Monday, February 29, 2016

Enhancing Your Intuition Feb 29, 2016

Enhancing Your Intuition
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Feb 29, 2016


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2016 RavenStar Enchantments

Development of your intuition as part of your spiritual growth is something stressed by many different spiritual paths. In most of the Pagan systems it is frequently linked to specific practices such as dowsing, healing, and divination rather than thought of as a skill on its own. Many Pagans I have met tend to think of it purely as a spiritual skill rather than something that involves the integrated use of all the five physical senses, mental faculties, and psychospiritual abilities. Unless people are aware of this then intuition works erratically and cannot be relied on for useful information.

In the last century the use of psychology in training and learning has suggested that the best way to learn and develop many skills is through experimentation and non-serious gameplay. This has crossed over into covens and magickal training groups as the “bridging techniques” mentioned in this write later. Enhancing the senses in this way is the psychic equivalent of the famous Bruce Lee quote "Before I learned the art, a punch was just a punch, and a kick, just a kick. After I learned the art, a punch was no longer a punch, a kick, no longer a kick. Now that I understand the art, a punch is just a punch and a kick is just a kick.

The idea encapsulated in this quote is that by cycling unconscious skills though the conscious mind, and re-integrating them you can fine-tune, understand, and enhance them. It also means that many times you can access the source of the intuitive feeling and discover its source.

This is the same situation for many professions where reliance on instinct/intuition plays a significant part such as in the military, police, or fire service. In both of these jobs the people are highly trained, and their environmental awareness is a key part of their job. This combination means that minute changes in the environment can be detected in the same way as I sensed the leak. A subtle noise, change in pressure, or something out of place in the environment can trigger an intuitive feeling about what is going on, or about to happen.

I train daily, and after 56 years at it make it a fun game, at ‘tuning in’ to a situation or opponent using peripheral vision, mirroring stance and distance, and avoiding being seen by staying in their blind spot. Even my new students start to develop a sense of when to move, or what is coming next after a few minutes of working with a partner as they pick up on the subtle cues and micromovements that precede a change in direction, or an the psychic realms. Then we would change partners and do the same exercise with someone new, which helps refine the skills we are learning even more.

To make this part of everyday life I suggested that we use this level of awareness consciously in crowded areas such as busy supermarkets to evade being run into with a shopping trolley, and to avoid running in to anyone else by lack of awareness. This exercise has a profound effect, enhancing sensory-based intuition to the point where you move and flow with the other shoppers as part of your automatic alertness.

I got this exercise to share in a city although it evolved from doing this as a child living in the forest and moving in dense forested areas without touching a single branch or thorn bush.

This awareness of minimal cues becomes a ‘springboard’ for the development of the psychic and spiritual levels of awareness. Frequently we miss these more subtle aspects of intuition because we are not sensitive enough for them to reach our conscious mind. This is what training the senses to pick up subtleties helps us to do. This can be enhanced by meditation, particularly the systems that help you to notice your thoughts without attachment or trying to influence them.

This is the point at which doing readings for others can be of great help. Focusing on the system -, be it Runes, Tarot, or lines in the hand - gives the conscious mind something to do while the subconscious picks up small physical cues from the client interspersed with foretastes of potential futures, or situations of importance to the client from the mental and spiritual planes. These latter fragments can be startlingly accurate, but are frequently ascribed to the tools themselves giving the information which can be a barrier to further personal development. When the intuitive faculty is fully integrated the results for the person can be an enhanced sense of purpose and their place in the world.

But however good a person’s intuition becomes it is still a “wild talent”, subject to misinterpretation and mistakes. Ueshiba Morihei, the founder of the martial art of Aikido I read, was highly intuitive, to the point of being able to avoid bullets according to several sources. Although he was still a nightmare to go on a journey with according to many of the same sources. At the slightest sense of danger he, and anyone with him, would have to change their mode of transport and even the route to where they were going, or return home. There was little or no evidence that these precautions actually saved anyone, but because his intuitions had frequently served him well he tended to over-rely on them. Since he was held in wide regard in Japanese society by the time he started to do this he could get away with these actions, but I doubt anyone else could.

So, as you develop your intuition make sure you stay grounded on the physical plane to take full advantage of the ‘edge’ it can bring you, and use it in a balanced manner. In the next article we'll look at the way you can become more psychic, but also how if you are not careful some people and corporations will try to use your sensitivity to their own ends.

Let's Talk About Your Intuition
Why concern yourself with working to find and use your intuition? Focusing on and acquainting yourself with your “sixth sense” can bring benefits every day in big issues and small. Intuition is a gift we all have and can decide to heighten through our intention and attention.
Most of us have experienced flashes of insight from time to time. Perhaps we simply knew who was calling when the phone rang. Maybe we received the impression that we needed to place a phone call to a friend or relative who needed some cheering. The emotion of their difficulty arrived within us without benefit of letter or phone call to us.
Those of us who have raised youngsters have many times known what was troubling them or needed “fixing” long before any words were exchanged. We just knew. Our intuition told us.
Relationships of any kind seem to bring out either the best or the worst in us but what better place to practice your intuitive skills? Saving frayed nerves and general emotional upset by understanding the problem from the other person’s point of view before speaking would be worth the extra time spent mentally investigating.
The interesting thing is the more attention you place on your correct insights, in essence congratulating yourself for paying attention and taking action, the more correct insights you will have!
Any time you have a concern about going ahead with a plan or course of action, business or personal, being able to discern the probable outcome or establish better alternatives through “extra sensory” discovery is a definite plus. It can keep you from unnecessary side-tracks and detours.
The subjects you may choose to intuit are quite unlimited. For instance suppose you have been attempting to choose a new health care provider. You now have narrowed the field to two candidates. They both seem well qualified and come with trustworthy recommendations. What to do? Simply get quiet. Ask yourself who would be the best choice for me and my health issues? Many times your intuitive self can see some underlying qualities of the doctors that consciously you may have no knowledge of. Receiving more of the facts, your choice will be both easier and better.
As simple a thing as feeling that you ought to take a different route home rather than the usual freeway, can avoid needless traffic jams or accidents. As you begin to trust your extra sensory self, you will find life moves more smoothly.
I can remember many years ago in my early days as a Dr. of Metaphysics, I had an advantage whenever I would pay close attention to my feelings concerning a client. In other words, I would look at their desires and know intuitively whether what they were asking for was the kind of desire they would be able to handle.
Upon sensing potential desires, occasionally I would realize I needed to show them a different kind or situation than what they requested in order to satisfy them. Also it helped me to realize who was a genuinely motivated client and who, in all probability, would look virtually forever and never apply the work needed for spiritual evolution of soul. Need I say it saved me many wasted futile hours of driving here and there?
Where does our intuition come from? Where is its home base? Intuition is part of our subconscious gifts many times amplified by our personal guides and teachers. Because that is true we can make the best, most accurate and concise use of it by becoming quiet and contemplative when faced with choices. Some people spend a few minutes a day by themselves in meditation. Others figuratively may simply step out of the bustle of the day removing themselves into the quiet of their own minds just to think. Whatever allows us to hear the still small voice inside of us will bring answers.
Fortunately “tuning in” can be done absolutely anywhere, anytime. As long as you can simply decide to “hear” your inner self for a minute or two, it can be done in the middle of the noisiest surroundings you can imagine. The next time you are at a ball game or standing by the bus stop, give it a try. See what you might be telling yourself that can be of use today or tomorrow!
***Suggested and highly encouraged reading on this subject matter "Developing Your Innate Psychic Abilities". As a best seller this eBook has equipped hundreds with powerful information and self help lessons to open up anyone on this innate ability in all of us.

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