Monday, December 28, 2015

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Dec 28, 2015

The Meaning of Life and The Old Reality
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Dec 28, 2015
all rights reserved

Just as there were rules to understand in the Old Reality, there are rules which are best adopted when taking action in the New Reality.
The Old Reality was about gaining courage and developing intellect. The New Reality is about unconditional love and inner wholeness.
Wholeness is personally-inspired integrity without the “shoulds” that others may try to impose upon you.
The frequency of consciousness in the New Reality is heart-centered. Unconditional love comes naturally; you need only let it flow through your heart and allow that energy to be who you are.
When you shift to the expanded consciousness of the New Reality, the universe reorganizes itself around you to reflect that higher reality. Externally-imposed rules are replaced by internal, love-based choices.
To become whole is to become harmoniously fully-functional. In such a reality, you treat yourself and others with unconditional love and care. To care less than that for yourself, or less than that for others, would mean being less than whole.
You are an expression of Infinite Being as it experiences itself from all possible perspectives. Your perspective is unique, as is everyone else’s. That is the point of the whole exercise – for Infinite Being to experience life from as many perspectives as possible.
In order to best support this primary mission of human experience, we need to both celebrate our own uniqueness and support others in their efforts to develop their own skills and talents. Unity is our spiritual nature, yet it is found through celebrating our diversity in the common cause of developing our potential to the fullest.
The One is the All and, as parts of the All, we are essentially the One. At the deepest level of consciousness, we are Infinite Being.
Everyone’s path is unique because that’s the way life was designed. There is no one-size-fits-all philosophy. However, we can learn about the universal laws that will help us achieve our potential in life.
Your mind is non-physical and therefore has higher capabilities than your physical brain. Your mind is immortal and it grows with experience. We are each on our own pathways back to the One source from which we originally came. To get there, we continually grow in consciousness by experiencing life.
The meaning of life is to grow in consciousness.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Dec 23, 2015

Aura Vision ~ You Can Have It
Dr Raven Dolick Nov 14, 2014
All rights reserved
What Actually Is Aura Vision
An aura is an energy field around something. It contains information
about the health of a creature, its emotional and mental state, and
many other things. Color, texture, shape, size, and motion of the aura
all provide information about the creature or item.
Seeing the Aura
Relax your body, mind, and eyes. Choose an object or person to look at
that won't make you nervous. Look gently at the object, focusing your
eyes slightly behind it.
Look with your third eye, the psychically sensitive area of your
forehead. Close your eyes and feel your focus shift up slightly, so
that you seem to be looking out of your forehead. Open your eyes, and
your focus shifts back down to normal sight. Open and close your eyes
a few times to learn how it feels. Avoid rolling your eyes upward;
that will just give you a headache.
Once you are confident of the focus shift, do it gently with your eyes
open. Look out of your eyes and your forehead at the same time. This
shift of focus awakens psychic vision, which is used to see auras. To
see the aura, look gently just past the object, using your eyes to see
and keeping your focus lifted to the third eye. When you begin to see
lines of color around the object, you need to find out if it's an
after-image or an actual aura.
After-images are a biological effect of your eyes, caused by
eyestrain. Look at the circle image for at least 30 seconds, and then
look at the empty space next to it or a blank wall. The opposite-color
image you will see is an after-image.
To prevent after-images, blink often and don't look at one object too
long. As you improve, you will see the aura within a few seconds,
before after-images appear. When you first see color or lines around
an object, look away to make sure it's not an after-image.
To eliminate after-images, close your eyes for a minute or two. When
you stop seeing the image on the inside of your eyes, the after-image
is gone and you can go back to seeing the aura.
Aura Variations
Auras have many shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. There is no
standard interpretation because different people perceive differently.
The best way to discover the meanings of colors and other attributes
is to experiment. Read about traditional meanings and use them to
decide what the colors mean to you. For instance, someone who is
decisive about his personal space may have a clear edge on his aura, a
solid, dense energy, and sharp, clear lines.
The aura can affect and be affected by a person's health. If you are
interested in learning energy healing, through chakra and aura work,
read Hands of Light and Light Emerging by Barbara Ann Brennan. They
are very detailed and well written, and they focus entirely on healing
Practice Techniques
Stay relaxed and calm as you practice. Practice often, but don't tire
yourself. Often, the moment you relax and quit trying, you will
suddenly see the aura quite clearly. If things aren't working, take a
break, do something fun, and try again later when you can be more
relaxed and patient.
Aura vision may be easier when you are sleepy because you won't have
the energy to force anything. If you have a difficult time letting
things happen without forcing them, try once or twice when you are
tired or sleepy.
Dim lighting can be helpful so you don't strain your eyes. Put a solid
colored background behind the object. Gray, white, brown, and dark
colors work well because they are not visually distracting.
Multiple Layers
The aura has multiple layers, like an onion, but with each layer
reaching from the very center of the person outward. Close to the
body, all of the layers overlap. Each layer out reaches farther away
from the body and becomes less dense, lighter, subtler, and more
difficult to see.
First, practice seeing the inner layers. As you improve, let your
awareness expand, growing lighter and softer. Reach outward with your
aura to feel the aura you are looking at. Feel your vision shifting
more strongly toward the third eye and clairvoyance. Remain relaxed
and feeling light as your vision expands to include the outer layers.
Common Problems
Question: I can't feel the shift in focus.
Answer: Relax and keep trying, but gently. If you still have
difficulty after a lot of practice, try learning some other psychic
skill first to awaken your abilities. This will make aura vision
easier to learn.
Question: I can feel a shift in focus but I still can't see anything.
Answer: Try looking at different energy levels. You may be below or
above what you are trying to see. Do this by varying the amount of
energy you have in yourself, adding more or letting some go to adjust
to different levels. It may feel like getting lighter or heavier.
The more you practice, the easier this becomes.
*Look gently or feel with your mind.
*Shift your focus to looking psychically.
*Watch the movements and details of the aura.
*You can perceive the aura either visually or in your mind.
*You can tell apart details in the aura.
*You can see how auras affect personal communication.
See more of my work and assistance in advanced Metaphysics and Pagan Issues here on my website, and please like and share with your loved ones of the crafte:

Monday, December 21, 2015

From Raven's Nest Dec 21, 2016

Scanning the Future

One of the great advantages of regular meditation is that it enhances your sense of intuition. The more you practice meditation, the more you gain insight into every aspect of your life. Insights can relate to present or past events, leading to a greater understanding of your life's path, or they can relate to future events.
Insights into future events can be challenging in four ways:
1. The future is not fixed. Until you experience it, the future remains as an array of possibilities with a "most likely" scenario based on what holds the greatest energy.
2. Viewing the future can change the outcome. Even a 100% accurate view of the most likely scenario will trigger questions about whether you want that scenario to manifest, and that change can influence the outcome. This can give the illusion of inaccuracy in the original prediction.
3. Inner impressions come into your awareness through your imagination. However, a fertile imagination can create images on its own, almost for pure entertainment. True impressions of a future event arrive while you are in a meditative state, or sometimes while performing a monotonous task such as driving at a constant speed. They don't fire up with the great energy of a dramatic imagination. They slip in quietly and have to be examined and unraveled to see what each impression contains.
4. When you first start scanning the future, your predictions will be less accurate than they will become later after constant practice.
Sometimes, lack of self-esteem can be a barrier to the development of your innate abilities. In that case you need to be aware that everyone is everything that Infinite Being is. The universe is holographic by design, meaning that while the many make up the One, the One is also mirrored within each of the many. So, each person, each spark of Infinite Being, contains all of the qualities of Infinite Being.
Lack of self-esteem, therefore, is only a personality trait and not reflective of your true self.
You have a perfect sense of intuition or insight, just waiting to be developed. One of the hallmarks of the global shift to higher consciousness is that, with each passing year, more and more people will develop more and more of their inner abilities.
While you are practicing your intuitive skills, it is a good idea to make written notes for later reference. Insights arrive in your consciousness while you are in an altered, meditative state, so their memory dissipates quickly just like the memory of your dreams. If you keep notes, then re-read them weeks or months later, you will be amazed at how accurate many of these insights were.
Sometimes, you will also see how insights into less than desirable scenarios caused you to make a decision to steer your life in a different direction. When faced with decisions about which direction to turn, the best barometer is always your highest joy. Ask yourself:
"What scenario would represent my highest joy?"
When you follow your highest joy, you are following the path through life which is most closely aligned with your true essence - your soul or inner self.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Dec 16, 2015

The Nature of the Soul
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Oct 19, 2015
All rights reserved
Your soul is your immortal inner being. It existed before time began and it will always exist, even when you merge back in your ultimate spiritual home as a conscious aspect of Infinite Being.
Out of the 12 levels or density layers of existence, we, in this physical realm, are in 3rd density. The soul is in 5th density, and Infinite Being is beyond the 12th. Your soul is your individualized spiritual presence, operating in 5th density and it maintains communication with the souls of everyone with whom you interact in daily life.
The soul world of 5th density is non-physical; our dense physical world is in 3rd density, while 4th density - the afterlife or spirit world - is quasi-physical. The term quasi-physical means that the spirit world is solid to its residents, even though they are etheric or ghost-like when compared to our dense physical structures. Spirits can, and do, bump into each other in the spirit realms because they are solid relative to each other.
Life in the spirit world is much like life in our dense physical world, except that there are certain freedoms that come with having a less dense body. The ability to levitate is one such freedom and, better still, spirits can project themselves almost instantly to another location and suddenly appear there. It just takes mental focus and - whoosh - they appear at the target location.
You don't see people wearing spectacles in the spirit world because their sense of sight works as a direct perception rather than through their eyes in the way that we use our eyes. They can focus telescopically on distant objects to make them appear near, and they can focus microscopically on a nearby object, right down to its atomic structure. Their sense of hearing, too, can be focused to pick up sounds at great distances.
When we in the physical world are able to replicate the principles behind 'astral projection', we, too, will have instant transportation to other locations. Then, it'll be bye-bye to cars, trucks, trains, planes and rocket ships.
5th density is the start of non-physical existence, so your soul is a non-physical sphere of consciousness. It has the freedom to relocate both in time and space but it spends most of its time catering to the needs of its physical, incarnate self.
In 5th density, when one soul meets another they recognize each other, not from any physical appearance, but from their unique signature vibration. Each soul emits a unique signature tone which is a form of mental energy that is perceived as a subtle sound.
Your soul is the recorder and cataloger of all of your experiences as you add your contribution to the vast array of human experience on earth. A major portion of your soul consciousness lives right here in 3rd density with you, tending to your every spiritual need. As your inner self, your soul knows you better than anyone else in the world does, and it's available for consultation 24/7. The limiting factor is how much your physical mind will allow and accept intuitive, soul-originated thoughts.
In order to live a life inspired by intuitive, inner wisdom you need only make a decision to do just that. Open up your awareness to the whisperings of your intuitive nature. Practice following your innermost hunches. Make a note of them so that you can look back later and see how accurate they have become.
Most of all don't be deterred if your hunches seem inaccurate during your early attempts. It happens that way to most people. Just keep practicing and very soon your hunches will start turning into a resource so valuable that you'll wonder what you did without it.
See more of my work here:

Monday, December 14, 2015

From Raven's Nest Dec 14, 2015

This Week Under the Moon
For the week of December 13 through 19.

Sunday, Monday am: the Moon is in Capricorn
Mercury is now in Capricorn, a conjunct (same sign as) connection with the Moon. This could be a rather chatty time, however the subjects will not be frivolous. With Capricorn energy prominent, practical, logical and sensible matters will likely be the focus.
Monday pm, Tuesday, Wednesday: the Moon is in Aquarius
Things are speeding right along, in fact zipping right along in some cases and it might seem hard to stay on track or catch up (if need be). It would be a good idea to give yourself a day off from all that has to be done and simply step off the grid for a little while. This will likely renew both your physical & mental energy toward all the things that are on your to-do list.
Thursday, Friday: the Moon is in Pisces
The planet Jupiter is in Virgo, a sign that is opposite (across the zodiac wheel) Pisces where the Moon is currently. FYI: in jyotish (Indian astrology) Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces. This planet is said to be the bearer of good tidings, good fortune, and good times. You may wish to do something really good for someone else and be like Jupiter yourself.
Saturday: the Moon is in Aries
The planet Mars, which rules (is associated with) the sign Aries, is in the opposite sign of Libra right now. This brings up two possible scenarios: 1) contention or frustration will be quite present or 2) you will receive a much-needed helping hand with something pressing.
Check your astrology chart to find which house (section of your chart) has the current Moon sign on the cusp (the beginning edge) & apply forecast information to that area of your life as well.
For example, the Moon is in Leo and one of the suggestions is to entertain - however Leo is located in the 12th house of your chart, which is an inward energy place...then have a small, quiet gathering. By contrast, if Leo is located in the 1st house of your chart, an outward energy place...have a party!
It is interesting to note when the current Moon is in the same sign as your birth Moon and to see how the flavor of that day carries through the following 30 days.
Current Planet Positions:
Sun - Sagittarius until Dec. 22
Mercury - Capricorn until Feb. 14
(retrograde Jan. 5 - Jan. 25)
Venus - Scorpio until Dec. 30
Mars - Libra until Jan. 4
Jupiter - Virgo until Sept. 9
Saturn - Sagittarius until Dec. 20, 2017
Uranus - Aries until Mar. 6, 2019
(Taurus - May 16, 2018-Nov. 7, 2018)
Neptune - Pisces until Mar. 30, 2025
Pluto - Capricorn until Nov. 20, 2024
Current Asteroid Positions:
Ceres - Aquarius until Jan. 29
Pallas - Capricorn until Jan. 23
Juno - Scorpio until Nov. 7
(back into Libra again June 9 - July 9)
Vesta - Aries until Mar. 9
Chiron - Pisces until Apr. 22, 2018
(Chiron usually stays in one sign for about a little over two years, very similar to Saturn's travels. However this time it is making an extended visit to a sign.)
Current Asteroid Transits:
Ceres - Alternatives and offbeat ideas may be more viable than you think.
Pallas - Check out what resources your ancestors used when they were faced with projects or challenges.
Juno - Intense partnership emotions are in the air.
Vesta - Seek out activities that relate to your basic belief system.
Chiron - Transcend wounds and negativity through compassion.
Note: Timeframes for Moon signs, void-of-course periods, and current planet & asteroid positions are noted for Eastern time zone (USA). Please adjust according to your own location. Times are not given if the void-of-course Moon occurs for a very short period or if it occurs during the night (based on same Eastern time zone).
 v/c = Void-of-Course - When the Moon is void-of-course, spend time working on projects already in progress, creative endeavors, or self-improvement. Void-of-course simply means that no planets are aspecting the Moon as it gets ready to change signs; there won't be a configuration of astro energy available to utilize. It's best not to start new projects, sign important agreements, or go shopping when the Moon is void-of-course because the result will probably be unsatisfactory in some way.
Mercury Retrograde - the speed of the planet slows down considerably. Communications, paperwork, electronics, traffic and mail can become very mixed-up, delayed, or go on the 'fritz' during this time. A situation will be in the process of changing, so wait until Mercury is direct to finalize anything. In general, maintain a slower, more cautious pace in daily affairs. Always allow at least two days before (to slow down) and after (to resume regular activities) a Mercury retrograde period.

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Modern Pagan Male

The Modern Pagan Male
Dr. Raven Dolick M.s.D.

The Pagan male today finds himself in a confusing position. In response to the highly patriarchal nature of the mainstream monotheistic faiths, the Pagan community as a whole tends toward a matriarchal, feminine-oriented system. In this system, the male aspects of Divinity are often greatly if not completely eclipsed by the female aspects. The “Great Mother Goddess” is often honored to the exclusion of the God, who is relegated to the status of her “Consort” when He is mentioned at all! We believe that even as a completely patriarchal system is unbalanced, so too is a completely matriarchal system - a positive, dynamic balance between the two is needed, not an aggrandizement of one gender over the other. Both genders have their own strengths and weaknesses, and each has much to teach the other. To this end, we are committed to exploring the men's mysteries, the spiritual aspects of what it is to be male. We do have an unashamedly men's group – for there are many women's mysteries groups in existence, and we consider ourselves neither unbalanced nor chauvinistic for wishing to explore the spiritual aspects of our own gender and be the Lord we were created to be.
What does community service have to do with men's spirituality?
We at RavenStar Enchantments Spiritual Awareness Center believe that in-service to the community is an important part of our spirituality - that a man can truly find the best in himself only in service to others. Sacrifice for the good of others is a traditional and integral aspect of men's spirituality - for example, the Pagan belief in the sacrifice of the Horned Lord at Samhain to be reborn at Yule and renew the fertility of the earth, or from a Christian point of view, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. All of us sacrifice in some form or another so that others may be better off, though for most of us this sacrifice is of our time and energy rather than our lives. As The Knights of Hern believe that with the power we are given comes the responsibility to help others. In fact, the word "knight" originally came from a Saxon word which meant "vassal" or "servant"; we take this to mean that we are servants of our community and of the greater good.
RavenStar Enchantments Spiritual Mens Group, The Brotherhood of Herne, will individually focus on your inner strengths and weaknesses with a very intense holistic approach to reconnect you with your true divine self and give assistance in self empowerment with modalities to balance the mind, body and soul in perfect union and pursue options to best empower you with in-service expressions of your talents and power. With one on one focused retreats offered also we reach many male figures that then take their personal empowerment to better their family structure, community, spiritual outlook and overall view of how they react to the world around them therefore effectively changing the world one male at a time.
Herne, from whom our Men's Circle focus takes its name, is a pre-Christian Saxon deity whose name is thought to come from the Latin "Cernunnos" which means "The Horned One". His image can be found on the Gundestrup Cauldron, an artifact found in Denmark and dating from about 2000 years ago. Herne is the Patron of our Retreat; for us, he represents the quintessence of manhood, all that we strive to be and to achieve as men. He is the sacrificial God, who gives of himself so that others may live. Though we do not all honor Herne as the face of our particular Deity, as men, we honor what he represents.
Concerning The Lost Rites
Be the full representation my kind sirs of what we were created to be as empowered pagan Male Spirituality.
My Heart to Yours.
Dr. Raven Dolick M.s.D.
June 24. 2012
All rights reserved
Concerning the Lost Rites
Before industrialization and the Patriarchal crippling of society, Pagan Males went through many Rites of Passage during their childhood and into manhood that rooted them deeply in their own self power. And so much more are they needed today to again center our children in who they really are and their individual power. Below you will see a descriptive of the many Rites bestowed and realize that as a pagan male we have in a whole missed the mark and need to reclaim that which has been relinquished.
The Rite of Naming
Given to a child at any age from three months to one year old, the purpose of the ritual is to formally accept the child as one of the tribe and to give him his name – and with it, his link to his ancestors (the past), his community (the present), and his destiny (the future).
The blessings of the Powers of the World are asked to be upon the child as he begins his journey. Four symbols (runes, Tarot cards, etc.) are drawn for the child, representing his progress through the stages of life – Boy, Man, Elder and Sage. These symbols, along with their possible meanings, are passed down to the child when he is old enough to understand them. If the child is to have godparents, the godparents will be asked to take the child’s hand during the Rite and to swear their oaths to watch over him and guide him.
The Rite of Understanding
Given at 5 years of age, the purpose of the ritual is to acknowledge a child’s passage from infant to boy, the first step along the path to manhood. The boy is given a gift to mark his passage from the hands of his father (or godfather or man closest to him, if the father is not present), usually a protective amulet on a chain. The Rite is of necessity short and fairly simple, to accommodate the child’s attention span.
The Rite of Responsibility
Given at 10 years of age, the purpose of the ritual is to acknowledge that a boy is ready to begin assuming an increased amount of responsibility for himself and his actions. If the boy in question is the child or close relative of a Knight of the Order, he may ask to become a page of the Hall at this time. The boy is presented with a small knife from the hands of his father (or godfather, etc.) as a sign of the trust that has now been placed in him. He may choose a new name to be known by in ritual, his boy’s name
The Rite of Maturity
Given at 15 years of age, the purpose of the ritual is to acknowledge that a boy has proven himself to be responsible, and is now ready to begin assuming some of the duties of manhood. If the boy in question is the child or close relative of a Knight of the Order, he may ask to become a Squire of the Hall at this point, with his father or relative as his sponsor. He must be at least 19 years of age, however, before petitioning for membership as a Knight- Probationer of the Hall. The boy is presented with a ritual dagger from the hands of his father (or godfather, etc.) as a sign of the increased trust that has now been placed in him.
The Rite of Manhood
Given at 20 years of age, the purpose of the ritual is to acknowledge that a boy has proven himself responsible, mature, and worthy to be called a man. At this point, if the boy has been accepted as a Knight-Probationer of the Hall and has fulfilled all necessary obligations, he may be Knighted. If he has chosen not to join the Order, he is not
Knighted, but is still presented with a sword from the hands of his father (or godfather, etc.) as a sign of his new status, and may choose a new name to be known by in ritual.
The Rite of Handfasting
The Rite of Handfasting is a marriage ceremony led by a qualified representative of the Hall. The purpose of the ritual is to bind two lovers in matrimony, ritually enumerating their duties to each other and acknowledging their oaths to abide by these vows. The two exchange rings as a sign of their pledging, and their hands are ritually bound together. They pass under an arch of swords held by
Knights of the Hall, representing the Hall’s promise to watch over and protect the couple.
The Rite of Elderhood
The Rite of Elderhood is given to a man upon reaching the age of 40. The purpose of the ritual is to acknowledge the contributions a man has made to the Order and to the community, and the honor he has gained in doing so. The man may be presented with a gift from the Order to mark his new status. He may also choose a new name to be known by in ritual, to reflect the lessons the years have taught him.
The Rite of Sagehood
The Rite of Sagehood, similar in many ways to the Rite of Elderhood, is given to a man upon reaching the age of 60. The purpose of the Rite is to acknowledge the contributions a man has made to the Order and to the community, and the honor, wisdom and respect he has gained in doing so. The man may be presented with a gift from the Order to mark his new status. He may also choose a new name to be known by in ritual, to reflect the lessons the years have taught him.
The Rite of Remembrance
The Rite of Remembrance is given to a man or woman at death, and serves to mark his or her passage to the Land Beyond the Veil. Those who knew the deceased are invited to share their memories, so that he or she may not be forgotten, and the Litany of Remembrance is spoken.
So here we can easily see how we, as modern Pagan spiritual males, have missed the mark and struggle to find our center. Now you can move to higher levels of consciousness with the self-empowering modalities you will now have available to you so wisdom can finish what Knowledge has started. Welcome to your Whole Self!

The Circle of Life
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
July 1, 2012
All rights reserved
Cernunnos/ Herne/ Green man ,The Great Horned God, The consort of the Goddess and symbol of male energy in the form of the divine is YOU!
Cernnunos, a nature and fertility God, has appeared in a multitude of forms and made himself known by many names to nearly every culture throughout time. He is perhaps best known to us now in his Celtic aspects of the untamed Horned God of the Animals and the leaf-covered Green Man, Guardian of the Green World, but He is much older. Cernnunos worked his magic when the first humans were becoming. Our prehistoric ancestors knew him as a shape-shifting, shamanic god of the Hunt. He is painted in caves and carved everywhere, on cliffs, stones, even in the Earth Herself. Humans sought to commune with Him and receive his power and that of his animal children by dressing themselves in skins and skulls, adorning themselves with feathers and bones, by dancing His dance. Yet He is older still. In the time of the dinosaurs, the great swamps and subtropical forests of cycads, seed ferns and conifers, and later in the time of the deciduous plants and flowers, when the pollinators came and the first tiny mammals were creeping up from beneath the ground, Cernnunos was the difference and diversity of life, the frenzy and ferment of evolution. But, He is much older still. He is oldest of the Ancient Ones, first born of the Goddess. At the time of First Earth, Cernnunos grew in the womb of the All Mother, Anu, waiting to be born, to come forth to initiate the everlasting, unbroken Circle of Life.
He provides for the tribe through the hunt and is honored or rewarded for his deed by being permitted to copulate with the Goddess through the Great Rite. The Horned God is the lord of life, death and the underworld. And is the Sun to the Goddess' Moon. He alternates with the Goddess in ruling over the fertility cycle of birth, death and rebirth
He has been associated with many deities throughout the world. Cernunnos, The Celtic God of fertility, animals and the underworld. Herne The Hunter, a Wood God of Britain. Pan the Greek God of the woodlands, Janus the Roman God of good beings. Nimrod and Tammuz , the Father and the son, lover and consorts to Ishtar and Inanna. Osiris, the Egyptian Lord of the underworld. also Geb the Egyptian Lord of the Earth Dionysus, the Greek god of vegetation and vine. The Green Man, the lord of vegetation and the woodlands.
The History Of The Horned One
Paintings discovered in the Caverne des Trois Freres at Ariege, France provides evidence of the first views of the Horned One. Depicted as a stag standing upright on hind legs with the upper body of a man, the figure is celebrating what appears to be a hunt and wooing a woman.
From some of the earliest myths come the union between the fertile Goddess and the triumphant phallus hunter, the Horned God. The more successful the tribal hunter in providing for his people, the greater his stature became. The more likely he would be the one chosen to impregnate the "Mother" of the tribe. Often seen as the High Priestess or at least a tribal woman who was touched by the goddess because of her prowess at becoming pregnant and extending the life of the tribe. Something that was needed during the days of ancient man, as life spans were short and death by illness or disease was common.
Many legends describe fertility celebrations occurring at the spring gathering and again in late fall. Each of these coinciding with a spring hunt to bring food to the tribe after a cold desolate winter. And in the fall to provide meat for the tribe during the winter months. The most successful hunter won the prize of sleeping with the "Goddess", most often before the Tribe watching. Something that is seen as repugnant today, in ancient times, it was a spiritual event and is revitalized in what we see as the Great Rite of today.
During these rituals, the Hunter would appear dressed or cloaked in the skin of his kill with the horns of the stag resting victoriously upon his head. Some legends describe the blood of the beast engulfing both the Horned Hunter and the Goddess, believing the life taken from the animal is transferred to the womb of the fertile Mother, thus providing life.
To the Celts as Cernunnos, the Horned God was more than just a fertile being. He is found throughout the Celtic lands and folklore as the guardian of the portal leading to the Otherworld. The name Cernunnos is known only through damaged carvings found at Notre Dame. In these carvings, a deity with short horns carries the incomplete inscription 'ERNUNNO'. In his earliest of days he was probably the fertility god to the Gauls. But as time progressed and his legends grew, he became associated with wealth and prosperity. He was such an important deity to the pagan Celts, that his image and prowess became a major target for the early Christian church. It is his image that is believed to have been adopted for their mythos of the Devil 'deo falsus' or the false god. His status as the god of Hell would coincide with the view of the pagan Celts as the guardian of the Otherworld.
As Herne the Hunter, the British version of the Horned God; he is seen as the leader of the Wild Hunt. As an antlered giant, he is rumored to still survive and live in the forests of Windsor Great Park. His longevity is owed to the cult of Cernunnos, who have also linked his generosity to provide for the tribe to the legend of Robin Hood. Some suggest that Herne was the father to Robin of Loxley; which is probably more an association since Herne is a much older figure in legend and myth. In this ability to provide for the tribe as the great Hunter of the wood, he is forever linked to the Horned God.
As the Greek deity of pastures, flocks and herds, Pan was half man and half goat. With the legs and horns and beard of a goat. He is the offspring of Hermes, but his mothers lineage is in question. Either he is the result of Hermes and Dryope daughter of King Dropys, who's flocks he tended. Or Hermes and Penelope. His cult is centered around Arcadia where he is reported to haunt the woodlands, hills and mountains. Sleeping at noon and then dancing through the woods as he played the panpipes, which he is credited with inventing. He is the lusty leader of the satyrs (woodland deities), and continually chases the nymphs (the beautiful nature goddesses). During rituals, his essence is invoked to for fertility of the flocks or for an abundant hunt. Associating him with the legends of the Horned God.
As Osiris the Egyptian god of the lower world, he is seen as the judge of the dead. Linking him to the concept of Cernunnos as the guardian of the gate to the Other World.
He is the brother of Isis, but he is also her husband. Isis as the goddess of fertility her status as the Mother is propagated by the services provided her by Osiris. Once again linking his image with that of the Horned One.
As the Green Man he is the God of the woodlands and vegetation. He is also known as 'Green Jack", "Jack in the Green" and "Green George". He represents the spirits of the trees, plants and foliage that has many powers over nature that promote growth. He has the power to make it rain and foster the livestock with lush meadows. As Green George he has been represented as a young man cloaked head to foot in greenery. In early depictions, the green vegetation emphasized his phallic symbol of fertility as he lead processions through tribal lands. As the Green Man he shares his woodland home with the forest fairies often called "Greenies" or "Greencoaties". What today we call Nature Sprites. The Green Man is depicted as a horned man peering out from a mask of foliage, connecting him to the image of Horned God.
in some traditions of Wicca, the cycle of seasons follows the relationship between the Horned God -- Cernunnos -- and the Goddess. During the fall, the Horned God dies, as the vegetation and land goes dormant, and in the spring, at Imbolc, he is resurrected to impregnate the fertile goddess of the land. However, this relationship is a relatively new Neopagan concept, and there is no scholarly evidence to indicate that ancient peoples might have celebrated this "marriage" of the Horned God and a mother goddess.
Because of his horns (and the occasional depiction of a large, erect phallus) Cernunnos has often been misinterpreted by fundamentalists as a symbol of Satan. Certainly, at times, the Christian church has pointed to the Pagan following of Cernunnos as "devil worship." This is in part due to nineteenth century paintings of Satan which included large, ram-like horns much like those of Cernunnos.
Christianity saw Paganism as a Competition so they Demonized Pagan Gods in An Effort to make people stop worshiping them.
Today, many Pagan and Wiccan traditions honor Cernunnos as an aspect of the God, the embodiment of masculine energy and fertility and power.
The Song of Amergin
I am a stag of seven tines,
I am a wide flood on a plain,
I am a wind on the deep waters,
I am a shining tear of the sun,
I am a hawk on a cliff,
I am fair among flowers,
I am a god who sets the head afire with smoke.
I am a battle waging spear,
I am a salmon in the pool,
I am a hill of poetry,
I am a ruthless boar,
I am a threatening noise of the sea,
I am a wave of the sea,
Who but I knows the secrets of the unhewn dolmen ?
Though horns adorn my head My spirit points to the moon’s sky.
Though my legs don’t end in hoofsI walk a cocksure prance ‘cross sacred Earth.
My body is hairy.I’m a proud-hung young buck.Behind sharp eyes my soul stalks wild.
Horned God–Horny As Hell God–Reviled by fundamental debasers of flesh sacredness–You still live in me.
I will drink red wine I will eat bloody venison meat And I will dance and sing and fuck and live So that you may be sacred still.
So that I may be sacred still.
So that life will be sacred still.
“You have given yourself to me… Fully… You surrendered… You’re mine! Your heart belongs to me, your soul, Your body, your breath, your everything! Mine! And you will run with me, Scream with me, and rut with me, Tremble in terror and desire of me, Dance that wild, frenzied dance with me, Journey to the dark, dank depths with me. And you will know sheer ecstasy, utter agony, And the intoxicating thrill of the hunt. And we will meet at the Crossroads together, as we always have. We will wander far and wide, with a fire raging in your head. And I will show you the way on those crooked and hidden paths I will tell you things no other could I will take you to places unknown, and unseen I will teach you. Guide you. Push you. Pull you. Rip you open. I will show you what it means to be my devotee I will break you and remake you, Over and over… And you will love me… And when I’m not with you…Remember… Remember… Remember...
About The Laws of Magick
The Laws of Magick are not laws as in rules or a code of ethics or behavior. They are the basic precepts, or ideas on which the foundation of magickal working is based. I found them interesting and informative. I work it as knowing that the entire Universe does work within its own Laws.
Let’s take the Law of Gravity for instance. You drop a coin what is going to happen every time?…… Dah, it hits the ground. K got it. BUT what makes it do that? That is a Law and when we learn the Law we then can control Gravity. Magick is the same. You haven’t been successful as a power magician because you ran instead of crawled in your upbringing. You didn’t learn the Laws that govern it.
Real magic-the magic which has been practiced and believed in for thousands of years - is based upon laws, if not fully believed by the practitioners, at least adhered to. These laws have been recognized as the governing structure which makes the magic at least seem to work, gaining for the practitioners the desired results, and making people believe in it.
One of the pioneers to achieve a classification of laws involved in magic is Sir James George Frazer in his "The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion." Many others have discussed such a classification including Isaac Bonewits, to whom this writer is indebted for his brief classification of the magical laws, and Richard Cavendish.
The following laws place one in a proper attitude to perform magic:
•The Two Main Laws of Magick
•The Law of Knowledge
•The Law of Names
•The Law of Words of Power
•The Law of Association
•The Law of Identification
•The Law of Opposites
•The Law of Balance
•The Law of the Finite and the Infinite
Today about every hour I will be posting several Laws of magick many claiming to practice never even thought about. Keep checking back as we expand our understanding and move Magick from the fantasy to the reality today.
Dev Leza Avlon. It is God who brought you.
Ja Develehi! Go with God
Two Main Laws of Magick
The two main laws in magic are:
1.Mind Over Matter
Every good magician knows that it is the mind which controls the body, if it does not, he's in trouble. This is why the magician must know himself and his art. Without such knowledge he has no art, for knowledge gives control.
The second essential law of magic is belief. One must believe in what he does, for without belief there is doubt. To use magical power one has to feel it. This applies to everyone whether one is calling down a deity in a magic circle or praying for a miracle in a church. Doubt leads to failure, belief leads to success, perhaps not always physically, but always spiritually.
The Law of the Finite and the Infinite
The Law of Infinite Data states that there always new information for one to learn. The sources of knowledge are limitless if one wishes to tap them. This law can stimulate one to improve his capacities. It can also serve as a warning that one cannot learn or know everything, so it is best to limit one's visions at times, as new dangers can always appear.
The Law of Finite Senses states that one's senses are finite. They are limited to the amount of information which one can absorb and process at any given time. Simply put, one is pretty sure he does not have all data available on which to base a judgment.
The Law of Infinite Universes states that each person sees his universe or world a different way; therefore, no two people have identical views of the world. All people do not receive the same information or data; if they do, they view it differently, thus making for an endless number of universes.
Under this Law of Infinite Universes are two other laws: the Law of Pragmatism and the Law of True Falsehoods. The Law of Pragmatism simply states, "If it works, it's true." This is a very useful law because it avoids moral arguments with oneself and others. In this case, therefore, truth has a functional value since it works properly for the person. Such a law allows different responses to the same or similar situations which is the interplay of the Law of Synthesis.
The Law of True Falsehoods simply stated, "If it's a paradox, the paradox is probably true." This law will hold until a better answer or solution can be found.
The Law of Balance
The Law of Balance is simply a statement for conserving personal energy and achieving the greatest proficiency. One's energy or power level must be kept on an even keel, too much or too little will kill oneself.
This energy level is best maintained by avoiding extremes in thinking and action. One must be open minded, able to consider all alternatives, but strong enough to determine one's personal course in life. This requires the right amount of flexibility to be able to examine new ideas or concepts in order to keep the ones which would improve one's life and reject those that would not. In short, one never goes off on deep ends.
Note: Sometimes in magick, one must break the Law of Balance in order to tip the scales in your favor, and to achieve motion in a different direction. This will cause an expenditure of energy and a certain amount of chaos to be dealt with until a new balance is restored.
The Law of Opposites
The Law of Synthesis, or the Law of Opposites, states that the synthesis on two opposing or conflicting ideas or pieces of data will produce a new, third idea that will not be a compromise of the original two.
This law is used more in mysticism than magic. It allows one to simultaneously hold two opposing ideas without feeling anxiety or cognitive conflict.
The Law of Polarity says anything can be separated into two opposite parts with each part having its own essence. This law is essential to many mystical statements and arguments. Also, it is essential in denoting characteristics of objects. Examples of these are: white and black, up and down, right and left.
Dev Leza Avlon. It is God who brought you.
Ja Develehi! Go with God
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