Monday, April 18, 2016

Embracing Mortality and Abundance Dr Raven Dolick MsD

Embracing Mortality and Abundance
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Apr 18, 2016
All rights reserved

One of the most powerful things you can do in your life is to look mortality right in the eyes, and make peace with it.
When you fully accept your own mortality, and the mortality of all things (and beings) around you, you actually start to let go of fear.
(Fear is one of the biggest blockages to abundance, by the way.)
You become more passionate about life, you start taking more chances and risks (because you stop focusing on worry or regret,) you have/develop a zest for life.
In other words, you start living fearlessly. Because you realize that tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone, so you might as well start living now.
And, somewhere during that process, you stop worrying or even caring about what others think of you, or whether others will view you as rich, successful, attractive, etc. And, oftentimes, you even let go of the need to acquire more things, whether it be more money, a bigger house, a shinier/newer car, or whatever.
The surprising thing is, when you start living that way...without being attached to labels, titles, material possessions, etc., you actually start attracting and experiencing more of those things in their life!
In other words, you start to experience more abundance flowing into your life instead of less.
So, embracing your own mortality - and the mortality of everything and everyone in your life, allows you to let go of fear.
The other thing that happens is, you let go of your attachment to everything as well as everyone.
(Attachment is just another form of fear anyway. It's a fear of loss, where you only focus on the fact that you will one day lose what you have right now.)
Letting go of attachment - and fear of loss - does not mean that you would be loving your family and friends any less. Not at all. If anything, you will begin to love and appreciate their presence and existence in your life even more!
And you don't stop enjoying material possessions either. In fact, you start enjoying them more, and you're able to enjoy them more fully than most people out there do.
You realize that today may be all you have. So, you make today - and now - the most important part of your life.
And, once again, a major shift starts to happen in your life the moment you start living in the present moment.
Your sadness, anger and regrets of the past fall away. Your fears, worries and anticipations of the future don't exist any longer.
So, the popular phrase that states "Live everyday as if it were your last" does not have anything to do with living in fear that you may die tomorrow.
Instead, it's about making today the most important thing in your life. It's about living in the present moment - fully - and enjoying every moment that follows, for the rest of the day.
Then, tomorrow, you would do the same thing all over again. Because it would once again be "today."
The above phrase is also not about rushing to check everything off your list either, being motivated by the thought that you may die tomorrow.
No, it's actually about slowing down. And, again, it's about making the present moment, and the present company your highest priority.
The moment you do that, you remove another major abundance blockage, and you open up the flow once again. You expand energy.

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