Saturday, April 23, 2016

YOU Are The Creator! Dr Raven Dolick MsD

YOU Are The Creator!
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
All rights reserved
The future is never written in stone; every decision we make and every action we perform creates it. There are an infinite number of probable futures, but all of them are the outcomes of actions taken in the present. Live in the now, take steps today and reap rewards in the future!
This may sound like the plot of a science fiction story, but it’s a common theory about how the future can be predicted and engineered. In fact, there are certain models of Quantum Mechanics that suggest future events may actually send bits of information into the past that act as “attractors” that increase the probability of their occurrence.
Ideals, Beliefs, Motivations and Influences of the Cycles
We cannot deny that we attract certain results of our actions because of our beliefs, values, ideals and motivations. In Numerology, the various chart components describe these qualities, and their relative strengths and weaknesses over time.
As you embark on the study of your Numerology Chart, you’ll learn about arithmetic methods of finding various time cycles based on your Total Name Number and your Life Path number. All of these cycles have a certain “periods of influence.” Some of these periods will cover a number of years, while others have much shorter time spans. Each of these periods has its own quality, defined by the numeric (or alphabet) symbol of its vibrational pattern and its relation to other key numbers in your chart.
These time cycles also come with challenges – patterns that can be worked with so that the life runs more smoothly. These challenges are computed in many ways, and are prominent during certain cycles, and less emphasized in others.
Through understanding these time cycles and their meanings, predictions about their nature can be made and often with stunning accuracy. But predicting the future is only a small part of working with Numerology. What’s infinitely more important is what to do with the information you gather from the art.
Action Breeds Success
If you learn that a certain time could feature a financially successful event or transaction, a big boost for your love-life or an abundance of blissful feelings and healing, would it make sense to wait for it to happen? Luck and success follow action; only opportunity can precede it. If you have knowledge that a certain period of time in the future could result in failure, loneliness or illness, would you resign yourself to accepting it and not do anything about it? Misfortune is only certain when you do nothing to avert it.
When positive vibrational patterns manifest, they can do one of two things. They can bring forth the good gifts of this abundant Universe, or they can act to protect you from the difficulties that you may encounter in daily life. With a little self-knowledge and determination, most difficulties can be channeled into useful actions, so that the positive aspects of these vibrational complexes can manifest.
Consciously Create the Best Outcomes
All of the numbers contain the seeds of good or ill fortune within them. If you are acting consciously to attain the best possible expression of the numbers, you’ll find that the more difficult ones are supporting you in their own way. You are expressing all of the qualities of the numbers all of the time, and unless you’re consciously working with your chart, the various energies will express themselves randomly through the unconscious, bringing uncontrolled, unexpected and usually uncomfortable results.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Metaphysics of Synchronicities Explained Dr. Raven Dolick M.s.D. April 20, 2016

The Metaphysics of Synchronicities Explained
Dr. Raven Dolick M.s.D.
April 20, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

This article's objective is to explain synchronicity and how everything is falling into place and why. I did feel this is a good time write it since I've not seen much yet covering this topic but do see synchronicity accelerating like other collective energy today. It will also help those who're just starting the awakening process and are coming to a state of accepting more information.
A synchronicity for someone on the spiritual path is that moment in the fabric of time when we suddenly and briefly become consciously aware that we have made a deeper connection with the universe or that which is greater than our individual self. Those not yet familiar with the concept of synchronicity would most likely pass off these moments as mere coincidence. The theory was first presented by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.
A synchronicity for someone on the spiritual path is that moment in the fabric of time when we suddenly and briefly become consciously aware that we have made a deeper connection with the universe or that which is greater than our individual self. Those not yet familiar with the concept of synchronicity would most likely pass off these moments as mere coincidence. The theory was first presented by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. He proposed the idea that when multiple, meaningful occurrences happen, it is not coincidence but a type of psychological and spiritual experience intended to guide your soul force into motion. A synchronicity is designed to give us a push in a general direction. In what direction may not be initially revealed but with a trusting connection to our intuition the path can sometimes be obvious but it is up to us as individuals to make the decision to follow
Synchronicities are responsible for bringing people and events into our lives seemingly at just the right time. This is why they are considered by many to be nothing more than coincidence, however there is no such thing as coincidence if you believe in synchronicity. Although synchronicity has never been scientifically proven it certainly doesn’t mean it does not exist. Intuition cannot be scientifically proven, neither can many spiritual concepts but most if not all people have at some stage in their lives seen how their intuition has guided them in some way. They may not know how it could have possibly happened but known for sure that something unexplained scientifically most definitely took place. Synchronicity is like gravity in a way, you can’t see it but it is definitely there and the more you open yourself to becoming aware of synchronicities as they appear in your life, the more of them you will notice.
Carl Jung believed as many others do today that you are responsible for your own synchronicities. Your habitual thoughts on both a conscious and subconscious level combined with your day to day actions cause you to manifest synchronicities into your life in a manner directly related to the law of attraction. Subconsciously you know what you want and through your subconscious beliefs you attract events or synchronicities which if followed will lead you to places where you will learn the important life lessons you need for your journey.
It is important to remember that not all synchronicities will lead you to a place that you consciously want to be. However, by following those synchronicities you learn new lessons that are beneficial to you in the long run although at first it may seem you have made an unwise move. For example, you have been pondering the idea of opening your own business but feel you don’t have the experience or the resources to make it work so you don’t make any plans to move ahead with your idea. At the same time you are not happy in your current job and desperately want to leave. All of a sudden a synchronicity occurs, so you follow it into a new job that you believe will make you happy and you will gain more experience that may help you to open your own business later on. At first everything seems to be going along just fine when one day your boss comes in and tells you he is closing down the company and you no longer have a job. This causes you all manner of stress as you can’t find another job and you wish you had never quit your old job. However, since you have the time anyway, you begin to work towards setting up your own business while you continue to look for a new job but eventually you manage to start up your own business and after a lot of hard work, it pays off and you realize if it wasn’t for that initial synchronicity you wouldn’t be in the position you are today. This is one example of a synchronicity leading you to a negative place before a positive one but in my experience I believe most synchronicities if followed intuitively tend to improve your position in life sooner rather than later.
Synchronicities are happening for most people on a daily basis but most of us are so tuned in to our problems and worried about the past or the future that we don’t recognize the synchronicities when they appear. Synchronicities are not only related to the law of attraction, they are also directly linked with the law of vibration. Each individual vibrates at a certain level, the more positive and happy the person, the higher their level of vibration. Negative, unhappy or angry people usually reside on a lower vibrational frequency. With a positive outlook and an open mind your higher rate of vibration serves to manifest positive opportunities or synchronicities much faster than those vibrating on the lower frequencies.
Not all synchronicities are going to lead to a change that will transform your life. Often they are just a guide or like a warning bell to keep you on the right path and stop you from wandering into the abyss through a lack of focus. Dreams and premonitions which precede a synchronistic occurrence are usually positive examples of when you should take notice and follow them intuitively. At the moment a synchronicity occurs it is like the merging of a persons subjective and objective realities or in other words, when what had previously only been seen from inside your mind’s eye actually appears on the outside or in your physical reality.
Albert Einstein discovered with the law of relativity that everything in the universe is made of energy vibrating at different rates, the more dense the matter the slower the vibration. He equated and it has been proven scientifically that if everything in the universe is made up of energy, everything must in some way be connected. Synchronicity reveals how we are intrinsically connected to our seemingly dense material world through our conscious and subconscious thought patterns. Our thoughts control our reality and the collective consciousness which we are all part of is like an organizing principle that brings us together through synchronistic experiences which help us all to evolve on both our physical and spiritual journey through eternity.
The bottom line here is, keep an eye out on a daily basis for even the tiniest of coincidences and know that what may seem insignificant at first glance could be a wonderful opportunity just waiting for you to take action. It could be the synchronicity that leads you to the place you’ve always wanted to be. So maybe dreams really do come true.
See more of my work here:

Divine Sex Tantra Made Simple Dr Raven Dolick MsD

Divine Sex
Tantra Made Simple
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Apr 20, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

According to what we think is the most reliable scholarly perspective, Tantra emerged as a distinct tradition in South Asia approximately 1,700 years ago, although its symbolism and philosophy partake of traditional beliefs that are far older and that are similar to a cosmology that existed in many other societies. In The Kiss of the Yogini, David Gordon White makes a compelling case that the earliest Tantric practitioners were focused on acquiring power through ritual, and specifically sexual ritual, and that this sets Tantra apart from other traditions. In White's account, as Tantra evolved over the next several hundred years, it became more "spiritual" in focus, absorbing and being absorbed by the dominant cultural-religious models of the region (specifically Hinduism and Buddhism). This evolution meant that "enlightenment" or "liberation," rather than the acquisition of personal power, became the focus.
The quest for power did not disappear completely. Later Tantric practitioners sought both bhukti (enjoyment) and mukti (liberation), and the prevailing belief in Tantra and other related traditions was that powers (siddhis) were a sign of spiritual accomplishment. At the same time, seeking power for its own sake was generally condemned and seen as a pathway to ruin. The powers that are described in some of the texts—omniscience, astral projection, and the ability to make oneself extremely large or small, among others—have a magical quality but are sometimes understood as relating to the entirely subjective experiences that can happen in the context of meditation.
Starting in the late nineteenth century, Tantric texts and ideas began to gain greater exposure in the West. Alice Bunker Stockham's book Karezza: The Ethics of Marriage, which advocated a kind of meditative, non-thrusting, non-orgasmic sex, was quite likely influenced by Tantric and Taoist ideas. Aleister Crowley and even more explicitly Pierre A. Bernard (known as Oom the Omnipotent) gained notoriety in part because they espoused a Tantric approach that encompassed sexuality. Unlike Crowley, who reveled in his bad reputation, Bernard eventually backed away from the sexual element and became both a very wealthy man and one of the most influential popularizers of Hatha Yoga in the United States.
It is well documented that Hatha Yoga as practiced in the modern world is a hybrid that merges ancient traditions, practices, and beliefs with British military calisthenics. Similarly, modern Tantra in both India and the West is hardly a pure reflection of what it was in the medieval era or earlier. In the early part of the twentieth century, Sir John Woodroffe (an English judge and Tantric initiate) and a group of Indian advocates of independence fought, in the face of intense bigotry, to valorize and reclaim Indian philosophy in general and Tantra in particular. Woodroffe wrote several books on Tantric thought and, with the help of his collaborators, translated a number of texts. Woodroffe and his circle sought to downplay the sexual aspects of Tantra, which is not surprising. In the early twentieth century, scandalous accounts of ritual sex had been in circulation for a hundred years, something that Woodroffe and his collaborators were trying to counteract.
This negative attitude about sex was not new and was not solely the result of British colonization and Victorian morality; later but still pre-colonial Indian commentary on Tantric texts often treats references to sex as metaphorical. For example, a passage from the Vijnanabhairava Tantra reads: "At the time of sexual intercourse with a woman, absorption into her is brought about by excitement, and the delight that ensues at orgasm betokens the delight of Brahman. This delight is in reality that of one's own self." An eighteenth century Indian commentator suggested, with what strikes us as somewhat tortured reasoning, that this statement is intended symbolically and that the delight of orgasm is but a poor substitute for the "delight of Brahman."1 (Brahman is not an easy word to define; it refers to the supreme godhead in Hinduism, but the concept of Brahman should not be confused with the anthropomorphic gods of monotheism or polytheism. It is far more esoteric, encompassing a kind of cosmic, blissful consciousness.)
Like Hatha Yoga, modern Tantra is a hybrid. While this is true in the West, it is also the case in India, even though the traces of the ancient tradition are still visible there, and Tantra inspires fear and is associated with village magic in the minds of many. Others in twenty-first century India associate Tantra with Osho and sex, just as many westerners do.
Modern westerners (and most modern Indians, for that matter) cannot possibly inhabit the mental world of a contemporary Tantric Saddhu (holy man), let alone that of the eleventh or sixth century practitioner. We certainly do not claim to be capable of doing so, even though we have been initiated into a traditional and ancient lineage. This fact presents multiple challenges, ones that we strive to meet in all of our work: how can we draw on the wisdom of the tradition and connect with its power in a way that is true to its essence but is also relevant to contemporary western readers and students? How can we write about Tantric sexuality while making it clear that sex is only one aspect of the Tantric tradition, arguably a small one, without lapsing into sex negativity, an attitude that is prevalent in both modern America and modern India? How can we share this knowledge in a way that is at once accessible, cognizant of modern scientific data, and respectful of the tradition and the culture in which it evolved?
A lot were drawn to Tantra because of its sexual aspects, and in this regard, we suspect we are typical of most twenty-first century people of whatever cultural or national background. As we see it, the passage from the Vijnanabhairava suggests that sex is one realm in which people can have access to states that, at a minimum, approximate divine delight. These states also afford the opportunity to know oneself more fully, to be more fully oneself, and simultaneously to lose oneself completely. Great Sex Made Simple is based on this understanding.
There are eight basic principles that are central to our approach:
Honor your partner
Cultivate body awareness, especially of your pelvic floor
Learn to recognize and feel energy
Think of partnered sexual activity as collaboration
Take your time
Build arousal and prolong it
Develop the capacity to be present
Shed your inhibitions
These principles are simple, although applying them can be considerably more complex. We've provided specific, practical techniques for incorporating them into your lovemaking. We are not dogmatic, and we are not suggesting that you should eliminate anything that you already enjoy for the sake of some "Tantric" ideal. Taking your time, for example, doesn't mean that every lovemaking session has to be prolonged, just that you should develop the capacity to slow down when you choose to.
My Ebook “Sexuality and Spirituality” is a Metaphysical look at technique and application of all discussed in my article here and more. If you as a serious practitioner do wish to master this skill I encourage you to take advantage of my modestly priced Ebook by following this quick link:…

The Missing Puzzle Piece to Evolve Your Soul Dr Raven Dolick MsD Apr 20, 2016

The Missing Puzzle Piece to Evolve Your Soul
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Apr 20, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

Today I'm writing to share another key piece of the puzzle that I've seen trip up many people on a spiritual or personal growth path. And, more importantly, what we can do to move beyond it.
I propose that dramatic and radical change IS possible for human beings.
I know with the right process and approach, we can clear even the most tenacious inner hurdles to become the human beings we want and need to be.
We can take that big of a leap.
I not only believe this. I've seen it. Profound, life-transforming spiritual liberation is accessible. It's not only possible in this lifetime, but is in fact well within reach for anyone of reasonably sound mind and stable character.
But there's an important ingredient needed to crack the old "code" so we can do it: motivation.
Once we've become aware of the most essential roadblocks to personal and cultural change, where do we get the motivation to move beyond them?
One of the crucial reasons that radical evolution beyond ego doesn't happen, even for earnest seekers, is this:
For most of us, the context for our spiritual path is just too small.
In a word, it's still about us--our own fulfillment, our own happiness, even our own enlightenment.
It's not that we're selfish people. Indeed, most spiritual seekers are among the most selfless people on the planet.
The problem is that we've all been steeped in a contemporary spiritual subculture that sees the entire purpose of following a spiritual path as personal. It tells us that the reason for working on spiritual growth is so that we can live happier, more fulfilled more peaceful lives.
Our own comfort and contentment seems like a reasonable enough goal. But as long as our own happiness is all we're seeking, we'll never awaken the depth of spiritual passion and conviction required to propel us into genuine evolution beyond ego.
That impetus only arises powerfully enough when we realize that the spiritual path is not about us, but rather is about participating in something far greater than ourselves.
To get a taste of what I'm talking about, imagine for a moment that the fate of the entire human race rested on your shoulders alone. That humanity's evolution out of brute self-interest depended entirely on your willingness to transform your consciousness.
What if you knew that the human race could advance past its smallness and negative conditioning --if you only became an exemplar of humanity's highest potential for the world?
Imagine that for you, evolving beyond ego became an evolutionary imperative.
Would you approach your path any differently? Would the energy you brought to your spiritual practice intensify? Would the quality of awareness and care with which you approached your interactions with others become more profound?
Would you find yourself reaching with inner muscles you didn't even know you had to actually stay awake to the depth you've tasted in your most profound spiritual moments?
If you knew it all rested on you, would you have any choice but to change?
The Indian sage Ramana Maharshi once said that the spiritual aspirant must want liberation like a drowning person wants air.
Why? Because the challenges of authentic spiritual growth and transformation are so great that most of us will choose to continue suffering in our smallness, rather than feel the pain of allowing that smallness to die forever.
But how many of us would stay there if we realized that it wasn't only our own suffering we were perpetuating? What if our petty indulgences were perpetuating the suffering of the entire human race?
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "That's a nice thought experiment. Sure, it makes me realize I could be more earnest on my path, but what does it really have to do with me? I'm no megalomaniac. I know that my growth and evolution alone isn't enough to liberate the human race.”
And it's here that I would ask you to reconsider.
Modern science has in recent decades been verifying what the ancient traditions intuited long ago: that, in both tangible and mysterious ways, we are all interconnected. Any one of us can have a profound effect on the whole.
Add to that the reality that we are evolving beings living in an evolving universe. We are all part of a grand, cosmic evolutionary process. Then the question of our obligation to the whole starts to cut close to the bone.
To reframe my earlier question: What if you realized that the entire human endeavor, the evolution of consciousness itself, depended on your willingness to evolve your own consciousness?
How would it affect the choices you make every day if you knew that in a very real sense, those choices were either contributing to the evolution of the whole--or holding it back?
At this time when it seems that our very future depends on our willingness to evolve as a species, would you have any choice but to act in alignment with the greatest evolutionary good?
The point I'm trying to make is that when we take a closer look at what spiritual work and growth is actually for, it quickly becomes clear that the path of awakening is not primarily about freeing ourselves from suffering or securing our own happiness.
Sure, that's a nice by-product. But, as long as that's all we're seeking, we probably won't get very far.
Where the spiritual path really begins to get interesting is when we recognize that transforming ourselves in the deepest possible way is in fact an evolutionary imperative, with profound consequences far beyond ourselves.
If we begin to embrace the fact that our lives are not simply our own to do with as we please--that in everything we do, we are in fact accountable to the Whole--something truly miraculous begins to happen.
Faced with the palpable responsibility to evolve for a greater good, we find that we suddenly have access to a seemingly infinite source of energy, intention, passion and courage to confront whatever challenges present them on our path.
What's more, all of the personal issues and problems--all of the fears and doubts and resistances that once seemed so insurmountable--begin to look a lot less significant.
Why? Because our attention is now captivated by something much bigger than ourselves.
This is the power of context. We see our individual concerns, the worries we fret over day to day, from a different vantage point. Held up against this larger picture and greater purpose, those concerns suddenly seem very small indeed.
Realizing "it's not all about me," and ignited by a noble calling to participate in the grand adventure of conscious evolution, we find we no longer even want to give those worries the time of day.
And in this freedom from self-concern, before long we discover that the deep inner peace and joy we were seeking all along has become the very ground we are walking on.
To get a taste of the liberating context I'm pointing to, try the following experiments:
1) Before you meditate or engage in any spiritual practice, take 10 minutes to reflect on the profound significance of your practice. Ask yourself:
-Why do I need to awaken for myself?
-Why do other people need me to awaken?
-Why does God/evolution/humanity (your choice) need me to awaken?
Allow yourself to feel deeply into the most authentic answer you can find. Then, invite that deeper answer to come forward as a clear and present intention to engage your spiritual practice wholeheartedly, as if the universe depended on it. And engage your practice from this deeper intention.
Notice how this exercise impacts the quality of your spiritual practice.
2) When you encounter a challenging and emotionally charged situation in your life, before you respond, take a few minutes to ask yourself:
-What is the most enlightened or evolved response I could have in this situation?
-Why is it important for my own evolution that I respond in the most enlightened, evolved way I can?
-Why does God/evolution/humanity (your choice) need me to respond in the most enlightened, evolved way I can?
Allow yourself to feel into the larger significance of your response to this challenging moment. Ground yourself in an intention to show up as an exemplar of humanity's potential. And then respond from this deeper intention.
Notice how this approach changes your perspective on the situation and your ability to meet it.
There is deep and powerful work that can be done to cultivate this perspective, to truly ground your life in this way of seeing--and even more importantly, acting.
If the possibility of participating in this adventure of conscious evolution inspires you, then I invite you to join me.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How Do You Get God’s Attention? Try Sweet Talking his Girlfriend Dr Raven Dolick MsD

How Do You Get God’s Attention?
Try Sweet Talking his Girlfriend
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Apr 19, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

This is a perfect moment. It’s a perfect moment because I have been inspired to say a gigantic prayer. I’ve been roused to unleash a divinely greedy, apocalyptically healing prayer for each and every one of you, even those of you who don’t believe in the power of prayer. And as my magick dictates, those who do not believe are the easiest to work.
And so I am starting to pray right now to the God of Gods, the God beyond all Gods, the Girlfriend of God, the Teacher of God, the Goddess who invented God.
Dear Goddess, you who never kill but only change: I pray that my exuberant, suave, and accidental words will move you to shower ferocious blessings down on everyone who reads this benediction. I pray that you will give them what they don’t even know they need, not just the boons they think they want but everything they’ve always been afraid to even imagine or ask for.
Dear Goddess, you wealthy anarchist burning heaven to the ground: Many of the divine chameleons out there don’t even know that their souls will live forever. So please use your brash magic to help them see that they are all wildly creative geniuses too big for their own personalities. Guide them to realize that they are all completely different from what they’ve been led to believe about themselves, and more exciting than they can possibly imagine. Make it illegal, immoral, irrelevant, unpatriotic, and totally tasteless for them to be in love with anyone or anything that’s no good for them.
O Goddess, you who give us so much love and pain mixed together that our morality is always on the verge of collapsing: I beg you to cast a boisterous love spell that will nullify all the dumb ideas, bad decisions, and nasty conditioning that have ever cursed the wise and sexy virtuosos out there. Remove, banish, annihilate, and laugh into oblivion any jinx that has clung to them, no matter how long they’ve suffered from it, and even if they’ve become accustomed or addicted to its ugly companionship. Please conjure an aura of protection around them so that they will receive an early warning if they are ever about to act in such a way as to bring another hex or plague into their lives in the future.
Dear Goddess, sweet Goddess, you sly universal virus with no fucking opinion: Please help all the personal growth addicts out there to become disciplined enough to go crazy in the name of creation, not destruction. Teach them the difference between oppressive self-control and liberating self-control. Awaken in them the power to do the half-right thing when it is impossible to do the totally right thing. Arouse the Wild Woman within them, even if they’re men.
Dear Goddess, you pregnant slut who scorns all mediocre longing: I pray that you will inspire all the compassionate rascals communing with this prayer to kick their own asses and wash their own brains. Provoke them to throw away or give away all the things they own that encourage them to believe that they are better than anyone else. Show them how much fun it is to brag about what they cannot do and do not have. Give them bigger, better, more original sins and wilder, wetter, more interesting problems. Most of all, Goddess, brainwash them with your freedom so that they never love their own pain more than anyone else’s pain.
Oh Goddess, you wildly disciplined, radically curious, shockingly friendly, fanatically balanced, mysteriously truthful, teasingly healing, lyrically logical master of rowdy bliss: I ask you to give your unconventionally unconditional love to all the budding messiahs who read this prayer; love them with all of your ocean and sky and fire and earth. Cultivate in yourself a fervent yearning for their companionship. Play with them every day. Answer their questions. Listen to their stories. Inspire them not just to nag you for what they want, but also to thank you for the uncanny gifts you flood them with. And if there are any pockets of ignorance or hatred these insanely poised creators might be harboring, any inadvertent idiocies that keep them blind to your blessings, please flush them out as soon as possible.
Dear Goddess, You psychedelic mushroom cloud at the center of all our brains: Bless all the inscrutable creators out there with lucid dreams while they are wide awake, and their very own spin doctors, and solar-powered sex toys that work even in the dark, and vacuum cleaners for their magic carpets, and a knack for avoiding other people’s hell, and a thousand masks that all represent their true feelings, and secret admirers who are not psychotic stalkers. Arrange for a racehorse to be named after them, or an underground river, or a boulevard in an exotic vacationland, or a thousand-year-old storm on Saturn or Jupiter. Teach them to push their own buttons and unbreak their own hearts and right their own wrongs and sing their own songs and be their own wives and save their own lives.
Dear Goddess, You fiercely tender, hauntingly reassuring, orgiastically sacred feeling that is even now running through all of our soft, warm animal bodies: I pray that you provide all the original sinners out there with a license to bend and even break all rules, laws, and traditions that keep them apart from the things they love. Show them how to purge the wishy-washy wishes that distract them from their daring, dramatic, divine desires. And teach them that they can have anything they want if they’ll only ask for it in an unselfish way.
And now dear God of Gods, God beyond all Gods, Girlfriend of God, Teacher of God, Goddess who invented God, I bring this prayer to a close, trusting that in these mysterious moments you have begun to change everyone out there in the exact way they’ve needed to change in order to become the gorgeous geniuses they were born to be.
Amen. Awomen.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Embracing Mortality and Abundance Dr Raven Dolick MsD

Embracing Mortality and Abundance
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Apr 18, 2016
All rights reserved

One of the most powerful things you can do in your life is to look mortality right in the eyes, and make peace with it.
When you fully accept your own mortality, and the mortality of all things (and beings) around you, you actually start to let go of fear.
(Fear is one of the biggest blockages to abundance, by the way.)
You become more passionate about life, you start taking more chances and risks (because you stop focusing on worry or regret,) you have/develop a zest for life.
In other words, you start living fearlessly. Because you realize that tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone, so you might as well start living now.
And, somewhere during that process, you stop worrying or even caring about what others think of you, or whether others will view you as rich, successful, attractive, etc. And, oftentimes, you even let go of the need to acquire more things, whether it be more money, a bigger house, a shinier/newer car, or whatever.
The surprising thing is, when you start living that way...without being attached to labels, titles, material possessions, etc., you actually start attracting and experiencing more of those things in their life!
In other words, you start to experience more abundance flowing into your life instead of less.
So, embracing your own mortality - and the mortality of everything and everyone in your life, allows you to let go of fear.
The other thing that happens is, you let go of your attachment to everything as well as everyone.
(Attachment is just another form of fear anyway. It's a fear of loss, where you only focus on the fact that you will one day lose what you have right now.)
Letting go of attachment - and fear of loss - does not mean that you would be loving your family and friends any less. Not at all. If anything, you will begin to love and appreciate their presence and existence in your life even more!
And you don't stop enjoying material possessions either. In fact, you start enjoying them more, and you're able to enjoy them more fully than most people out there do.
You realize that today may be all you have. So, you make today - and now - the most important part of your life.
And, once again, a major shift starts to happen in your life the moment you start living in the present moment.
Your sadness, anger and regrets of the past fall away. Your fears, worries and anticipations of the future don't exist any longer.
So, the popular phrase that states "Live everyday as if it were your last" does not have anything to do with living in fear that you may die tomorrow.
Instead, it's about making today the most important thing in your life. It's about living in the present moment - fully - and enjoying every moment that follows, for the rest of the day.
Then, tomorrow, you would do the same thing all over again. Because it would once again be "today."
The above phrase is also not about rushing to check everything off your list either, being motivated by the thought that you may die tomorrow.
No, it's actually about slowing down. And, again, it's about making the present moment, and the present company your highest priority.
The moment you do that, you remove another major abundance blockage, and you open up the flow once again. You expand energy.