Thursday, November 20, 2014

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Nov 20, 2014

Chakras and Functional Dysfunctional Archetype

Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov 20, 2014

All rights reserved

Each of the Chakras has a dysfunctional and functional archetype associated with it.

The dysfunctional archetype of the Throat Chakra is the Silent Child. I have worked with a number of clients recently who have a damaged Throat Chakra and a Silent Child who longs to be heard.
As children, many of us were not allowed to speak our truth or to voice our needs. We had to hold in our feelings and not reveal our hurt, pain or anger openly. We could not reveal our intense pain, sorrow or abuse. We felt safer by staying silent or jokingly hiding our true feelings.
But my lovelies it's time to relinquish that of our youth and evolve. Speak up and hold not your voice!

The Grand Cardinal Cross is coming to an end, leaving chaos and destruction in its path. Its purpose was to create change, on a personal and global level, and create change it did! Who we were a month ago is not who we are now, or who we will be next month. We will never be the same again, and neither will the world we live in. This complete destruction is a good thing, bringing us to zero point so we can be recreated.
The area of our lives that has needed the most healing is the one that has been highlighted. For some it is health, others finances. For many of us, it is relationships, and there has been a massive increase in the tensions with our family, friends and coworkers. Issues that need to be healed have been forced into the Light to be faced. We are being given no choice but to deal with these issues, to heal them so we can move forward in a more whole state.
Before our Soul chose to incarnate, it chose the lessons it wanted to focus on in this lifetime. It then asked other Souls to assist with those lessons. Our parents and siblings loved us so much that they vowed to push every button they could to help us to overcome the issues we chose to heal.
As you asked, your Mother agreed to judge you as much as possible until you learned to no longer accept judgment from others. Remember asking her ‘No matter what I do or say, don’t stop until I learn this.’? Your siblings may be helping you to learn to stand up for yourself and set boundaries.

Even though the human side of us thinks it is their issue – Mom is too judgmental, Sister is bossy, etc. – in reality, it is all about us learning what our Soul chose for us to learn.
Once we have no reason to react to them pushing our buttons, they will no longer have a reason to push them.

You can struggle for lifetimes to learn what the lessons are and release them, without success. You can continue to have the same experiences over and over and over, hoping that your human mind will figure it out.
Or, you can order a Heart and Soul Healing Session to easily and gently find the core issues, release them and learn powerful techniques to continue healing.

It is time for all of us to learn to love and value ourselves and our healing. The Universe is giving us no other choice.
Be kind to your soul my lovelies. Do it right this time and embrace the stripping of your soul journey as all of us are nekked and exposed.
I f I may help in your rediscovery of soul purpose then my heart to yours.

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