Sunday, January 31, 2016


Living Past Fear

Many ear candy people saying Embrace your fears and in general yes this is a prerequisite to soul evolution but without know HOW we just become a mass of self explosive energy............. I want to bust through this and offer myself and words to you who truly want to. Please share this lesson freely as I give it. It is the only way we can increase knowledge expansively on a subject not punching through yet. Let Wisdom Finish What Knowledge Started Here!

Living Past Fear
Beloved masters, will you pause with me for a moment and take inventory of your recent accomplishments, and what may seem like defeat or failure to you? I would like for you to take a closer look and come to a better understanding as to what the initiation and ascension processes are all about. You are getting a clearer picture of the workings of cosmic law and the magnificence and complexity of our Sub-universe as the veil of forgetfulness is lifted and you begin to tap into the wisdom of your Higher Self and Super-conscious mind. However, you still have doubts and are confused when you are confronted with some of your old fears and emotions.
All humanity, without exception, is progressing by leaps and bounds-yes, even those who seem to be stuck or mired in victimhood, and karmic interaction of cause and effect, the drama of good and evil or duality/polarity consciousness. Deep within every sentient Being there is a discontent, a yearning, a feeling that changes must be made-that they cannot continue in the same old painful patterns of existence. As you are witnessing, some will choose to vacate the physical vessel, returning to spirit form to await an easier, gentler time to return and continue the journey of physical expression. Others are becoming bold as they reach out into the unknown and find we are waiting there to assist them-and so, they begin to hope and dream as they take control of their destiny.
Just as you must acknowledge, clear and release all negative memories and energies within your physical/etheric, mental and emotional structure, so it is with your Mother Earth as well. This is the source of the "destruction process" that you all fear so much, but it need not be as radically cataclysmic as has been predicted and as you have been led to believe. True, all that is not in harmony with the higher frequency vibrations of the new age must be transmuted, transformed or lifted; however, this can be accomplished by becoming aware of the core beliefs which do not resonate with the more rarified higher fourth- and fifth-dimensional awareness of the future. As you are aware, your Mother Earth is also striving to attain a higher level of God-consciousness. In order to do so, she must clear the negative stream of core memories within the astral plane/her auric field-the maelstrom of negative mass consciousness beliefs of humanity from many past ages. This is where many of you are having difficulties. You are not yet able to discern which are your own core beliefs rather than those created by the many different races, cultures and religions over the many ages past.
As you begin to become aware of and dip into unity consciousness, which creates great wonder, joy and a sense of no longer being alone, it also opens the door for you to tap into those ancient memories of fear, failure, betrayal and shame that others carry in their auric field. You do not get just the positive energies, beloveds; part of your mission is to assist all humanity in becoming aware of its self-limiting beliefs, and the negative, destructive thought forms and actions. That is why there seems to be so much senseless violence, why so many are lashing out in anger and pain. The world of form seems to be crushing and bruising those who cannot face their own creations and acknowledge that they have, indeed, created their own hell-filled world of fear and suffering. They blame everyone and everything but themselves. For without allowing the soul or Higher Self to assist in the healing process, it is just too painful to face their creations, and the ego-desire personality becomes even stronger and more in control of the thought processes and behavioral patterns.
That is why we are "pulling out all the stops," you might say, in order to assist those of you who are the vanguard, those who are opening the way and creating the path for others to follow. The process must be clear; it must be simple and not complicated as the ancient wisdom teachings were, for in the past, the ascension process was designed for the select few. Those of you who are the teachers and the Wayshowers have had or are experiencing all the emotions, fears and setbacks that will confront humanity at large. Many of you have made a great sacrifice and agreed to pass or experience many tests that were not of your own making (but an accumulation of the memory/energy patterns of other parts of your vaster Being). In other words, many of you came with energies composed of many different facets or expressions, which you did not directly experience as a soul, but which you agreed to have placed in your energy (auric) fields and your DNA so that you would have to balance and overcome these imperfections. So, beloved ones, do not judge a beautiful, awakened soul who seems to have had much more than their share of adversity. Honor them; emulate them, for they are smoothing the way for you.
And so, we ask you to observe the patterns of fear and doubt that are emerging, that which is keeping you from moving on to the next level of en-LIGHTEN-ment. Each level has its own tests, trials and pitfalls, and many of you are hindering your progress because you cannot let go of old deep-core energy patterns. Many are still caught in a struggle for power, on the one hand, while creating and performing great deeds of goodness, but still trying to control or force their truths or ways of thinking on others. Many of those who still feel they must serve and sacrifice in order to grow spiritually are being taken advantage of by those who have not learned that what you take from others unjustly, ultimately, you are only taking from yourself. Many are still imprisoned in relationships which are hindering and hurtful, rather than supportive and allowing growth and expansion. They are afraid to step out of the status quo or take responsibility for their own spiritual growth and well-being. So many are afraid to face their nightmares and bad dreams, for they may come to realize they are of their own making, and that they are responsible for their own personal transformation. Stagnation and a sense of futility are the formula for death, beloveds: death of the emotions, death of mental alertness, hopes and dreams, and eventually, death of the physical vessel.
What are your greatest fears right now, dear ones? What obstacles are keeping you from opening that next door to higher awareness and mastery? Before you can accept and wield the gift of the First Ray of Divine Will, you must face and conquer your fears and demons. We have endeavored over the past years to give you the tools and wisdom to accomplish this, but ultimately the task is yours alone. These next years are critical, and we have said this many times before; however, it is important that you become aware of just how quickly the process of evolution, or the ascension of humanity is progressing. If you are to stay on track and keep up with the frequency acceleration of your planet and with those who are reaching for the stars on their way back home, you must come to terms with yourself, with your fears, and your sense of being disconnected from your Higher Self and the realms of Light.
Allow me to give you a gift, an exercise which will help you break through the restrictive walls of your fears and doubts and help you release those patterns that no longer serve you. We wish to impress upon you how harmful the energies of fear are--energies which are keeping you from claiming the gifts of mastery--and how simple it is to move through them.
Stand before a mirror or hold a mirror in your hand and gaze into this mirror as you bring into your mind that which you most fear. Just as we have taught you to fill your body with Light, I now ask you to allow this fear to build as you create and imagine the worst scenario possible that has to do with this fear. Feel it begin to permeate your body, feel it especially in your heart and solar power center, as you move your consciousness throughout your body and feel the restriction, the stress, the crippling energy creep in and permeate your Being. Now look into your own eyes, see the pain, study your facial expression as it changes and ages. Feel the pressure build until you know you can tolerate no more. Now, beloved masters, take several deep breaths as you move deeper and deeper into your Sacred Heart Center and draw forth the Sacred Love of our Father/Mother God from within your Diamond Core God Cell--a precious gift that is always available to assist you through every trial and test. Call upon your OverSoul-Self to fill you with the healing frequencies of the Violet Flame, and with all your senses become aware as this wondrous gift pours through and around you. Can you hold on to the fear or does it dissolve into nothingness as this magic elixir of loving energy permeates your Being?

Again, look in the mirror and see how soft your eyes have become; how youthful is your countenance. Feel the expansion in your heart and the release of the stress and strain within your body and muscular structure. Fear cannot exist where there is Light-where there is love. Breathe in the gift of life--breathe deeply of the Essence of Creation that is being offered to you. When you are in fear, you restrict and cut off the flow of the Pranic substance of life. This may seem like a drastic exercise, but in truth it is a great gift, for many of you cannot progress until you face yourself in the mirror, and allow your fears to be reflected back to you. You will become aware that the fear does not originate "out there," but from within.

More and more of you are becoming aware of your life mission and how important it is. Do not fear to boldly step out, dear ones. Because you are assisting in the healing and resolution of the negative frequency patterns of your ancestral lineage. As you move upward on the Path of Light, you will also have available to you the wisdom and wealth of positive experiences from all the many lives of your soul companions. This is the wonder of unity consciousness. Have you not noticed how many teachers and messengers are bringing forth almost identical information, for they are experiencing the same emotional ups and downs, as well as receiving the same thought impulses? Many of you have gone to gatherings where you felt a deep sense of coming home, of being reconnected with long-lost family or friends. Just as many of you no longer feel in harmony with your physical family, nor seem to have anything in common with friends of long standing. Do not judge; become the observer-allow your Higher Self to supply you with the wisdom you need to move through or overcome any situation or obstacle.

As you move into nonjudgment and are willing to allow the highest outcome to occur in all situations, you will break free of the bonds of fear, and life will become a constant source of wonder, joy and thanksgiving. Claim the gifts that are being offered to you, precious ones, you have earned them. Move through the fog of fear into the Light of the dawning age. Walk boldly with a spring in your step, a smile on your lips and joy in your heart-those behind you are watching, my brave warriors of Light, do not falter now. Show them, as we have shown you; take their hands and support them, even as we have done for you. Tell them that you cannot take on their tasks or burdens, but you can give them the benefit of your wisdom and experience. You will not have to make claims or state what level you have attained. You will not have to try to impress or dominate, for you know within your heart who you are and that is enough.

You must learn to identify the source and deal with your own negative thought forms. Often your negative feelings are picked up from those around you, especially if you are a very empathetic person. Learn to surround yourself in a sphere of Golden/white Light in which nothing of a lesser vibration can enter and disturb your tranquility. Everyone on Earth is in the process of clearing ancient memories and thought forms of the past. Be a passive observer when these feelings roil up within. Do not claim them, just observe and state to yourself: "This is anger I am experiencing," or fear, depression, guilt or any other dis-empowering emotion. Envision a blazing ball of Light descending from your Higher Self, bursting into a million tiny, crystalline diamonds rippling throughout your body, transforming and balancing all discordant energies within. Do this as often as necessary.
Shut off your mental auto pilot, and become the director of your journey and your experiences. Tune into your own mental receiving station as you seek thoughts, vibrational patterns and sounds that are uplifting and empowering. Negative, critical thinking is composed of lower, disruptive frequency patterns. If you don't like what is happening in your world, lift your thoughts and change your mind so that you are projecting "balanced, uplifting frequency patterns of thought and intention."
Learn to think with your whole brain--meaning, use both your linear, analytical outward- focused left brain, along with your intuitive, creative, inward-focused right brain. Tap into your genius potential or the Light Packets of wisdom stored within your Sacred Mind, which are attuned to the higher dimensional or the cosmic storehouse of knowledge.
Do not always express or project your emotions toward others. Allow yourself to feel and express whatever emotions you are experiencing, but first analyze and resolve them within your own sacred space. Speak and share only to clarify or clear up a misunderstanding, and always share your thoughts through a filter of love and compassion. This is the way of a master.

Beloved Bearers of Light, as you integrate more of the plasma of renewal and become harmonious purveyors of Light, we are now able to more freely interact with you, and to work through you to create wondrous new things. By agreeing to do so, miracles beyond your greatest imagining will abound. We enfold you in the Light of Life from the heart core of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. I am ever near to guide and protect you.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

From Raven's Nest Jan 30, 2016

What is Spirituality?
It is How We Know God.

Since the time man was first able to form and establish cognitive thought, he began to search for the meaning to the question - 'what is spirituality'. He began to question what his own existence was as well as the meaning of things and events around him and his relationship with them. Man’s intellectual search for meaning led him to the notion of higher planes of existence and higher forces that acted to affect the destiny of mankind. This gradual awakening of man’s thought led to the understanding of himself and the world around him in terms of inner awareness. In as much as the thought of God or a higher being or force can be near impossible to mentally fathom entirely, it becomes possible for us to inwardly feel the notion of God and our connection with Him, and from there we can mentally comprehend that notion or sense in terms of our own experience within. When we begin to comprehend ourselves and the world around us inwardly, without total mental understanding but by intuitive sensing, it is the beginning of our search for 'what is spirituality'.

So, what it spirituality really? Basically, it is the method we use to comprehend God and the vast and complex mysteries and energies that move in and around us. It is the interaction between our inward sense and the various energies and phenomenon that make up life. Spirituality is the essence of mankind’s inner yearning to know and be like God. It is how we define the search for higher meaning that we undertake literally upon our first breath. It is the sensation that runs up our spine when those moments strike where we suddenly sense something mysterious that is a part of us, yet is also a part of everything around us, thus linking us to it.

To be a spiritual person is to be in alignment with God and those aspects of ourselves that strengthen that alignment. We sometimes find ourselves staring off into the distance or into the night sky and something stirs in us and sometimes a tiny piece of the puzzle to our existence falls into place. Those pieces are felt inside of us as much as they become sensory thoughts at the same time. We can sense the vibration or energy within and our brain assigns a thought pattern or memory spot to that sensation, thus our body-mind works in unison to sense and know that which can really not be seen or touched.

Spirituality is more than a state of consciousness or being. It is more than a methodology or means to an end or a lifestyle. Spirituality is who we are and how we interact with the world around us. It is the act of unifying with God and it is the search for meaning within our own existence and our connection to the world and events that shape it.

Becoming a spiritual being leads us to improve our own abilities to access the universe around us in a clear sensory experience. It is realizing our divine inner nature and affecting that spiritual energy into shaping and understanding external influences. As human beings and as children of God, it is within our nature to question our existence and to seek answers to questions that we know may not have answers. We yearn to discover the divine nature within ourselves and eventually, we begin to realize that we are God-like creatures. We begin to understand the world around us as we connect to the elemental energy that creates and unifies all things. The closer we get to our own inner divinity, the more directly we connect with the fields of energy that exist in and around us.

If one were to isolate the concept of spirituality down to bare simplicity, it could be said that the ability for us to understand, unify, connect, utilize and shape the energy fields that make up the structures and forces of life is what we call spirituality. Spirituality is our ability to be at one moment, human, and at the same instant, divine. It is the middle ground between the two. It serves as an area where the physical and the immortal parts of us can connect and align, and during this time, the physical can maintain grounding, yet still experience the limitless frontiers of the immortal.

The true essence or goal of spirituality is to merge the immortal nature of ourselves with the physical – to harmonize and rejoin what was not meant to be separated. The space where the physical and immortal meet is a mystical place where possibility and the essence of higher importance merge; a place where we can begin to understand the mysteries of the world and the energy around us, and how we unify with it.

In order to understand the abstract nature of spiritual phenomenon, we must relate to the world in a spiritual sense; that is to say that we do not relate these spiritual aspects by conscious thought alone, nor can we ever fully comprehend the complexities of the spiritual world by merely sensing at it. We must learn to respond with a knowing, sensing awareness that allows us to cognitively understand the intricacies of spirituality at the same time that we feel the delicate dance of energy weaving through us.

Spirituality is a connection to the world around us that transcends our every day experiences. It is there whether we choose to be aware of it or not. It is the ability and the act of discovering our spirituality that allows us to become God-like beings that occupy a higher plane.

See more of my work with the Crystal Children Here:

Friday, January 29, 2016

From Raven's Nest Jan 29, 2016

Dr Raven Dolick MsD RavenStar Enchantments

Meanings and Use of the Word "Warlock"
Why it's Seen as Negative by Modern Pagans

In many parts of the Pagan community, mention the word "warlock" and you'll be met with disapproving sneers and head shaking. Mention it to your non-Pagan friends, and they'll automatically think of movie baddies like Julian Sands, or the evil warlocks from Charmed. So what's the deal with the word warlock anyway? Why is it considered such a negative thing in modern Paganism?

Let's look at the different perceptions of warlock. There's one variation in which it's alleged to be a translation of a Saxon word, wǣrloga that means "oath-breaker." Naturally, no one wants to be called an oath-breaker, so folks tend to get up in arms about the use of warlock. Consequently, a lot of Wiccans and Pagans tend to distance themselves from the word.
In the book "ABC's of Witchcraft" by Doreen Valiente, the author states that the word is of Scottish origins, but goes no further in her explanation. Other writers have said that the term was originally used in Scotland to mean a cunning man, or a male witch, but that in recent centuries it has shifted to hold negative connotations. In recent years, dictionaries have expanded on its meaning, including the definition "liar" in the explanation.

Some of this may have to do with misinterpretations of meanings by monks who were trying to convert the Scots from their early Pagan religions to Christianity. After all, if a clan's cunning man was referred to as a warlock, and his activities clearly went against the teachings of the Christian churches, then obviously the word warlock must have connotations of evil.

Some Pagans are trying to reclaim the word warlock, much like the GLBT community has taken back queer and dyke. Partially because of this, a theory that has gained popularity is that warlock may have its roots in Norse mythology. In one of the poetic eddas, a song called the Vardlokkur is sung, to ward off evil spirits during a religious ceremony. The idea is that the Vardlokkur, as applied to a person, is a "spell singer", rather than a liar or oath-breaker.

Finally, the word warlock is used in some oathbound traditions of Wicca to mean a binding or tying. The person who binds an initiate during a ceremony is sometimes referred to as a warlock, or the ties themselves are the warlocks.

So -- what does that mean for today's Pagans and Wiccans? Can a male witch or mage refer to himself as a warlock without a bunch of negative fallout from the others in his community? The answer is a simple one. If you want to use it, and you can justify your use of the word to apply to yourself, then do so. Be prepared to defend your choice, but ultimately, it's your call.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

From Raven's Nest Jan 24, 2016

Why Aren’t I Ascending?

Dr. Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Jan 24, 2016
All rights reserved

What you as humanity light workers are currently doing is letting go of the past. I will only speak to the light workers at the moment, for the majority of humanity sadly has not yet awakened to the fundamental truth I speak on, but I do not worry for there will come a day and there will come a time and there will come a minute and there will come a moment, that is NOW, that happening within your soul path, when everyone on earth plane will rejoice with love and devotion to each other, and from where I am looking at you, from where we are standing currently, and showing the light, we are seeing that indeed it is true, that such a process has already occurred.
For as you already know that everything is indeed in the NOW, we are here in the now and in the present and there is no duality, there is no duality of time and space and matter.
I have spoken about this previously before, but I will repeat it here again for those that may have not understood, for what is duality, what you perceive duality to be is not as it is. For what you believe it is to be, is being in two worlds simultaneously, that is not so, for what duality represents is seeing separation, separation of one being into two, separation of each of you from each other, separation of anything into the dark and into the light.
And so I will speak to you about a very important aspect of your ascension.. the non duality approach and the reason it is so important is because, if you do not embrace the idea that duality does not exist… if you believe something to be either black or either white, then you are going to miss out on the most important point in the ascension and in your life and in your understanding of life, for duality does not occur anywhere but in your made up worlds, for it is indeed not as it should be, and then again you may argue with me and say how should it be, or should it not be, aren't you the one to speak to me about non judgment?
And I will say unto you that it is true and it is correct that there is no duality and there is no such thing as “should or should not”, but from my perspective and most importantly from the perspective of YOUR HIGHER SELF of your true soul… the desire of unity is unfolding, the desire for unity and peace and harmony is what is driving you forward, as it should.
And so I try to explain to you in detail so that you can understand the reason that remaining in duality will stop you from ascending further… the point of ascension for each one of you, is to see that you are connected indeed, undeniably so, and that you are all ONE and the same, and yet so different from each other and that what makes it a wondrous experience for all of you…

Duality - Not to judge, and judged be not.
Not to be in judgment of anything. To just accept it as is, to accept it as it should be or should not be. And yes you keep asking me over and over again, how then you are saying that there is a dark side and light side. What I have been trying to explain to you, the Lightworkers and Crystals, is that you should relate to each other, and most importantly to yourselves, for when you are in your day to day state, of mind, and state of being, you go about your day and you put labels and judgment and remain in duality at every moment, for you judge whether or not that color is good, or that colors I bad, or that person is good or that person is bad, and that is remaining in duality.
For what we are asking of you is remain in a state of ONENESS dear one, whereby you check to see how you resonate with whatever comes your way, and whereby you do not judge it to be anything negative or positive, but you simply see how you resonate with whatever is being presented before you..
And if you do not resonate with it, ask yourself why is it so, that I do not find that I resonate with it when others do.. You will then know thyself that much better and be able to remove the ingrained insecurities, ingrained misunderstandings, ingrained miss identities that have been placed upon you, by those that are in control of your world presently so.
For duality has been created in order to separate you, in order to separate you into various entities, in order to create an illusion of separation, and hence we are here to tell you that it is not indeed so, for you are all connected to one another. And now going back to your question about what you should or should not do. Well dear one, since you are asking this question then you do recognize that there are certain aspect of yourself that are preventing you from moving forward, moving away and through the veil of misconception.
And so I am going to give you a “check list” and of course I am going to begin and say this unto you, that really there is no right or wrong, there is no bad or good, there is no dark or light, although we are going to be referring to dark and light in the future for that is how you are used to understanding the ideas that are going to be presented to you, but in the sometime, in the time of times, when you are no longer in duality we will all then be able to speak with you face to face candidly so, and you will no longer have these ideas of dark and light, for you will accept all as is, and you will come to understand that there is no light and there is no dark, for its all the same, a unity, for there must be light and there must be dark in order to facilitate life further so..

And hence the checklist :

You are to begin your day with an early meditation, even if you are rushing off to work as many of you are doing, I just ask that you remove yourself from your beds a few minutes in advance and walk towards the light, and the dawn of the breaking sun, and as you face towards the morning sun, I would ask you to do the sun salutation, yes indeed dear Lightworker, the sun salutations that you are so very well familiar with, for that will set you in a good state of mind for the rest of your earthly day!
And hence you are to mediate as well for at least five minutes, that is all that I would be asking of you, so that you can get into the state of being in such a state that even if you are not meditating throughout the day you are still connected to the source as you walk around your day and as you walk about your current world and do your current earthly deeds.

In light and Service
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Dev Leza Avlon. It is God who brought you.
Ja Develehi! Go with God

Monday, January 18, 2016

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Jan 18, 2016

Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Aug 2, 2015
All rights reserved
Arithmancy is a subject that is often misunderstood.
First of all, it is not about alphabet-to-number conversion. That aspect of Numerology is properly called Isopsephy (Greek) or Gematria (Hebrew/Aramaic) – Wikipedia needs to be corrected!
Arithmancy is the use of numbers and arithmetic for Divination, much in the same way that crystals, cards and the I-Ching are used to gather information about people and situations. While Numerology techniques are based on the conversion of an alphabet to numbers, there are many techniques of Arithmancy that use numbers alone.
Since numbers are a universal language, we find Arithmantic methods all over the world. For instance, writing Chinese characters requires a certain number of brush strokes. Arithmancers would count the number of brush strokes it took to write a name or statement and base their answer on number symbolism, in a way not unlike the method we’re going to explore today. This technique is called The Pyramid. It is used to find answers to significant questions relating directly to a person’s life. It’s not only easy and fun, but can provide reliable and deeply meaningful answers when used correctly.
Before we begin, there are some rules about formulating the question that need to be followed.
The question should be meaningful; frivolous questions get frivolous responses.
The question should relate directly to the person asking it, since truth comes from within.
The question should be one that you do not already have an answer for; the universe does not like rhetorical questions.
Yes or No questions get the best results.
With that in mind, let’s begin the example with a simple question.
“Should I get a dog this year?”
First, count the number of words in the question, which is “7”. This 7 becomes the first number in the first row of the pyramid, and goes in the upper left-hand corner. Begin to build the rest of the row by counting the number of letters contained in each word, listing them from left to right.
The first row should look like this:
7, 6, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 4
To create the second and continuing rows, add the numbers from left to right and list them one, individually, beneath each calculation.
7+6=13, reduced to 1+3=4, so the first number of the second row will be 4. The next is 6+1=7, the second number will be 7. Keep going in the same direction, one row at a time, until you have completed the Pyramid.
7 6 1 3 1 3 4 4
4 7 4 4 4 7 8
2 2 8 8 2 6
4 1 7 1 8
5 8 8 9
4 7 8
2 6
The final or outcome number is 8. Since 8′s planet is Saturn, we can expect delays and obstacles. However, 8 is also a number that represents dogs, herdsmen and so forth, meaning that this isn’t necessarily a no answer, because Saturn’s association with the object of the question means the outcome is about the object, not denying it. In order to get more information about the outcome, find the arithmantic sum of the numbers in the first row, and compare that sum to the final number of the Pyramid.
The first row of numbers sums to 2. 2 and 8 are compliments, and 2 indicates that something must change before the result can be achieved. This information expanding method is useful for unclear answers.
Below is a brief description of the outcome numbers and their meanings.
1 is the number of the Sun, and typically means immediate success. This is especially true if it regards a new pursuit; at any rate, the results will come soon.
2 is the number of the Moon. It can show lack of concentration, uneasiness, or instability. At the same time, the Moon is associated with liquids, medicine, chemistry, women in general, and relationships. It gives positive answers, but something needs to change before they can happen.
3 is Jupiter’s number, which is positive when the question regards ambition or the pursuit of desires. It indicates social activities, entertainment, knowledge, and communication. 3 would be the most desirable result in a question regarding education or childbirth.
4 represents the dark side of the Sun – in India, this is Rahu, the northern eclipse point. It can mean interference, obstacles and stagnation. With 4 as a result there is no guarantee, especially regarding money. It could very well mean struggle.
5 is the number of Mercury, which can be indicative of success if the question regards education or relationship questions. You’ll need to use caution here, because 5′s tends toward freedom, not stability.
6 represents Venus, and favors art, beauty, friendship, peace and harmony. Any question regarding a treaty or agreement, or a party would want 6 as its final digit. 6 can also mean gifts from women.
7 is about the life of the mind. Anything requiring reason and forethought is favored, but business and relationships are not. It is associated with Ketu; the south node of the Moon, the other eclipse point.
8 is the number of Saturn, who brings delays, obstacles and difficulties of all sorts. If the concern is about long-term contracts, farming, manufacturing, or financial discipline, it might be favorable.
9 is the number of Mars, the planet of energy, courage and impulsiveness. Success comes through strength and ambition. Overcoming opposition and breaking through obstacles are favored.
The Pyramid is a reliable technique of Arithmancy, and fits in well with astro-Numerology methods. As you practice it, your knowledge of the numbers will grow, and your interpretations become much more subtle than you might currently imagine.
Try it and be amazed!
Part 2 forth coming:
Finding Answers With the Pyramid check back soon!
Are you in need of our Master Numerologist to interpret your chart?