Saturday, April 2, 2016

Have Your Own Experiences~Not Other People's Experiences

Have Your Own Experiences~Not Other People's Experiences
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Apr 2, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

Don't live your life based on how others think or believe.
Don't let others opinions become your opinions. Follow your heart.
Ask yourself this question and be very honest with yourself. Growing up were you taught to think or were you taught what to think?

Huge difference.
You've been gifted a set of beliefs, some of which are very valuable, that blossom and enable you to do and be many beautiful things. But others are like tenacious weeds, choking out possibility and condemning you to someone else's idea about life. The step along the path to changing your beliefs is to take responsibility for them. Someone else may have given them to you, but they are in your head. You believe them, and no matter where you got them, they are yours, making it your responsibility to cultivate the healthy ones and pluck out the harmful ones.

Consider abundance.
I used to think that abundance was determined by factors such as the state of the economy, where you were born, your parents... And if you let them they can be huge determining factors. They actually do create the realities of most people. The truth is, if you believe those factors have determined your state of abundance then it is because those factors themselves have blinded you. Externally it may appear that they are the reason for everything you don't have (or have) but nothing could be farther from the truth.

Consider this Paradigm Shift.
Have no doubt both options below are available to you. (
1) You can look for a job and compete with a bunch of people for limited positions that will not even let you come close to living the life you want to live.
(2) You can create a job for yourself and have unlimited options and potential to be anything you want. Amazingly the majority go with option 1.

Because society has set paths for you to follow. These paths have been wired into your brain by society. Most follow these paths and never really live. They are afraid to deviate from the path, to deviate from what society has taught them is "correct". They are insecure and afraid to use their creativity to make a world that conforms to their desires and dreams.
Our society has been wired to believe that to make a living you are going to be better off if you go out and find a job working for someone else. Most of the time (there are exceptions) this is one of the hardest most unfulfilling things we subject ourselves to. You can create your own living any way you want. The opportunities are endless. Most of our society just do not see it. Here is the shift very few believe... It is not hard. Everyone can do it and the payoff (in more ways than one) is incredible.
One of the best days of my life was when I saw some simple truths showing just how abundance really works. When you realize that nothing can prevent you from getting what you want it is like a huge burden is lifted. The feeling is incredible. From that moment on it is like a door is opened and so many great things that you didn't think were there before just start showing up everywhere you look.

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