Friday, February 26, 2016

Chakra Healing Part 5~3rd Eye Chakra Feb 26, 2016

Keeping up with my lovelies here on our advanced Chakra 
Many fail for lack of accurate information!

Chakra Healing  Part 5
Third Eye Chakra
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Feb 26, 2016
all rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

The Third Eye Chakra is located in the middle of the forehead between the eyes. The color of this chakra is indigo.

The parts of the body affected by this chakra are:
• forehead and temples
• pituitary gland
• pineal gland
• brain
• eyes
• ears
• nose

This chakra relates to extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc. It is associated with the deep inner level of Being we call the Spirit. It is the place where our true motivations are found, and is the level of consciousness that directs our actions and, in fact, our lives.

Illnesses associated with this chakra are:
• confusion
• mental illness
• bad eyesight
• lack of clarity
• psychic exhaustion.

The dysfunctional archetype of the Third Eye Chakra is the Intellectual. This archetype tries to master the forces of chaos by living from the dictates and constrictions of the left brain only and it seldom engages with its feelings, particularly those surrounding fear and insecurity. Its mind is dry and has a static quality to it which limits its happiness and restricts its capacity for joy. While it controls its world, it avoids having to listen to its inner voice which may be saying that it is time to relax, enjoy the day, or smell the roses. The Intellectual is also highly opinionated and has many ideas based on information from secondary sources rather than trusting what comes from its direct experience. It does not trust its own intuition to provide a valuable source of information to guide it through life's challenges or uncertainties. The Intellectual is often full of tension from worrying or thinking too much.

The healthy archetype of the Third Eye Chakra is the Intuitive.
This archetype is able to access its deepest knowing which we call our intuition. It has become wise. It can make choices for itself and help others to find their inner wisdom. This highly developed archetype has the gift of inner sight, known as clairvoyance, and trusts its inner knowing to provide guidance and answers to life's perplexities.

Crystals to balance the Third Eye Chakra are:
• Lapis Lazuli
• Azurite
• Sodalite
• Quartz Crystal
• Iolite
• Sapphire

These stones can be carried in a pocket, placed in the area of the Third Eye Chakra or made into an essence.

Energetic Clearing Technique For The Intellectual
Repeat the following to heal the intellectual issues of the Third Eye Chakra:
“I ask my Spirit, to go throughout time, through my ancestry, through my soul's lineage, through my soul contracts, through all of my aspects and locate all causes, signs, side effects, predispositions to and damage from all the ways and all the reasons me or any of my aspects feel or have ever felt like I cannot see or hear my Divine guidance. I do not follow my intuition. I am not guided by Spirit and any similar feeling, thought or emotion.
Take my Higher Self and every aspect of my being to the very first incident that caused this issue to start. Analyze every aspect of it and heal it perfectly, permanently and completely.
Come throughout time, through my ancestry, through my soul's lineage, through my soul contracts, through all of my aspects, healing each incident based upon the foundation of the first, until I am at the present filled with light, love, peace and truth. I have a very strong connection to my Guides, Angels and Higher Self, receiving clear guidance from them at all times. I can see, hear and feel my guidance at all times.
Know that every negative thought or inappropriate behavior based on this issue quickly disappears. Take all the time you need Spirit, but quicken time and do the job NOW. Thank you, Spirit.”

Balancing The Third Eye Chakra
Imagine your Third Eye Chakra. The color of this chakra should be a beautiful, clear indigo which is a mixture of blue and red. If you see any other color, remove it and imagine the chakra being filled with indigo energy. Once you are able to imagine the proper color filling this chakra, imagine it spinning in a clockwise direction. Spin it faster and faster as you fill it with indigo energy.

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