Tuesday, June 30, 2015

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Jun 30, 2015

Ascension Symptoms Why and What Are They

Because of the vibrations becoming higher and higher here on earth our bodies and minds are changing and adjusting to this, and this can be uncomfortable and can even be painful at times. Be gentle with yourself and give your body and mind lots of rest. Stay as stress free as possible.
Ringing in the ears and Seeing geometric shapes and colors when your eyes are closed:
I feel these are information downloads transferred by light and sound. These help you learn about the new peaceful patterns and structures that may be useful while the old structures fall.
It’s a way of keeping you balanced through the ascension process.

Peaks and Valleys:
When you are in the natural flow you may feel great for a period of time and then crash and feel mentally and physically messy for a period of time. I feel this is helping us acclimate to the new higher vibrations. The higher vibrations come in waves so we get used to residing in them and when they fall away we know what we need to let go of. It’s almost like a forced purging at first. As you go on and relax and trust the process it gets easier. The road evens out and the peaks and valleys are not as extreme. Your life becomes more and more effortless.

Physical and Mental Pain:
As your body and mind let go or are purged of the lower vibrating structures you may experience mental and physical pain. The more you hold on to these lower vibrations and the more you fight with the higher vibrations chances are the more pain you will experience. If you realize you are going through this allow yourself to surrender to the process and realize it is a process. If you are feeling bad it will not last forever and once it’s released you will see the next plateau.
Needing Lots of Sleep:
My advice is… Sleep! The process can take a toll on your physical body so rest as much as you can and do not feel guilty about it. It’s exactly what you need and should do at that time. Your body knows. Listen to it.

Divine Timing 11:11, 12:12, 1:11, 2:22….
This tells me that we are always here now. It’s a reminder if you allow yourself to flow in the natural/spiritual direction without fight you will always remain in divine timing.
Feeling Weak:
Your body may feel very weak and frail and at the same time you can feel it repairing itself, being rewired and healing. The best thing to do is rest and allow the alchemy to occur.

Food Cravings:
Food is not to be judged. If you are craving all junk food then eat junk food. If your body wants all fruits and veggies then eat them. Listen to your body and intuition and you will know how much to eat, what to eat and when to eat it. Be prepared for the cravings to change dramatically. Think of yourself as being pregnant and you are giving birth to true self. Treat yourself kindly through the process.
The Ascension is about self empowerment and your enlightenment.

It may feel like you are all alone and not allowed to speak to or see your friends and family at times. This can last a while and it can come and go. I feel this is because you need to balance your vibration and have to disconnect to outside sources for help. You need to become self reliant and self referring and this is one way it seems the natural flow allows you to do this. At first you may kick and scream but I say relax into the silence and your alone time. You will get through these phases much easier than trying to change them. Also do not take this personal. Your friends and family still love you and are there for you. It’s not about them. This is a part of your process.
Not Listening to Music and the Radio and Not Watching TV:
You may find yourself driving your car or walking through the park in silence as opposed to listening to you mp3 player or radio. You may have already gotten rid of cable or your TV. Being by yourself and being quiet helps you balance, rest in and get used to your own vibration. As you get used to our vibration you will begin to feel how other people may be seemingly draining you of energy. The truth is you are allowing your energy to be affected. No one can truly drain your energy. Only you can allow this to happen. You will learn a lot about how different vibrations of different people and events effect you in different ways the more you become silent. By resting and meditating in silence it helps you keep this silence that is you even in the midst of chaos.

Getting Rid of a Lot of or All of Your Stuff:
As your mind is becoming more spacious it seems the environment you live in needs to become more open and spacious. I know a lot of people who are going through the ascension process and a lot of them including me donated most of their material things. It felt really good but I do have to warn you… Get rid of what you don’t need and use but don’t be afraid to keep some things you may want to keep. I don’t regret getting rid of my things but there were a few times I could have really used some of the items again. The material items are not bad and are not the problem. It’s our attachment to them that is the problem. That’s something you may want to keep in mind if you haven’t gone through this part of the process yet. Not saying you will and if you did already, sorry! I wish you and I read this earlier! Ha Ha!

Synchronicity and Intuition:
Synchronicity and déjà vu can happen quite often in higher vibrations and it seems many more people are experiencing them because they are more available as we and earth ascend. Intuition is also more available and will guide you much better than your thinking. Intuition may be experienced as a knowing, a whispering voice, or a pulling in a certain direction and it usually feels like it is not from “you”. That’s because intuition is not from your ego. Intuition really is from the true you and it can take some time to learn to listen to and trust the true you as opposed to your ego. This is because throughout most of our lives most of us only listened to our ego and feared our intuition. You can see why the ascension process may be difficult to navigate at first. A lot of us have to completely change direction, throw away everything we knew and trusted and rewire and rebuild a new navigation system.
The Ascension is about self empowerment and your enlightenment.

Fear is a lower vibrating habit that a lot of people are AFRAID to let go of. Fear of allowing fear to drop away because of the fear of what may be on the other side of fear. That’s a lot of fear!!! You can see the fear catalysts being presented to us and we can choose to learn from these catalysts and go in the natural flow or disregard the lesson and keep blindly walking through catalyst after catalyst. It’s like being continually punched in the face and always being surprised and hit in the face by the first. Eventually you will see the fist. Most people are afraid to stop and look at the fist and see not only can you move around it, it doesn’t really exist!
Look at our economy collapsing. This is affecting a lot of people first hand and they are now afraid they are going to loose their money. How did this situation happen to begin with? All along you could see people in other countries were being killed and exploited so we could get cheap materials. Is it a surprise that a system of greed can not last? Should it last? There are horrible wars going on, people are starving all around the world and we are afraid that our money won’t be as valuable as it once was. When you are aware you see the bigger picture. You not only want things to change, you know they will. You welcome the change with no fear even if this change will affect you in order to make things better for all.
I see more and more people becoming afraid of government and fearing different conspiracy theories like the New World Order. I’m not saying these conspiracy theories are not true on some level. Then again I’m not saying they are. What I will say is if you are afraid you are directly feeding the thing you are fearing. If you there is a conspiracy and you are afraid of it you are giving it power to continue. If you are aware that this conspiracy theory is or may be true but have no fear of it then this changes everything. You do not add any power to it and your own vibration will help to dismantle this lower vibrating structure. You will also be able to speak freely and clearly about it to others.
Communicating the conspiracy theory with no fear of it and helping others see it clearly with no fear and adding no power to the conspiracy. As the others awaken to the conspiracy with no fear they will also not accept this lower vibrating structure and begin to vibrate higher themselves taking more power away from the conspiracy theory/lower vibrating structure. The more of us who are aware, awake and not afraid the more peace, equality and freedom we will experience here on earth. You can not fight fear. You can become aware of your fear. Being aware of your fears allows you to stop feeding them. Without food your fears die.

Letting Go of Spiritual Practices and Paraphernalia
One thing I have found with the ascension is constant change (Universal Law #4). This means letting go of anything and everything when the time comes for it to drop away. One thing that is hard for people who are on the spiritual “path” is letting go of parts of their practice and their spiritual material things like crystals. I thought I would be doing Kundalini Yoga all of my life but my practice became so intense and painful and I had to let go of it. I had enough spiritual energy flowing through my body already. The Kundalini Yoga was much more than I could handle. It served it purpose for many years but there cam a time for it to stop.
The Ascension is about self empowerment and your enlightenment.
All spiritual practices have their purpose and serve as tools to help us get into the natural flow. Once we get in the flow you can let go of any and all practices. I do very soft yoga and meditate. Those are my “practices”. I do not pray or chant. I keep my practice more silent and receptive. I’m not saying this is the right way. This is what works for me right now and this can change tomorrow. If chanting mantras feels right for you right now do it. Whatever feels right for you is right. Just don’t be attached to any practice to the point of not letting go of it if it becomes useless or even uncomfortable to you. Items like crystals are great and serve their purpose as well but again once you start to become balanced and are in the flow crystals may actually knock you off balance a bit.
Spiritual practices and crystals create imbalances to knock you back into the natural/spiritual flow. Once you are in the natural flow you will see how these tools also can confuse and disorient you, especially when you first enter no man’s land or just begin to flow in the natural flow. Once you are in the flow for a while you may feel some bumps but for the most part the disorientation starts to turn into clarity. One of the reasons it’s hard for people to let go of spiritual practices and items is because they will have blissful experiences and associate these experiences with objects and events which creates confusion. They think the crystal or practice gave them this experience.
The experience happened because the tools worked and it was time to experience that experience. Trying to chase or hold onto an experience like bliss is a major spiritual trap. People begin to think wow that was it! This tool and that bliss was it and now I have to get more of that. By doing this you are stopping your potential for ascension and growth because you are now out of the natural flow and chasing an experience. Experiences come and go and change. They are not to be held onto. This creates suffering. This also starts people to worship tools.

The ascension is about self empowerment and your enlightenment. It’s not about worshipping an outside source. You are the outside source. You are the inside source. All you need to do is be. It’s not to say you can’t enjoy reading religious works or even praying if that’s what you like to do. I feel at some point worshipping will start to work against your growth. Worshipping is a tool and many people need this tool to teach them something but if you feel you are finished with this tool I suggest drop it. You can always pick it up again at a later point if you feel you need to. Try not worshipping for a week or two and see what happens. This is a tough one for most people because we’ve been taught to fear God. Well, here’s one for you. God is everything. You are a part of everything. God does not have an ego and does not need to be worshipped. God is you. You may not know it yet but it’s true.

The Secret About Affirmations
Affirmations are fine but I wouldn't expect much of them. I think they are a good step in the right direction for a lot of people but if you say you are great but inside feel like a piece of crap you will still produce crap for the most part. It's a good start though. I suggest you become empty and clear and then you have a chance of producing something of value. If you truly believe something and you have no deeper contradictory thoughts to nullify your belief then the belief can be powerful. The Ascension is about self empowerment and your enlightenment.

Monday, June 29, 2015

ROM RAVEN'S NEST Jun 29, 2015

First Impressions Are Intuitive
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Jun 29, 2015
Whenever you step firmly into heart-centered consciousness, your awareness immediately becomes more connected to your inner source of intuition. Through intuition, you become aware of information about people, places and events that springs from the essence of those people, places and events. This information is not delivered through the outside senses, although it may unfold within you at the same time that you receive sensory information.
While visual information relates only to the sense of sight, intuitive information includes much more. It includes all sensory information - sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste - and, in addition to that, the thoughts, feelings and memories that are relevant to the situation.
First impressions are more than just visual. They are intuitive as well. When you are about to meet a person for the first time and you are approaching them, you will receive a visual impression and your consciousness will also receive impressions about the nature of their consciousness, such as their true emotional state. That intuitive stream of information will come into your awareness alongside the visual stream and, if you are aware that it exists, you can add the intuitive information to your conscious impression of the person.
Everyone receives this intuitive information stream unconsciously, but, for it to arrive in your conscious mind, you have to:
1) Be aware that it exists.
2) Be open to receiving it.
The more you practice having an openness to intuitive information, the more this will develop.
Most people are not aware of their mental and emotional transmissions. In a crowd of people, these transmissions add together and there is as much mental noise as there is physical noise. As you become more in tune with your inner senses, you will find that, on some occasions, it's better not to access your intuitive information for a time, just to give yourself some peace from the volume of mental noise.
At night, when you travel out-of-body in the spirit realms, communication is different than when you are awake in your physical body. The natural method of communication in your spirit body is to exchange information with others via thought. In the spirit world, people naturally know when to open for a communication and when to close down their thought transmissions again. There, you sense when a person 'opens' to you and sends a mental greeting, or when they are 'closed' and not offering any communication.
In daily life, first impressions are intuitive as well as visual. The reception of such information is automatic, but the conscious mind misses this information feed when it is focused entirely upon the external world.
Be more aware of your own intuitive information. Be open to it. Then, it will flow right into your conscious mind along with the visual information that your conscious mind is receiving.
INjoy more of my work with the Crystal Children here on my page:

Thursday, June 25, 2015

FROM RAVEN's NEST Jun 25, 2015

Enlightenment, Ascension and The Illusion of Matter
Since the Central Sun alignment in December 2012, many human beings are experiencing a powerful and profound awakening to their true nature as Multi-Dimensional Immortal Beings of Light incarnating in physical form. The convergence of the 3rd and 5th dimensional frequencies is causing all kinds of shifts in consciousness and making it significantly easier to have an ‘Enlightenment experience’ – similar to the experience that the Buddha had. What was once a rare experience is now more commonplace as large numbers of humans are having the opportunity to clear lifetimes of karma in this lifetime. Clearing all of our karma in this lifetime is sufficient to enable the experience of Human Enlightenment – the recognition of our inner Awareness as the True and Absolute Reality.
As our vibrations increase, we can have all kinds of miraculous awakenings, joyous realizations and deep healings that may appear to be Enlightenment. Beautiful emotions and major transformations can be life-changing – and can often be mistaken for Enlightenment.
How can we know if we have achieved Enlightenment?
What is Enlightenment? And how does that relate to the Ascension Process?
To understand these questions enables us to come into a deeper relationship with our own Presence of Being, to recognize the illusion of the material world and to begin the work of spiritual integration in order to direct the energies of the ‘Enlightenment experience’ toward our own Ascension.
What is Enlightenment?
Enlightenment itself is very simple. It is the profound realization that we are nothing other than Universal Awareness and that Universal Awareness is ultimately all that there is. To become enlightened is to realize that we are the Creators of the Universe and the Universe itself. Enlightenment is the recognition of our Immortal and Timeless Universal Presence and the realization that all other realities are illusions created by projections of the mind. Enlightenment is a realization of ‘BEING’. The Universe is just ‘BEING’ in our experience and the experience of the entire Universe is nothing other than a reflection of our own Being.
Discourse 17: Enlightenment and the Atman
The simplicity of Enlightenment is understood when the primal error in perception (a belief in a self that exists in a state of separation from the Universe) is resolved and the illusion of duality is transcended. Duality is a fiction and a creation of the ego-mind, designed so that the ego-mind can perceive the world from a linear standpoint and make sense of it. The illusion of space-time is created so that the 3D mind can distinguish one form from another and project them in sequence into space-time. Once all forms are ‘projected’ onto the matrix of space-time – the world of separation is born. Everything is then seen as existing ‘out there’ and separate from ourselves. These projections are simply thought-forms and have no deeper external reality of their own.
No matter how real the world of matter seems – deeper inquiry will show that it does not exist outside of the five senses or our own Awareness. The sensory channels experience the apparent outer world through sensations and these sensations are then relayed to – and interpreted by – the mind. Whatever is seen, tasted, touched, heard or smelled is thus experienced by the mind and within our own Awareness. The mind projects thoughts externally (including all sensory mechanisms), sees what it projects and mistakenly believes the world of forms preceded the mind. This projection is the root cause of entrapment in Maya (illusion).
This confusion arises from the mistaken belief that forms exist outside of ourselves and thus outside of our own Awareness. Forms are then seen as solid and concrete objects, apparently existing independently from our own consciousness. The belief that they are separate reinforces the illusion and the belief in a state of separation from the rest of the Universe. This belief and the subsequent experience of separation then cause all the forms of suffering known to humanity. To unravel our erroneous beliefs enables us to become free from all suffering, aligned with the loving wisdom of our own Presence and presents the opportunity of resolving the karmas that led us to have a body in the first place. Upon the resolution of all karmas – one transcends the human condition and is able to complete one’s Ascension.
Self Inquiry Meditation – Who am I?
Through the process of self-inquiry meditation, one can investigate the apparent relationship between Awareness and material forms. We can witness our experience of forms and the notion of the ‘I’ having the experience, in order to determine where the distinction between ourselves and the Universe actually is.
Who am I ? What am I ?
Self-Inquiry meditation is one of the most direct approaches to having a direct experience of the Universe (and thus becoming enlightened). Though investigating and questioning our experience of reality – we will find that our beliefs about the Universe and our relationship to it are not based upon Truth. By dropping questions into the depths of our Being in our meditations we can come to some interesting revelations.
We can ask ourselves in meditation:
Where do we end and where does the Universe begin? Where is our experience? Where are forms? Who are we? Who, or what – is having the experience? What is the “I”? Where is the “I’? What came first – the experience or the experiencer?
As these questions are seeded into our Being, we will find that the mind will create additional questions in response to the original questions, sometimes in apparently never-ending streams. If we can resist the temptation to analyze with the mind and instead seek experiential answers – the chain of questions will stop and we will ‘arrive’ in a place where there are no further questions or any need to ask a question. We are simply presented with the experience of who we really are – the experience of our ‘Universal Being’. It is a place where all words and concepts disappear – in the words of the Heart Sutra – “Go beyond, beyond beyond and dwell there!”
The ego-mind likes concepts and ideas, perpetuating them without end – building the maze of illusions quicker than we can find our way out. It does this in order to preserve the illusion. The ego does not really exist – it simply believes it does and the belief in any illusion reinforces its appearance and form. The ego ultimately consists of nothing more than an aggregated set of beliefs, perceptions and concepts proclaiming to be a ‘Self’. There is a relative reality of individuality that will continue to exist for as long as we are in the world of duality, but in Truth – ultimately there is no Self and on a deeper level we are dreaming this reality.
To realize that this life is nothing other than a dream and that matter is not inherently real – is Enlightenment.
The Illusion of Matter
Ultimately, we can discover through a direct meditative experience – that matter does not really exist, its appearance is only relative and thus illusory. The solidity of matter is only an illusion of our mind, reinforced by sensory information interpreted by the mind. The form of our body is nothing other than an aggregate of sensations experienced by the mind. In meditation, we can investigate these sensations and discover that within the experience of apparent solidity is a vibration of Awareness – characterized by luminosity, formlessness, expansiveness, timelessness and a state of Omnipresent Being. This Pure Formless Awareness underlies all material forms and all worldly experiences.
In this space of Awareness that encompasses all forms, one can recognize that this Awareness is the Creator of all Forms and that the Creator is no-one other than ourselves. We are the architects of our own Reality. In this realization – there is no need for a Creator God, for it is understood that there is only One Universal Awareness that encompasses all forms and nothing can exist independently from that Universal Awareness. Awareness, being eternally present and outside of time – requires no beginning or anything else to precede its existence. The Big Bang did not then give rise to sentient beings that became aware of themselves and the Universe – rather it was sentience that gave birth to the Universe. The Big Bang can be viewed as the explosion of awareness into duality from the vibration of Timeless Singularity. Once this Primal Awareness had ‘fragmented’ into billions of individual ‘Divine Sparks’, the individual sparks (souls) began to create the Universe in their own way. The fragmentation was not total at the point of the Big Bang – in that each soul retained its connection to its Source. Upon discovering our connection to the Source, we become at One with the Universe again and reverse the descent into duality. We recognize ourselves and the Universe as a single entity.
Deeper self-inquiry will lead us to the direct Realization that this Universal Awareness is the only thing that there really is and that Awareness is nothing other than Awareness having an Awareness that Awareness is Aware!
In that Awareness, it can be realized that the entirety of our life experience is a dream created by our Higher Presence in order to awaken us to our true nature. From another perspective – the Universal Presence is dreaming and we are the dreamer. In truth – Oneness (The Universal Presence) is having a dream of duality so that it can realize and know itself. Ultimately, this is the existential reason as to why we exist. In the beginning, there was Oneness and only Oneness. Oneness had no perspective from which to ‘see itself’ and was thus oblivious to its true nature. Duality is a dream of Oneness so that Oneness can awaken and become conscious of itself through the experience of the Universe.
Enlightenment cannot be conceptualized or understood intellectually. Concepts and words can take us far up the mountain of Consciousness, but not all the way to the summit. Sooner or later, we have to release our attachments to concepts and discover the hidden place of Universal Presence beyond. It is pure, unstained, deathless and eternal. In truth, there is nothing one can say about it. One can only hint at it, for the deepest Truth cannot be spoken. The experience may be fleeting to begin with, but as we deepen our practice – we can arrive ‘here’ more often. We then discover that this is our true nature and when we are not in this experience, we are in illusion. Having an enlightenment experience in itself is nothing remarkable. The real spiritual work is to integrate the experience of enlightenment and to embody that realization in our daily lives. It is not enough to have an experience of Enlightenment if we cannot apply the ramifications of that Enlightenment in our daily lives.
Spiritual Integration
The process of Spiritual Integration enables us to embody the realization of who we really are in our daily lives. This is the real work and practice – being an embodiment of Truth on this Earth at this time. On the level of the Absolute – there is only the Reality of Formless Awareness. However, having realized that matter is an illusion – the illusion still persists and we are still here in corporeal form!
Many will ask why one’s experience of form persists long after we have recognized the illusion of it. In other words, the dream continues despite having awakened and recognized the reality that this is a dream. Is it possible to wake up and have the experience of being released from the world of matter entirely?
This is where we must apply the wisdom of Enlightenment to the practice of Ascension in order to obtain deeper clarity. Having an Enlightenment experience does not in itself result in the transmutation of our body. The Buddha after his Enlightenment did not ascend and instead experienced death.
There are three basic stages of the Path of Realization. The first two – the embodiment of Wisdom and Love – will result in an enlightenment experience in a physical body when they are in balance. One can remain in this balance indefinitely whilst in the human form with a lot of determination and effort. However, even when this is perfected – it is still only Earthly Enlightenment which does not free one from the human condition. It just enables one to become aware of the human condition and its causes.
To ascend the body (and thus become Immortalized) requires the recognition that the human condition in itself is not fixed and instead is simply a conglomeration of sensations, thoughts, experiences and ideas that give rise to the human experience. To ascend is to transcend the human condition and become a higher vibratory form of Being, existing in a dimension of consciousness beyond the physical body. We have a body because we are vibrating between two points on a vibratory spectrum.
Beyond the lower point, we experience death. Above the high point, the body is Immortalized and we experience Full Ascension. This represents the ‘Ascent out of Matter’ that we would ultimately wish to experience once we recognize the illusion of form. Rather than continuing to remain in the world of illusion as an Immortal Being masquerading as a mortal, we would want to embody the deeper Truth of who we really are – for incarnating again and again in the world of form is pointless once we recognize the illusion of it and have learned the lessons that duality can teach us.
A direct experience of Truth will illuminate our Being to the fact that our bodies are nothing other than projections and thus we are not really here.
If that is so, where are we?
The practice of Spiritual Integration is a process of assimilating our realizations into our experience and by doing so, our experience evolves. The reality of Ascension is often perceived as ‘out there’, ‘elsewhere’ and ‘higher dimensional’. The work is to make that ‘there’ become the new ‘here’. For as long as those qualities of higher-dimensional wisdom, Universal Love and the Transcendental are projected externally – we remain in separation and thus have not ascended. To ascend is to realize that everything that we are and seek to become is already within us. To apply the wisdom of Enlightenment to the Path of Ascension ultimately calls for us to realize that we are the Path and we are already everything we seek to become – including becoming an Ascended Immortal. For as long as there is the notion of a Path, there is a search of some kind. When we realize the search takes us outside of our Truth of who we are, we will discover the wonderful realization that the qualities of an Ascended Being already exist within our Being. Once we recognize that, everything else takes care of itself and our reality will naturally change to reflect that level of Realization.
Ascension as a State of Being
Ascension is not a place but a state of Being. Ascension represents the complete transcendence of the human condition. Enlightenment is to realize that the human condition in itself is an illusion and the belief in its reality reinforces our attachment to the Wheel of Birth and Death. With this in mind – we are already Home. The work is not to try and ‘ascend elsewhere’ but to find that ‘elsewhere’ within. In the Full Realization of our own Presence – we are in all places, all times, all realities and all Universes simultaneously. We have always been and will always be, but in the descent into the illusion – we forgot and erroneously believed that we only exist here. Balancing the Path of Ascension with the Path of Enlightenment is ultimately very simple – it is about awakening to who we are (Universal Presence) – and doing that in the Here and the Now.
By ‘being’ in the Presence, the rest of the Ascension Process will take care of itself. Yes – there are many other beautiful worlds in the Galaxy and beyond, as well as opportunities to live amongst Immortal Star Beings and travel throughout the Universe as a higher dimensional advanced Being of Light. It is possible to phase out of ‘space-time’ and leave the 3rd dimension entirely with the body. Those realities will become manifest for many of us as we awaken to our multi-dimensional nature existing in multiple reality-spheres throughout the Universe simultaneously. We will attract a reality in alignment with our internal state. However, for as long as those other worlds are seen as ‘places’ rather than ‘states of Being’ – they will elude us. When we recognize that Ascension is a state of Being – we will become it with ease.
In the mastery of Being Present Here in this dimension – in this reality – only then do the doorways to other realities open. We are Universal Beings and as the entire Universe is within our own Being, then naturally we can be present in these other dimensions as well. The deeper Truth is that Ascension is less about ‘moving our awareness elsewhere’ but becoming aware of that ‘elsewhere’ and bringing that Awareness into our current experience. The more we do this – the more multi-dimensional we become.
Read more of my work here:

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Our Intentions Carry Greater Power
Your intentions will become your reality, guaranteed.
We are all energy. Everything is energy.
Just like your phone or television turns energy into sights and sounds, your brain converts energy into the sights and sounds of your reality. Your brain is so much more powerful.
Picture the energy entering through the top of your head. Your brain then forms this energy into your reality based on your thoughts and emotions. Just like you can change the channel on a television to view something different you can change the "channel" of your life so your brain views something different.
How do you change the channel of your life?
Through intention. Hold an unwavering intention in your mind and mix it with strong emotion and magic will happen.
But here is where most books and authors leave you hanging. They convince you that is all you have to do. But there is one problem we first need to overcome. We don't always know what our intentions are. We can have mixed intentions.
It is very possible for us to consciously have one intention and subconsciously want the exact opposite. So which intention wins?
The strongest intention wins.
So who do we know which intention is stronger?
There is the problem.
You need to learn to communicate with your subconscious mind. You need to make sure your conscious and subconscious are on the same page. For so many they are not even close. This is why so many people are living lives that are contrary to their conscious intentions.
But why would your subconscious intent be so different from your conscious intent?
There are many reasons but one of the biggest is change. You don't want change. Change is going into the unknown and that can be scary. Change even causes your body to go into a state of chemical imbalance. This does not feel good. So even though you may not like the situation you are in you still prefer to keep things the same and return the body to a chemical balance.
Your reality right now is based on your past intentions. Learn to take control of your intentions and you control everything about your life.
The cool thing is, this is not a long dragged out process. You can take control today. You can see the change you want begin to transform into your life today. Not tomorrow. Today.
This has been a very brief discussion of some things you need to be very aware.
Let us help you bring your intentions to reality. Click here and learn our many modalities to how we teach self-empowerment.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The History of the Middle Finger: 

Well, now......here's something I never knew before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to send it on to my more intelligent friends in the hope that they, too, will feel edified.
Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as 'plucking the yew' (or 'pluck yew').
Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and they began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew! Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodentalfricative 'F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute! It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as 'giving the bird.'
And yew thought yew knew every plucking thing. Didn't yew!!

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Jun 13, 2015

Interdimensional Beings
Dr Raven Dolick MsD May 24, 2014
Where Do You Consciously Reside?
Did you know that you are an interdimensional being? You not only reside in the first, second, and third dimensions…keep going…you exist in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh…and then things get interesting as we move into the higher dimensions, to where our Higher Consciousness resides.
In the third dimension, past/future, cause/effect, etc., give rise to the appearance of separation. Opposites are a perception derived primarily from the left hemisphere of your brain that allows the “you” to declare “I am.” Your limited perception, garnered through your senses, strengthens your belief that you are a separate being
The fourth dimension is where we see the illusion of separation begin to merge again as space and time become space-time.
The fifth dimension is where we see Consciousness expand from Separation Consciousness back toward Unity Consciousness. While still in the physical body, time and even space get a little fuzzy as we are no longer bound by their limitations, but begin to notice time and space give way to what third dimension dwellers call, miracles.
Transcending apparent limitations is not really miraculous to the seasoned fifth dimension dweller, or rather, she/he would say there is nothing that is not miraculous, including the realization of whom you are—a Co-Creator, equal in every way to the rest of Creation/God!
If you aren’t sure where you consciously reside, here are few pointers that may help you locate yourself on your mind/body/spirit journey. If you are a living testament of the following precepts, in other words, it has moved from head to heart knowledge, then your Consciousness has expanded beyond the third dimension and into the fifth.
1. In Unity Consciousness, there is only Oneness. You know there is no here or there, and there is nowhere to go. We all reside together up through the seventh dimension as carbon-based human beings. Beyond, we exist as crystalline-based beings. And we still all reside together as the ONE. You are everything Creation is—seen and unseen.
2. You live in the world but are not of it. You know that the third dimension is eternally dualistic in nature, therefore you no longer feel the need to change it or save anyone. Perfection exists even in the third dimension.
3. This includes your life. You have moved from attempting to fix your life to acceptance of your life and all that appears in it, for you know that unconditional love is the agent of change itself, you are the Alchemist. It is a state of Being, not doing.
4. You no longer work to preserve personal identity. Serving the self falls away for service to others. Your silent state of Being, as unconditional love, is the source of your power and the highest gift you can give others.
5. You no longer attempt to manifest your life. You witness manifestation throughout your day and see that it all is just happening. You allow life to flow through, as you. You recognize it as a symbiosis, a dance between partners, in service of your highest good.
If you are still trying to ward off negative energy, chant mantras and affirmations, find your twin flame, or repair your chi, this is representative of conditional love found in the third dimension—the dimension of “effort.” Don’t worry, we all did it and it was perfect!
Participating in these activities is a demonstration of your desire to transcend, and you will. One day, you will wake up and you will simply realize yourself to be what you have been seeking; the rituals no longer necessary.
You can’t make a mistake and never have. Take each day as it IS, allowing whatever shows up to BE.
And so it is.
Read more of my work with the Crystal Children on my page here:

Friday, June 12, 2015

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Jun 12, 2015

The Resonance Frequency of the Earth Explained
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
The Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit...There are about 1000 lightning storms at any given moment worldwide. Each produces 0.5 to 1 Ampere and these collectively account for the measured current flow in the Earth's 'electromagnetic' cavity and yes the Earth is hallow....Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health...Not only are we surrounded by natural frequencies, our bodies are filled with them too...When the Earth stops its rotation and the resonant frequency reaches 13 cycles we will be at a zero point magnetic field.
What Happened On Dec.13th 2012?
As stated before the Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, its existing electric charge would diffuse away in about 10 minutes. There is a 'cavity' defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers up. At any moment, the total charge residing in this cavity is 500,000 Coulombs. There is a vertical current flow between the ground and the ionosphere of 1 - 3 x 10^-12 Amperes per square meter. The resistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. The voltage potential is 200,000 Volts. There are about 1000 lightning storms at any given moment worldwide. Each produces 0.5 to 1 Ampere and these collectively account for the measured current flow in the Earth's 'electromagnetic' cavity.
The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves that exist in this cavity. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all the time, but have to be 'excited' to be observed. They are not caused by anything internal to the Earth, its crust or its core. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere, particularly during times of intense lightning activity. They occur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second; specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some change due to the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity. Schumann resonances are most easily seen between 2000 and 2200 UT.
When we consider that the ionosphere surrounding our planet is electrically positive charged while the earth's surface carries a negative charge, we must conclude that this amounts to a prevailing electrical tension within the earth/ionosphere cavity. This tension is discharged when thunderstorms develop in this cavity. In physics two concentric electrically charged balls, one placed inside the other, are called ball condensers, or capacitors.
The inside of the ionosphere layer is used in wireless information transfer to bounce off radio waves emitted by transmitters on the earth's surface. In this way the information can be transferred over large distances.
The physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla was the first to carry out wireless energy experiments at Colorado Springs, USA, which produced such powerful electrical tensions that they resulted in the creation of artificial lightning. These lightning flashes also produced radio waves. Due to their extremely low frequency these waves could penetrate the earth without resistance and thereby Tesla discovered the resonance frequency of the earth. Unfortunately Tesla was way ahead of his time and his discoveries were not taken seriously because it suggested free energy for all and was not good for 'business'.
It wasn't until more than half a century later in 1952, when the German physicist Professor W.O.Schumann of the Technical University of Munich predicted that there are electromagnetic standing waves in the atmosphere, within the cavity formed by the surface of the earth and the ionosphere. This came about by Schumann teaching his students about the physics of electricity. During a lesson about ball condensers he asked them to calculate the frequency between the inner and outer ball, meaning the earth and ionosphere layer. They came up with a calculation of 10Hz.
This was confirmed in 1954 when measurements by Schumann and König detected resonances at a main frequency of 7.83 Hz. In the years following this discovery, several investigators worldwide have researched "Schumann resonance" and a number of properties and characteristics have now been established.
The Research of Dr Wolfgang Ludwig
It was Dr Wolfgang Ludwig who carried out further measurements while writing his thesis on the Schumann Resonance and one which I have study extensively also. His aim was to measure what kind of natural signals actually exist in a healthy environment. He became aware of the fact that due to manmade electromagnetic signals within the atmosphere, the accurate measurement of Schumann waves was almost impossible in the city. For this reason he decided to take measurements out at sea where, due to good electrical conductivity, the Schumann waves are stronger. He than had the idea to take underground measurements in mines. Here he recognized that the magnetic field of the earth fluctuated too. This was also investigated by Dr Robert Becker in his book `Electricity and Vitality: The spark of Life'.
Dr Ludwig came up with an excellent idea to take accurate measurements. When taking measurements at the earth's surface, the reading is the result of two signals, one coming from above and one from below. But subsequently taking measurements below ground makes it possible to come up with exact readings by separating the two.
During his research Dr Ludwig came across the ancient Chinese teachings which state that Man needs two environmental signals: the YANG (masculine) signal from above and the YIN (feminine) signal from below. This description fits the relatively strong signal of the Schumann wave surrounding our planet being YANG and the weaker geomagnetic waves coming from below, from within the planet, being the YIN signal
The Chinese teachings state that to achieve perfect health, both signals must be in balance. Dr Ludwig found that this is indeed the case. He writes in his book `Informative Medizin' that research carried out by E.Jacobi at the University of Duesseldorf showed that the one sided use of Schumann (YANG) wave simulation without the geomagnetic (YIN) signal caused serious health problems. On the other hand, the absence of Schumann waves creates a similar situation. Professor R.Wever from the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Erling-Andechs, built an underground bunker which completely screened out magnetic fields. Student volunteers lived there for four weeks in this hermetically sealed environment. Professor Wever noted that the student's circadian rhythms diverged and that they suffered emotional distress and migraine headaches. As they were young and healthy, no serious health conditions arose, which would not have been the case with older people or people with a compromised immune system. After only a brief exposure to 7.8 Hz (the very frequency which had been screened out), the volunteers health stabilized again.
The same complaints were reported by the first astronauts and cosmonauts, who, out in space, also were no longer exposed to the Schumann waves. Now modern spacecrafts are said to contain a device which simulates the Schumann waves.
All the aforesaid points to the fact that the ancient teachings are correct. Mankind depends on two subtle environmental signals, the Yin from below and the Yang from above.
"Resonance : Beings Of Frequency" is a fascinating documentary which speaks of the Schumann Resonance of planet Earth and the effect it has on human health and one everyone would benefit from to watch.
Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronizes our circadian rhythms, and it aids our immune system and improves our sense of well being.
Not only are we surrounded by natural frequencies, our bodies are filled with them too. Our cells communicate using electromagnetic frequencies. Our brain emits a constant stream of frequencies and our DNA delivers instructions, using frequency waves.
Through his work, Gregg Braden shares scientific proof of the Earth passing through the Photon Belt and the slowing of the Earth's rotation. At the same time there is an increase in the resonant frequency of the Earth (Schumann Resonance). When the Earth stops its rotation and the resonant frequency reaches 13 cycles we will be at a zero point magnetic field. In 2 or 3 days it will start turning again in the opposite direction. This will produce a reversal in the magnetic fields around the earth and so forth.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Jun 11, 2015

Astral Projection Exercise

There are four main types of exercises you can use when trying to induce an OBE or (Outter Body Experience) which I want to share with you today.

They are:
•Energy Balancing
•Mind Control

In addition to these you can also use prayer at the beginning of the practice. Remember this is just an exercise...you may want to implement your own ways to help you along.
Begin by lying down on your bed with the door closed a pillow under your knees and a comforter over you. Most authorities on astral travel recommend that you find a place where you will be undisturbed. Take a few moments to ground yourself *in* your body, to relax into yourself at the moment at this particular place and time. Then visualize yourself surrounded with white light, and as you focus in on this light you become absorbed in the beauty of this energy and often have some wondrous visions and feelings of peace.

Then begin to focus on your feet, and in a typical relaxation exercise, move through my body from toe to head stretching, clenching and then relaxing each body part. Visualize energy swirling through each part of your body releasing tension.

•Energy Balancing
Then cleanse, balance and charge your chakras. Visualizing as each chakra balances a swirling rainbow of crystal light spinning around them.

•Mind Control
Then you can use a technique adapted by the author years ago from the Silva Mind Control teachings to put your body to sleep. In your mind say: "I'm going to count down from 3 to 1, visualizing each number on a white orb suspended in the air above my head, and when I reach the third and final "1" my body will be asleep and I will have no awareness of physical sensations.
I will not perceive any physical discomfort, and my consciousness will be focused on my astral body."
Then visualize a white orb suspended in the air above your head. When you will be mentally well focused on the orb, visualize a number "3" on the face of the orb. The numbers can be any color you choose. The important thing is to create a pattern, for training your brain to react the way you desire whenever you perform this sequence. This is the heart of the power of ritual!

Visualize the 3 three times: three number "3's" on the orb. "My body is completely relaxed, becoming numb. I am losing awareness of physical sensation."
Then repeat the visualization with three number "2's." "My body is asleep now. I feel no sensations, no discomfort. I will now visualize the "1's." When I am finished, I will have no awareness of physical sensations. My consciousness will be in my astral body."
Then visualize the "1's" three times. "My body is now completely asleep. I have no awareness of physical sensations. My consciousness is in my astral body."

The benefit of training your mind this way is that you can greatly accelerate the process of transferring your awareness away from the physical body. Each time you practice this, the programming becomes a little bit stronger, after some time you will visualize the numbers and have your body asleep in two or three minutes.

Once you are in this state try to clear your mind by focusing on your breath, or the tip of your tongue, or any one thing. The key is to remain conscious while your body is asleep. Naturally, all sorts of thoughts pull you from the focus, but you can return as soon as you notice you've strayed to your concentration on one thing. Your OBE's can often occur after a period of focus when your mind has drifted and has been on the verge of sleep. This is when you have awakened to find yourself either out of the body or when the "surges" have come on. You will often doze off when beginning practice, but take it up again when you are awake by focusing your attention and trying to remain conscious while your body sleeps

See more of my work with the crystal Children here:

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Past Lives: Some Helpful Information

Past Lives: Some Helpful Information
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
May 8, 2014

A short while ago I had a phone call from a friend who deep into the upbeat conversation she admitted to me that she had always had both a fascination and a fear of the subject of reincarnation. She also admitted, somewhat hesitantly, that she had always wanted to try a past life regression but was worried about the results she might be given—meaning that she didn't want to hear she had been a really nasty person in another incarnation. She was also concerned about the trust factor with a regression therapist and wanted information on what a session felt like, and any other details I could give her.
I was happy to oblige, and gave her information from my own experiences. Of course I alerted her to the fact that a past life regression would be different for each individual, and once she said she understood that we were off.
I began by telling her that it had been a huge step for me to begin regression sessions back in the late 1970s (and this despite the fact that I had been brought into the presence of a person ideally suited for the job of leading me onto the next magical part of my spiritual journey). I admitted to my fear of finding out about my previous incarnations, but I also had to admit to a feeling of trust in the timing of the whole thing; I stated that I believed in that saying, "When the student is ready the master will appear." This trust I had in the absolute synchronicity of meeting my therapist had translated to a feeling of trust in the woman and in the panorama of events playing out in my life at that time.
I then told her something I had learned after my regression sessions: a way to find clues to past lives from her present lifetime—clues often present since early childhood. It was a very simple technique and required no other person to be involved.
I told her to ask herself four questions:
1.What things deeply interested her? (Music, art, writing, any job or hobby she would be willing to do for hours and that gave her a sense of time being non-existent)
2.What time periods of history held a fascination for her?
3.What periods of history or even specific geographic locations made her uncomfortable or even repulsed?
4.What scared her? (Here would be things like fire, water, heights and so forth)
As examples I told her of my youthful fascination with ancient Babylon and medieval times. I touched on my terror of water and my almost equal fear of it during my childbirth that had been present to me afterward and didn't know I harbored since I was very young. I loved writing and reading, and as a four- or five-year-old had enjoyed copying text over onto a notepad. So, it was not a surprise to me when after my regression sessions ended most of my loves and fears were echoed in my past lives.
She was amazed and said that she would begin to write out a list of answers to the four questions that very night. She admitted it was a comfort knowing that she could get a handle on her past lives by following these easy steps.
Then she wanted to know more about what a regression session actually felt like. Again, I told her I could only speak from my own experience and that a session would be most likely be very different for her.
My initial regression session actually began without much warning. I had gone for an appointment with the regression therapist so that we could talk about reincarnation, ghosts, and so forth. During the appointment he told me he would like permission to regress me immediately, and that request catapulted me into something akin to both fear and fascination. Of course, I decided to take that first step and never looked back. And yes, I told my friend, there was an element of trust and also of being aware on a soul level that this was somehow the right time for me to be going through this experience.
As for what it felt like to be regressed, I have a favorite sentence for what I experienced: "It was like being awake/asleep." I was both aware and alert to my physical self being in the office of my therapist, but I was also fully living and being present in the times and circumstances I was regressed to. I had full and total awareness of feelings of sun warmth on my body, scents of flowers, cold winter winds, and so forth. I interacted with the people I met in each time period and they interacted with me. Some of it was like playing a role in a movie of my past selves, and yet also watching that story play out. It had some fearful moments but even then I had a safety net in place with my therapist who had given me instructions on how to deal with those moments. And even when I moved into the phases of a lifetime where I was transitioning to death, there were boundaries in place that made that not seem so bad.
I concluded by stating that I truly believed that my regressions had been a necessary part of my life journey. The time spent in these sessions brought me into great understanding of myself as an eternal and immortal being. I learned many valuable lessons about myself and my fellow humans during those months with my therapist. Most importantly, I learned that we had been taught wrongly about ourselves—that we were not bodies with souls but rather we were souls using a physical body to gain experiences in lifetime after lifetime.
This knowledge changed my entire outlook on life and death, and from that I continue to grow and learn every day of my life during this incarnation.
My friend was quiet after my explanation and then uttered a soft, "Wow."
I continued with a little more advice sensing she might like it. I admitted that I had been very fortunate because of the timing of various mentors who came into my life just after I had had a third near death experience. And then my regression therapist entering my life in the way she did and at the precise time that my soul was ready for her to appear was a continuation of the miracle of timing. She was a professional man and a certified hypnotherapist and he led me carefully yet firmly along the path I needed to follow for the next phase of my journey in this incarnation. She opened my eyes to the vastness of eternity and brought me to understanding of so many of the fears, loves, and ideals that were a part of my present lifetime. Without this knowledge I might have stumbled through my life unmindful of so many things that would have probably impeded my soul's growth. Without my regressions I knew my life would have been mostly one dimensional and devoid of a greater understanding. I will be forever grateful to my mentors and my therapist for being the lights I needed in my life.
My friend wanted to know how she could find a past life regression therapist. I told her that the first place to start might be locally. Many cities—even the smaller ones—often have a good base of spiritually enlightened people. The world has thankfully changed a great deal as it regards spiritual communities since the time I was undergoing regression sessions. Contacting one of these groups is usually relatively easy.
There are also online sources, and in this more modern time, past life readings can also be done at a distance and often without the need to be regressed by hypnosis or in an office. I do have some issues with this micro-wave mentality to the seriousness of hands on healing, but I have had great success with using long distance personification and the web chat option is admirable to me.
I cautioned my friend to make sure that any therapist she may choose is one she has checked out. And if she was comfortable with me as her healer I would be honored but also would help her seek one that was intune personally to her soul purpose.
If she went on her own to find an assist I told her:
If the therapist has a website, check it out. Read any testimonials there. Call the person and speak with them on the phone. Where did they get their training? Could you have a reference or two to speak with about the therapist's work with them?
If the therapist asks for any info other than perhaps your name or phone number or email address (some may ask for a date of birth) give that info but no more. Readings can be sent as an email attachment and they don't usually require a physical address. Never give out your social security number. My therapist knew my name, date of birth, and mailing address and that was it. But we did work hands on in a personal setting.
Find out the cost for the session or sessions. The cost should not be exorbitant.
By the time our conversation was winding up, my friend had decided to write out her list of answers to the four questions and go ahead and seek out a regression therapist. I wished her the very best of luck as she began the next phase of her spiritual journey. I told her that I admired her courage and her open-mindedness, and she thanked me for my time and promised to order my books on the subject—for which I thanked her.
When we spoke a few months later, she told me she had found a marvelous regression therapist who was out of state and doing long distance sessions with her. Amazingly enough she had discovered a lifetime spent in ancient Egypt, and so far not one "nasty" thing had been uncovered about her past incarnations.