Sunday, February 21, 2016

Step by Step Guide To Sigil Making

Step by Step Guide To Sigil Making
and why it hasn't worked for you YET!
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Feb 21, 2016
all rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

The problem connected to why it hasn't worked is lost in your denial of yourself and your self divine nature!
So before I begin let's begin at square 1, ground zero...... Where your magick stifled....
You are telling your mind and others you are walking the old ways but don't take time to actually learn them......
The concept of sigils and sigil creation is new to many people these days, but chaos magicians and discordians have been working with them for many years. The dictionary defines a sigil as:
* 1. A seal; a signet.
2. A sign or an image considered magical. *

So how can one create a "magical" sign or an image? And how is it that the sign or image will be "magical"?
Basically, you must create a strange symbol that will be recognized only by your subconscious mind. It must be enough to bypass your conscious notice. It is believed by many that our subconscious mind is the realm where "magic" happens. It is our subconscious mind where change takes place both within us as well as the outside world (so some believe).
* "Magick is "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." - Aleister Crowley. *
And with sigils, we can perhaps make changes in our lives and ourselves.

Here is a step by step guide to making sigils:
1. Write out your intention. Make it a positive one. Do not use any negative words. The subconscious mind will only understand positive intentions. For instance: I WILL SEE SOMEONE WEARING PURPLE SHOES. Do not use words like
"want" or "desire" either. Those words are merely "wishes". You want your subconscious to WILL something into being.

2. Cross out every repeating letter. "P" can be found in "R", so you can cross out "P". "N" can be found in "W", so you can cross out "N". "M" and "W" are pretty much the same letter so you can cross one of them out. "L" can be found in "H". You are then left with "WSEOAGRUH". One intention that many people will use is "I WILL OBTAIN EXTRA MONEY". "WOBTAEXRY" The "Y" of course could be in "X", depending on your writing style.

3. Get creative. Draw a symbol or picture using every single letter. Try hiding the "WSEOAGRUH" within the picture. You can make the picture USING the letters. You can turn them any which way you want. You can color or paint them if you wish. It will be YOUR OWN personal image, so you can get creative with it in any way you like. If you'd prefer not to spend that much time on it, that's fine too. You can just scribble a random looking symbol if you want. The only thing that matters is that you make it yourself and add all of the letters to it.

4. Fire it off. Now is the time to "fire the sigil off" or "charge it". By doing this, you make sure it leaves an imprint on your subconscious mind. In order to fire it off, you must look upon the sigil while in a trance like, gnostic state. This can be a tricky part because many people are uncertain as to how to go about being in a state of gnosis.
It's not really something I can describe. You must feel it. Here are a few tips though that will hopefully give you an idea:
* - Deep Meditation - Surround the sigil with candles and stare at it along with the flames while meditating. *
*- Sex - A state of gnosis can be reached through orgasm. Have the sigil hanging up on the wall. *
*- Dancing - Some people can reach a trance state through dancing. Have the sigil hanging up on the wall. *
*- Pain - Yes, some people go as far as burning or cutting themselves when trying to charge off a sigil. I wouldn't recommend anyone to try it though.
Please don't. *
*- Exhaustion - Try staring at the sigil while running on the treadmill or something similar. *
*- Yoga- Similar to meditation. Try staring at the sigil while practicing yoga. *
*- Drifting off to sleep - Hang it to where you can see it as you drift off
to sleep. Those few seconds in between the waking world and dream world
might be enough to fire the sigil off. *

5. After you feel that you've successfully charged the sigil, it's time to tear it up and forget about it.
Yup. It's best not to consciously worry or think about it. It is officially imprinted on your subconscious mind now, don't let your conscious mind interfere. If you've done all the steps right, then you should be seeing someone wearing purple shoes soon and receiving some extra money. Results seem to happen in 3's: 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months. Results usually come when you're least expecting them too; thus the importance of "forgetting" about the sigils.
If you find that you have a hard time at forgetting about them, then you could try making many of them all at once, but setting them all aside for awhile before charging them off. Since you won't have them labeled, you won't remember which is which and you'll have an easier time remembering what all they're for exactly. Your subconscious will remember which is which though. In the end, that's what matters the most.

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