Friday, February 19, 2016

Sun In Pisces FEB 18, 2016

Sun In Pisces FEB 18, 2016
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Feb 19 2016
all rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

Sun in Pisces
It's time to reconnect with your spiritual side

It's time to wrap up another astrological year! When the Sun moves into Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, from February 19 to March 20, it signals the ending of one cycle before the next begins at the Spring Equinox.
And what do you do when something ends, before you begin again? Rest! That's why the Sun in Pisces is considered a time to dream and heal and regain strength before starting the new cycle.

Pisces is symbolized by two Fish, which we like to call "the fishes with wishes." The fish are swimming in opposite directions, which is representative of the Pisces paradox. This sign is at once caught between feeling the harshness of reality and the desire for dreamy escapism.

It's normal to feel more spiritual while the Sun is in Pisces. It's easier to tap into your intuition and we're more inclined to follow our instincts and surrender to something greater than the individual self. But it can also be a lazy, daydream-filled period, so we must keep our escapist tendencies in check.

Those born from about February 15-21 were born on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp, and those born from about March 18-22 were born on the Pisces-Aries cusp. Being born on the cusp simply means that you were born during the transition time between two zodiac signs, so you retain some qualities from each sign.

If we can embrace empathy for others without letting their pain make us feel victimized while the Sun is in Pisces, this promises to be a very healing time.

Here's how to make the most of life with the Sun in Pisces:
What to do:
Take care of someone! Pisces is the most compassionate and caring zodiac sign, so they are at their best when doing something kind for others. Adopt this admirable Pisces quality now and use it to ease someone's pain.

What to say: Something poetic. The dreamy fishes are artsy and creative, so now's the time to channel your inner Pisces poet and write or speak something beautiful to someone you love.

Where to go: Bed! Pisces can sometimes be called "lazy," but really they just need a safe place to lie down, close their eyes and dream the day away. If you find your mind meandering while the Sun is in Pisces, give yourself permission to take a sweet little nap.

What to wear: Who cares?! Seriously. Life is not about what we wear, it's about who we are. That's the typical Pisces mindset, of course, so if you're tired of dressing for success, this is a good time to slack into some sweats and forget about fashion while you follow more spiritual pursuits.

What to buy: Anything that will help you feel more connected to your spiritual side. It's easier to tap into your intuition while the Sun is in Pisces, so shop for New Age healing crystals, incense, candles, Tarot cards and all of Pisces' favorite spiritual supplies.

What to watch out for: Highly sensitive, compassionate and imaginative, Pisces is at risk of wanting to escape when they feel too much or get caught up in daydreams. Alcohol and drug abuse are common to this sign, so be aware of escapism and try to keep yourself grounded (at least a little bit) while the Sun is in Pisces.

What to look forward to: Healing! By the time the Sun moves out of Pisces, you'll be rested, renewed, reconnected with your spiritual self and ready to begin a new astrological year!

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