has its roots in Hebrew kabbalah and is spread further through several occult doctrines like the knights Templar and the free masons. Nowadays sex magick is a beautiful way of giving sex back its rightful place of sacred sexuality. It is a firm invitation to leave the trail of the sneaky, hidden-in-the-dark and ‘sinful’ sex most of us have grown up with. It is a call to stop fighting this most powerful human force and to make use of its possibilities. Since sexuality is a gift from God/the Goddess it has to be divine. Within an open and respectful sexual relationship we can experience ourselves in all our aspects: the animal part, the human part and the divine flame within. Thus the beast-man-God is connected, as well as the beast-woman-Goddess. During sexual arousal an enormous amount of energy can be channeled upwards from the genitals along the spine to the top of the head. On its way up this energy fills and cleans blockages in the Chakras, caused by emotional and psychological wounds. This explains why several spiritual paths view sexual yoga as a shortcut to enlightenment.
Why use sex for magical aims?
Simply because the creative force itself creates very powerful magick. Secondly because it is the most pleasurable magick one can do. The strong sexual force is the ‘raw oil of our body’ as Lama Yeshe stated. Several practitioners of sex magick reported that this form of magick turned out to be much stronger then the ceremonial magick they had practiced before. Sex magick does not require previous knowledge of ceremonial magick. Anyone who is dedicated to controlling and directing his or her sexual energies for magickal work, and who has a reasonable physical condition, is able to perform sex magick. However, if you don’t feel attracted to sex magick simply don’t do it! And never let someone force you into sex magick against your will.
Practicing sex magick neither implies that you have to give up sex for pleasure. It is up to you to decide how much sex you wish to use for magical rituals and how much for purely having a good time with yourself or your partner.
What is the theory behind sex magick?
In magick we manipulate a certain amount of energy into a desired direction; for that we specify a goal, raise energy and point it into the wished direction (release the energy) to achieve a manifestation in our physical reality. In sex magick we basically focus on a goal by affirmation, visualization etc.; we raise much energy through prolonged sexual arousal and we release the energy at the moment of orgasm. The goal in sex magick can be the achievement or attraction of anything wished in the physical world, like a new house, a better relationship or a healing. It can also be the charging of magickal tools or talismans. And the goal can be spiritual development.
This controlled form of love-making for higher purposes is often mentioned as the ultimate explanation of Crowley’s famous statement “Love is the Law, Love under Will.” By love Crowley meant the uniting of the opposites masculine and feminine, active and receptive, and not so much romantic love. Orgasm is considered to be the moment when ‘the gates of heaven open up’; for a while the barriers between the restricted physical world and the limitless heavens dissolve. During the precious orgasmic moments we swing away our magical desire into the universe with enormous power and a ‘magickal child’ is born. This magickal child is the astral effect of our magical action that will result in manifestation. The sexual fluids of man and woman are charged with powerful qualities because of their magick and they can be used for several purposes.
What types of sex can be used for sex magick?
In fact any sexual activity can be used to work sex magick. It can be practiced alone, it can be practiced with a partner of the same sex or of the opposite sex, and in advanced sex magick it is also possible to work with more people. But: a group sex magick ritual is never an excuse for a sexual orgy! It is a strong ritual in which several people dedicate their sexual forces towards a mutual goal. Magick is synergistic, what means that the power conjured up is geometric (1,2,4,8,16, etc., so a ritual with four people gives the energy of eight separate people!) Please remember that in no way this is an invitation to ever do a group ritual in your life unwanted, nor does it mean that joining a group ritual implies that you should also have sex with more than one partner in your personal love life. You can include all forms of sex in your ritual; it can be genital, oral or anal sex; it can be bondage, bizarre sex or whatever; as long as all partners included enjoy it and agree it’s okay.
Does sex magick feel different from regular sex?
In sex magick we concentrate on the ritual, while in regular sex we concentrate on the fantastic physical sensations and intimate togetherness. Sex magick rituals feel very pleasurable but they do feel different. They are simply intenser. A much greater amount of sexual energy is built up due to mainly two reasons:
• When you reach the brink of orgasm you back off to later on resume arousing. This leads to a stronger felt orgasm.
• While repeating the chosen affirmation during intercourse you send up energy from the genitals to the head, so you constantly send bits of genital excitement ‘away’ upwards along your spine to be stored till the moment of orgasm. By concentrating on your goal you extend the moment of orgasm and reach some sort of trance.
Sometimes I notice that halfway the ritual I can already feel the magical energy working. I feel a large amount of hot energy along my spine and the Chakras in my head, while the crown Chakra feels like a wide opened chalice or lotus flower. The energy can cause big shiverings or emotional unloads like crying, mostly after orgasm (be prepared for this and let it happen to yourself or your partner, it clears blockages). Sex magick orgasms will be intense. And after a ritual with a partner I feel reverent and grateful, realizing that we have shared something truly meaningful. Once you know the depths and values of sex magick I wonder if a partner who would prefer to stick to ‘normal’ sex could any longer satisfy your needs.
What about safe sex?
I have never heard of anyone who liked condoms, but they do have their effect on preventing sexual transferable diseases. So in case you do magick with a partner you’re not sure of his/her physical sexual health, or in case you have several partners or alternating partners – do yourself a favor and use a rubber (with favor). Please also be very careful with oral sex in case you or your partner have a bleeding wound or an ulcer in the mouth or on the genital area, or in case of an unusual looking or smelling sexual fluid. Take care of your body and see a doctor. Several sex magick authors emphasize the importance of the mingling of male and female sexual fluids; in case you have a partner who carries no sexual transferable disease it is great to (also) physically mingle sexual fluids; but in case you’re not sure please know that magick goes beyond matter, what means that on astral level sexual fluids are mingled anyway, condom or not.
INjoy my page for more of advanced metaphysics and pagan issues you all are so fond of here:

Friday, November 21, 2014

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Nov 21, 2014

Interfaith Study
Dr. Raven Dolick MsD Nov 20, 2014
All rights reserved

 We have been focusing a lot here on the positive aspects of interfaith studies. We need to remember that, for many, when faced with something t...hat appears different (e.g.: a religion, race, culture), they fear it. From that fear arises also the need to boost the ego by claiming that they are “better than” or their religion, culture is “better than” somehow “more correct, more right” than the way the “other” people are living, believing. Fear, combined with an overlay of self-proclaimed righteousness, has been a fertile ground for much of humanity’s sad history.
Differences between various religions and philosophies need not divide and separate, but can instead enrich our lives and deepen our capacity to love. Any minister can do their part to eliminate religious intolerance and fear by helping those they interface with to find understanding, respect, and a common ground to interact.

Here is my prime example:
For Comparative Religion, and continuing the theme of Interfaith, it is appropriate to briefly review the many similarities of teachings throughout the world’s belief systems. The texts are divided up to relate to familiar subjects.

The Golden Rule:
bahaiBaha'i Faith: "He should not wish for others that which he doth not wish for himself, nor promise that which he doth not fulfill."

Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 266

buddhistBuddhism: “Hurt not others in ways you find hurtful.”

Tripitaka, Udnana-varga 5.18

christianChristianity: “Therefore all things whatsoever you desire that men should do to you, do you evenso unto them; for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

Matt. 7:12

ConfusicianConfucianism: “Tzu-Kung asked: "Is there one principle upon which one's whole life may proceed?" The Master replied, "Is not Reciprocity such a principle? ...what you do not yourself desire, do not put before others." “

Analects of Confucius, Book XV, Chapter XXIIl (Legge Translation 1861)

ConfuciousConfucianism: “Try your best to treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, and you will find that this is the shortest way to benevolence.”

Mencius VII.A.4

HinduismHinduism: “This is the sum of the Dharma: do not unto others that which would cause pain if done to you.”

Mahabharata 5:1517

IslamIslam: “Not one of you is a believer unless he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.”

Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi 13

JudaismJudaism: “What is hurtful to yourself do not to your fellow man. That is the whole of the Torah and the remainder is but commentary.”

Talmud, Shabbat 31a

JainismJainism: “A man should wander about treating all creatures as he himself would be treated.”

Sutrakritanga 1.11.33

Native AmericanNative American: “All things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really One.”

Black Elk

TaoTaoist: “The sage has no interest of his own, but takes the interests of the people as his own. He is kind to the kind; he is also kind to the unkind: for Virtue is kind. He is faithful to the faithful; he is also faithful to the unfaithful: for Virtue is faithful.”

Tao Teh Ching, Chapter 49 trans. by John C. H. Wu

WiccaWiccan: “An it harms none, do as ye will.”

ZorastrianZorastrian: “That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself.”

Zend Avesta, Dadistan-i-dinik 94:5


BahaiBaha'i Faith: "I charge you all that each one of you concentrate all the thoughts of your heart on love and unity. When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love. Thoughts of war bring destruction to all harmony, well-being, restfulness and content. Thoughts of love are constructive of brotherhood, peace, friendship, and happiness."

Abdu'l-Baha Paris Talks, p. 29

BuddhistBuddhism: “Victory breeds hatred, for the defeated live in pain. Happily live the peaceful, giving up victory and defeat.”

Dhammapada 201

christianChristianity: “Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of G d.”

Matthew 5:9 King James Version

ChristianJudaismChristianity & Judaism: “Do you want long life and happiness? Strive for peace with all your heart.”

Psalm 34: 12, 14 King James Version

ChristianJudaismChristianity & Judaism: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace.”

Isaiah 52:7 (partial verse)

ConfucianismConfucianism: "Through what can the Empire be settled? Through unity. Who can unite it? One who is not fond of killing."

Mencius 1.A.6

ConfuscianismHinduism: “As rivers flow into the ocean but cannot make the vast ocean overflow, so flow the streams of the sense world into the sea of peace that is the sage.”

Bhagavad Gita 2.70

OmHinduism: “Peace be to earth and to airy spaces! Peace be to heaven, peace to the waters, peace to the plants and peace to the trees! May all the gods grant me peace! By this invocation of peace may peace be diffused! By this invocation of peace may peace bring peace! With this peace the dreadful I appease, with this peace the cruel I appease, with this peace all evil I appease, so that peace may prevail, happiness prevail! May everything for us be peaceful!”

Atharva Veda 19.9.14

IslamIslam : “And make not Allah by your swearing (by him) an obstacle to your doing good and guarding (against evil) and making peace between men, and Allah is hearing and knowing.”

Qur'an 2.224

IslamIslam: “And if they lean to peace, lean you also to it; and put your trust in Allah; surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing.”

Qur'an 8:61

JudaismJudaism: “The whole of the Torah is for the purpose of promoting peace.”

Talmud, Gittin 59b

JudaismJudaism: “Rabbi Baruqa of Huza often went to the marketplace at Lapet. One day, the prophet Elijah appeared to him there, and Rabbi Baruqa asked him, "Is there anyone among all these people who will have a share in the World to Come?" Elijah answered, "There is none." Later, two men came to the marketplace, and Elijah said to Rabbi Baruqa, "Those two will have a share in the World to Come!" Rabbi Baruqa asked the newcomers, "What is your occupation?" They replied, "We are clowns. When we see someone who is sad, we cheer him up. When we see two people quarreling, we try to make peace between them."”

Talmud, Ta'anit 22a

KhandaSikhism: “Now is the gracious Lord's ordinance promulgated, No one shall cause another pain or injury; All mankind shall live in peace together, Under a shield of administrative benevolence.”

Adi Granth, Sri Raga, M.5, p. 74

TaoTaoism: “Tao invariably takes no action, and yet there is nothing left undone. If kings and barons can keep it, all things will transform spontaneously. If, after transformation, they should desire to be active, I would restrain them with simplicity, which has no name. Simplicity, which has no name, is free of desires. Being free of desires, it is tranquil. And the world will be at peace of its own accord.”

Tao Te Ching 37

Seek Within:
bahaiBaha'i Faith: "O SON OF SPIRIT! I created thee rich, why dost thou bring thyself down to poverty? Noble I made thee, wherewith dost thou abase thyself? Out of the essence of knowledge I gave thee being, why seekest thou enlightenment from anyone besides Me? Out of the clay of love I molded thee, how dost thou busy thyself with another? Turn thy sight unto thyself, that thou mayest find Me standing within thee, mighty, powerful and self-subsisting."

Baha'u'llah, The Hidden Words, Arabic #13

BuddhismBuddhism: “If you think the Law is outside yourself, you are embracing not the absolute Law but some inferior teaching.”

Maja writings of Nichinen Daishonion Vol. 1, pg.3-5

ChristianChristianity: “The kingdom of G d cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of G d is within you.”

Luke 17:20-21 King James Version

ConfuscianismConfucianism: “The Superior Man seeks within himself. The inferior man seeks within others.”

Analects 15:20

HinduHinduism: “Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart. Everything that moves, breathes, opens, and closes Lives in the Self. He is the source of love and may be known through love but not through thought. He is the goal of life. Attain this goal! The shining Self dwells hidden in the heart. Everything in the cosmos, great and small, Lives in the Self. He is the source of life, Truth beyond the transience of this world. He is the goal of life. Attain this goal!”

Mundaka Upanishad 2.2.1-2

ShintoShintoism: “The deity is immanent in man and man is inherent in the deity; there is neither the divine nor the human; there is no difference in essence at all between them.”

KhandaSikhism: “This is a wonderful, unique discourse: The living self is the image of the Supreme Being. It is neither old nor a child; Neither it suffers pain, nor in death's snare is caught; It is not shattered nor dies; In all time it is pervasive. It feels not heat nor cold; Neither has it friend nor foe; It feels not joy nor sorrow: All is its own; to it belongs all might. It has neither father nor mother; Beyond the limits of matter has it ever existed. Of sin and goodness it feels not the touch-- Within the heart of each being it is ever awake.”

Thursday, November 20, 2014

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Nov 20, 2014

Chakras and Functional Dysfunctional Archetype

Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov 20, 2014

All rights reserved

Each of the Chakras has a dysfunctional and functional archetype associated with it.

The dysfunctional archetype of the Throat Chakra is the Silent Child. I have worked with a number of clients recently who have a damaged Throat Chakra and a Silent Child who longs to be heard.
As children, many of us were not allowed to speak our truth or to voice our needs. We had to hold in our feelings and not reveal our hurt, pain or anger openly. We could not reveal our intense pain, sorrow or abuse. We felt safer by staying silent or jokingly hiding our true feelings.
But my lovelies it's time to relinquish that of our youth and evolve. Speak up and hold not your voice!

The Grand Cardinal Cross is coming to an end, leaving chaos and destruction in its path. Its purpose was to create change, on a personal and global level, and create change it did! Who we were a month ago is not who we are now, or who we will be next month. We will never be the same again, and neither will the world we live in. This complete destruction is a good thing, bringing us to zero point so we can be recreated.
The area of our lives that has needed the most healing is the one that has been highlighted. For some it is health, others finances. For many of us, it is relationships, and there has been a massive increase in the tensions with our family, friends and coworkers. Issues that need to be healed have been forced into the Light to be faced. We are being given no choice but to deal with these issues, to heal them so we can move forward in a more whole state.
Before our Soul chose to incarnate, it chose the lessons it wanted to focus on in this lifetime. It then asked other Souls to assist with those lessons. Our parents and siblings loved us so much that they vowed to push every button they could to help us to overcome the issues we chose to heal.
As you asked, your Mother agreed to judge you as much as possible until you learned to no longer accept judgment from others. Remember asking her ‘No matter what I do or say, don’t stop until I learn this.’? Your siblings may be helping you to learn to stand up for yourself and set boundaries.

Even though the human side of us thinks it is their issue – Mom is too judgmental, Sister is bossy, etc. – in reality, it is all about us learning what our Soul chose for us to learn.
Once we have no reason to react to them pushing our buttons, they will no longer have a reason to push them.

You can struggle for lifetimes to learn what the lessons are and release them, without success. You can continue to have the same experiences over and over and over, hoping that your human mind will figure it out.
Or, you can order a Heart and Soul Healing Session to easily and gently find the core issues, release them and learn powerful techniques to continue healing.

It is time for all of us to learn to love and value ourselves and our healing. The Universe is giving us no other choice.
Be kind to your soul my lovelies. Do it right this time and embrace the stripping of your soul journey as all of us are nekked and exposed.
I f I may help in your rediscovery of soul purpose then my heart to yours.