Saturday, November 22, 2014


Three Huge World Wide Changes That Are Going To Happen Within Ten Years.

The following is a synopsis of a talk given by futurist David Houle.

Most people do not like change but in the next decade humanity is going to experience a rapid ch...ange unlike any ever seen before.
We are in a transformative period. We have just started a new millennium. During this time during the last millennium, we were in the dark ages.
Change occurs so much faster today. We will advanced more in the next 100 years than we did all of the last millennium. Probably even faster. Many are estimating within 10 years.

There are three forces at work which will completely change humanity.
First there is a flow to global. We are now in the nation-state period. All that is left is the planet-state. Everything is going to become global. As younger generations come to power, they are not going to have the same loyalties and ties to nation and corporation that their parents and grandparents had.
Second, at the same time everything is also going to be flowing to the individual. This is because we are being given more and more choices in every single part of our life. This causes power to flow from the producer to the consumer and from the institution to the individual.

Just 30 or 40 years ago we had access to just two newspapers or three television stations for our information. Now with the internet we have access to unlimited information and therefore unlimited choice.

Third, all of humanity is being connected electronically. And this is empowering the individual. This is giving leverage to third world countries. They can connect and compete just as any other nation.
There are over 5 billion cell phone subscribers. “There is no time or distance limiting human communication.”
Place has been eliminated in human connection. It does not matter where you are. This is so empowering. This will cause upheavals in dictatorships. The people can see and connect past the rule and propaganda of the dictator.
We are moving from structure to nets. We don’t need to work in a big high rise corporate building. We can work anywhere we have a computer. We can connect to anyone from almost anywhere in the world.

This gives us two realities. We have our physical reality and now we have a screen reality. The screen reality is just as important as the physical reality. Power is no longer in the hands of institutions who advertise to tell you what to buy, what to do, and how to be. Power is now in the individual. You influence those you are connected to on the web.
We are moving from physical to non-physical. Just consider money. Money is now mostly just a figure on a computer screen.

Institutions are going to have to change their form if they want to stay current and compete financially. If they don’t they will not survive.

Most people are still stuck in twentieth century thinking and are not able to see the change coming. This is why so many things especially with our government are not working.
Everything changes. Just look back on your life and see how much the world has changed already. Now get ready for a big one.
Within the next 10 years it is highly likely our entire world will be under one government. Sounds shocking doesn’t it? But so many things are pointing in that direction.
We will still have our nation-states but there will be one central government for most of the world.

Your life is in a state of shift. Are you one of the many who can’t see it yet? Are you still holding on to beliefs of the past?
Accept that these changes are coming and coming very quickly. Put yourself in the position to take advantage of the change and not be blindsided, confused and not know what to do.
This is an incredible time to be alive.

It is very important and definitely time to make sure you are prepared for the change to come.
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