Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sexual Magic – The Energy Potential of Intimate Relationships

Sexual Magic – The Energy Potential of Intimate Relationships
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Feb 13, 2016
all rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments
The following refers to many things that cannot be seen with the physical eyes, touched with the hand, or weighed on a scale. Indeed, they do not exist in the physical world. While this is true, still we talk about them just as if they were physical structures. Not only do I believe in them enough to write this, but I know where they are and how one may learn to ‘see’ them…
If you have ever been in love, really in love in your heart, feeling the great electrical attraction and all the excitement that goes with it, then you have felt a part of this Divine. This part of the Divine Cosmic Force is what Sexual Magic is about. How to hold it, and maintain it in your life and in your relationship with your heart’s desire…
When I was in my teens I ardently sought after wisdom. Wisdom was more precious to me than breath or blood, and I knew from an early age that wisdom was the wine of life.
There are wise men and there are enlightened men. I pursued enlightenment with all the intensity and focus of a track star running the quarter mile sprint. And it came. Enlightenment did not seem to make me any wiser, but I could ‘see’ more. It freed me from the limitations of my physical senses.
At first I did not understand what I ‘saw’. I did not even know what I was looking at. For that reason, enlightenment was not very satisfying. Then I heard of “cosmic consciousness”. I pursued cosmic consciousness with an even greater intensity. Even so, it was much more difficult to come by…but it did come. Cosmic consciousness, cosmic life, cosmic responsibility…
In my early twenties, I read that one could get a spiritual high from proper spiritual manipulation of sexual energy, which in many ways is better than the sexual high of the physical and emotional climax. Beyond that statement I could find absolutely no instruction. I was far more interested in the spiritual high than the sexual one. It took me about seven years to figure out what needed to be done and how to do it.
The spiritual high available to properly matched partners is splendid, truly magnificent. There are, however, many “Catch 22′s” which keep couples from approaching an incredible spiritual elation just beyond their grasp…
EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES MOVE YOU SPIRITUALLY. Emotions affect your ability to remain positive. Emotional relationships, especially sexual ones, tend to move you up or down in your spiritual structure. If you go down in your spiritual structure, sexual climax is more difficult to attain. There is less pleasure, less sensation and satisfaction; but there is greater emotional demand for the spiritual release of climax. If you have a positive experience in intercourse and go up, there is ever greater and greater pleasure and climax is easier to achieve. There is a greater spiritual release and an energizing glow pervades the whole spiritual structure of the individuals involved.
The “catch” is that emotions can and will just as easily move you down as up. The up’s and down’s of sexual relationships can be explained in structural, mechanical and electrical terms. Understanding and investigating your spiritual structure is an essential aspect of finding a partner with whom you can have a continuing, positive (spiritually uplifting) emotional relationship…
Sexual intercourse can be a healthy, cleansing experience for the spiritual structure. One potential benefit of sex is, if done right, the process cleans the Kundalini and the chakras, and rejuvenates the physical and spiritual systems. A sixty-year old couple who have had a good love life will generally be in good health. Their youthful looks are partially the result of cleaning their chakras regularly…
I believe that one of the biggest bridges between polarity differences is development of genuine communication. The ability for a couple to express themselves to each other can save their relationship and their spiritual progressions. If one of them sees the energy starting to fall off or get negative, he or she must be able to communicate that to the other person. A good relationship needs two beings who are going to try to have a love relationship and who are willing to spend the time necessary to establish good communication.
When you consider that your way of thinking, your interests and habits are determined not by mere personality quirk, but by the very structure of your being, you stop thinking about how you might change each other and start thinking about how you can be yourselves together. It becomes important to understand your polarity differences and to learn how to express you.
Each partner must observe and accept the differences between the two. It is not necessary to become like someone to communicate with them. It is only necessary to find a common meeting ground…
A causal or objective state of being is the best place to communicate from. Practice pulling yourself away from your emotions before talking about things that are important to you. It is even worthwhile to postpone conversations until a time when you can both be objective. Remember: Emotions move you, and if the emotions are negative, you will be moved into more and more negative regions…
While the physical body is planet-bound, the being that is the real you is not. The real you may even have some difficulty with the physical fact and limitations. Your being is capable of flying. You are limited only by your own comprehension and proper energy management. Your being is capable of flying on two planes. The first plane, which is horizontal, requires little energy and can set you free in the universe you now live in. The second requires a very fine degree of energy management and when mastered allows you to fly vertically out of the universe and into the Cosmos. Most people have the energy potential to do this, but do not understand how to put it together to make it work.
This is even truer of an opposite relationship, for you are dealing with two energies, not just one. Two energies can, in the case of opposites, greatly multiply the power available to both beings. The power is of such magnitude it can very quickly drive you far up in your spiritual structure or abruptly far down. The potential for the relationship to be incredibly good is balanced by the potential to be equally as bad. It is important to know some ways to approach this power, to direct it and to keep it positive…
Life … is supposed to be beautiful. … Life is eternal and is meant to be eternally beautiful…
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