Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Healing the Chakras Part 4

In keeping up with our lovelies who have deeply shown support to my course in ADVANCED CHAKRA KNOWLEDGE, for many are misinformed and led astray on what the Chakras really are making their work within the Chakra system failed from the start!

Healing the Chakras Part 4
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Feb 24, 2016
all rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments
The Heart Chakra~Actor - Actress/Lover
The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest. The color of this chakra is emerald green.

The parts of the body affected by this chakra are:
· heart
· blood and circulatory system
· cardiac plexus
· lungs
· entire chest area
· immune system
· thymus gland
· lymph glands.

This chakra relates to our sense of touch. Hugging is a Heart Chakra activity. Sensitivity about being touched indicates heart chakra sensitivity. Perceptions of love are related to this Chakra. Difficulty with breathing and problems with the lungs indicates tension in the Heart Chakra. A person's relationship with air reflects their relationship with love. When our hearts are open, we are at peace with ourselves and with those around us.

Illnesses associated with this chakra are:
· heart pain
· heart attack
· high blood pressure
· fatigue
· difficulty breathing
· tension
· insomnia
· anger
· paranoia
· cancer

The dysfunctional archetype of the Heart Chakra is the Actor/Actress.
This archetype refers to those who play at love but who are not sufficiently aware and hide their darker feelings under the hidden agendas of power and dominance. The Actor/Actress is incapable of real intimacy because it resists feeling its fears and negativity to loving and being loved by another. It goes through life acting as if everything is fine, escaping its inner emotional reality and managing to avoid the experience of intimacy. It doesn't expose its own vulnerability and feels safe only at a distance from those it professes to love. Love, for this archetype, is a mental exercise rather than a function of the heart. When anyone becomes too close to its vulnerable core, it closes down and sabotages its relationships.

The functional archetype of the Heart Chakra is the Lover. The Lover first and foremost loves themselves. Without knowing who we are and understanding and accepting ourselves, we cannot fathom the power of love. As we choose love, we also choose life.
As we affirm ourselves, love eases its way into every fiber of our being. This archetype loves people, animals, plants and all of life.

Crystals to balance the Heart Chakra are:
· Emerald
· Green and Pink Tourmaline
· Malachite
· Green Jade
· Green Aventurine
· Rose Quartz
· Peridot

These stones can be carried in a pocket, placed in the area of the Heart Chakra or made into an essence.

Energetic Clearing Technique For The Actor/Actress Archetype
Repeat the following to heal the actor/actress issues of the Heart Chakra:
“I ask my Spirit, to go throughout time, through my ancestry, through my soul's lineage, through my soul contracts, through all of my aspects and locate all causes, signs, side effects, predispositions to and damage from all the ways and all the reasons me or any of my aspects feel or have ever felt like I am not loved, I am not loving and any similar feeling, thought or emotion.
Take my Higher Self and every aspect of my being to the very first incident that caused this issue to start. Analyze every aspect of it and heal it perfectly, permanently and completely.
Come throughout time, through my ancestry, through my soul's lineage, through my soul contracts, through all of my aspects, healing each incident based upon the foundation of the first, until I am at the present filled with light, love, peace and truth. I am loved. I love everyone unconditionally, I love myself unconditionally.
Know that every negative thought or inappropriate behavior based on this issue quickly disappears. Take all the time you need Spirit, but quicken time and do the job NOW. Thank you, Spirit.”

Balancing The Heart Chakra

Imagine your Heart Chakra. The color of this chakra should be a beautiful, clear emerald green. If you see any other color, remove it and imagine the chakra being filled with green energy. Once you are able to imagine the proper color filling this chakra, imagine it spinning in a clockwise direction. Spin it faster and faster as you fill it with emerald green energy.

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