Sunday, February 14, 2016

What Is The Flow?

What Is The Flow?
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Feb 14, 2016
all rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement and success in the process of activity.
In other words, flow can be described as the inherently positive state of being completely immersed or mindfully focused in an activity, simply for its own sake. When you are in a state of flow, time flies by, without effort or notice. Every one of your actions, emotions, movements and thoughts is highly energized and follows naturally from the previous one, like a beautiful score of music.
You are captivated by a feeling of absolute joy and full presence in the moment while focusing on the task at hand. Your ego dissipates when you’re in the flow and intuition guides your way.
Like the path of a meandering, rolling river of water, the state of flow is easy, nonresistant and completely natural. To be in a state of flow feels amazing. To be in a state of flow is to be in tune with who you truly are.
These precious moments are often referred to as "peak experiences" in which life suddenly seems alive with meaning, joy and wonder. The experience of such moments is your clue that you’re headed in the right direction and forging a deeper connection to your true self.
Flow experiences can occur in a variety of ways and will differ for everyone. You may experience flow while engaged in your favorite sport. Or you may experience flow while painting, singing or writing. You could also experience flow while working on an important project at work or on a meaningful hobby.
Think of a time when you’ve experienced the flow. Think of a time or activity in which you were completely focused, fully engaged and highly motivated. Remember the energy, excitement and ease that you felt.
What was different about your flow experience versus other experiences in your life?
As you begin to live more in tune with yourself, you will enjoy more and more experiences of flow.
In those moments, you’ll feel energized in a way you’ve never been before. You’ll feel excited and joyful. Your life will seem easy and while you may still face some challenges you’ll see them as part of the flow rather than obstacles in themselves.

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