Monday, April 11, 2016

Challenges of Being A Master Numer Dr Raven Dolick MsD / Master Numerologist

Challenges of Being A Master Numer
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Master Numerologist
Apr 11, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

One of the biggest conceits in numerology is the subscription to the idea that being a master number is somehow better or superior than being any one of the other numbers. It is also a myth to think that the Master Number is luckier, more powerful or has an easier time of it than other numbers.
If anything the path of a master number is more karmic than others. They often have to transcend more difficulties than other numbers in order to excel in the first place. As many of them are also original thinkers they also end up working alone or find themselves in a position to have to defend ideas against a hostile majority. They deal with obstacles that would daunt the stoutest of hearts including physical disabilities, mental afflictions and very mean childhoods.
The more Master Numbers a person has in their name or birth date, the more likely they are to be seen as outsiders, outcasts, and even as completely crazy. They frequently isolate themselves from ordinary society because they feel so misunderstood. Often they just can't lead a normal life and end up fighting against the tide their entire lives simply because change is so painful. It can take a long time for a master number to be accepted by other people so many of them are also late bloomers. Very few of them, especially the elevens ever enjoy a great deal of financial success because they are such pioneers. Very often others that succeed them in developing their original concepts take credit for the work.
The two main master numbers are 11 and 22 which in addition also add up to 2 and 4. The single digit numbers symbolize the shadow side of the number's personality. This is sometimes why numerologists refer to master numbers as "double trouble." Not only do they have to deal with the karmic reverberations of being karmic ally blessed with the master numbers they also have to deal with the specter of their lower selves. Many people who are master numbers can't handle their fate and retreat into the single digit behaviors that get them nowhere in life. For instance the higher vibration of the 11 is to guide and heal other people and treat everyone as a soul mate that is worthy of unconditional love. The lower vibration of the 2 is more about focusing on someone else full time rather than just yourself.
Addiction, codependency and obsession are part of the Master 11's shadow side. Some 11s spend their entire lives mourning the past or chasing an emotionally unavailable individual. The entirely squander the potential to make something better of their life.
Likewise the shadow side of the Master Number 22 is quite harsh.
The number 4 is symbolized by money and health challenges. The 4 is the damned if you do and damned if you don't number. The number 4 Life Path number often feels overwhelmed and sinks into despair simply because they feel they will never be able to climb out of their rut. The amazing thing is that if the 4 manages to turn the Titanic that is their life right side up they can become more accomplished than many people who have had plenty of privileges in life. The 4 is also sometimes incredibly respected by others simply because they do achieve so much with so little effort.
Still despite their challenges it is the master number's duty to somehow change the world for the better which is a reward in itself.

Famous master number 11's including:
Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Bob Hope, Colin Powell, Jackie Kennedy, and Jennifer Aniston.
Madonna. Meg Ryan. Michael Jordan, Prince Charles. Richard Burton. Robert Monroe, Ronald Reagan. Rose Kennedy, Rush Limbaugh, Sally Ride. Terri Irwin,Tim McGraw and Tony Robbins

Famous master number 22s include:
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bernie "BJ" Dohrmann. Bill Gates. Billy Graham, Bono. Brad Pitt, Bryan Adams, Caroline Myss, Dale Earnhardt,Dean Martin, Demi Moore. Elton John. Frank Sinatra, Gary Craig , Jewell, John Asmara, John Kerry, Marie Curie. Montel Williams. Nicole Kidman, Oprah Winfrey, Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Richard Branson and Val Kilmer.
As you can see from looking at these lists that many of these celebrities have had great challenges that go along with their fame. For example, among the 11s -- Jackie Kennedy saw her husband's head blown off right in front of her eyes. Jennifer Aniston lost her husband to one of the most famous actresses in the world. Richard Burton was plagued by alcoholism despite his great thespian talent. Same thing with Frank Sinatra. Oprah Winfrey went from being dirt poor and sexually abused to being one of the most famous and rich women in the world!
Many of the above mentioned Master Number 22s also have challenges that are well known to the public. Dean Martin was a comic genius but also an alcoholic. Like Oprah Demi Moore was dirt poor and abused as a child. Frank Sinatra was in bad relationship after bad relationship and could not stop drinking.
Sir Paul McCartney has been at the center of many embarrassing controversies - including his recent break up with amputee and model Heather Mills.
It does however seem that the challenges faced by the 22s are not as severe in some ways as those faced by the elevens who are haunted more by internal psychological and emotional problems.
So you can see how wishing to be a master number might be a bit of a case of "be careful what you wish for just might get it!" Very few of us could handle or could want some of the challenges that many of these celebrities have dealt with over the span of their lifetime. The reason for their success is that they simply have not given into the lower vibration of the single digit number and instead gone for exploiting the potential of their highest vibration.
Now does this sound to you like your own life of up and downs?
It is worth having a complete and professional Numerology Chart done.
See how empowering RavenStar Enchantments are:!/Numerology-Chart/p/10019240/category=2441583

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