Saturday, February 13, 2016

Lucifer - Venusa

Lucifer - Venusa
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Feb 13, 2016
all rights reserved

The Ancient Egyptians and Greeks thought that the morning and evening stars were two separate entities rather than the same planet (Venus) seen at two different times. The Greeks called the morning star Phosphoros (Latinise...d Phosphorus), "Bringer of Light" or Eosphoros (Eosphorus), "Bringer of Dawn". The evening star was called Hesperos (Hesperus), "star of the evening". Hesperos was translated into Latin as Vesper, and Phosphoros as Lucifer ("Light Bearer").

Later, the ancient Greeks realized the two stars were in fact one planet, which they named after their goddess of love, Aphrodite (the Phoenician Astarte, the Egyptian Isis and the Roman Venus).

When Lucifer, the Angel of Light, is characterised as a man, it's actually a travesty of the history of the word. Although Illuminism is itself guilty of portraying Lucifer as male by longstanding convention, the Angel of Light should in fact be characterised as the principle of the Eternal Feminine, the quintessential female.

Whereas Satan - the Eternal Masculine - is violent, aggressive, angry, bullying, selfish, narcissistic, individualistic, Lucifer is peaceful, loving, altruistic, compassionate, considerate, and an advocate of community.

Satan and Lucifer are reconciled in the higher synthesis of Abraxas - neither male nor female, but the best of both.

The world cannot prosper under the rule of Satan, and nor would a reign by Lucifer be the answer - it would simply create a new and different set of problems. Just as Apollo and Dionysus have to be dialectically harnessed, so do Satan and Lucifer: male and female, masculine and feminine, yin and yang.

The evil reputation of Lucifer would be erased if "he" were portrayed as "she" - the goddess of love, bringing the light of love to the world.

It's impossible to portray Satan as anything other than a psychotic man, but Lucifer, as the counterpoise to Satan, should certainly be portrayed in feminine terms. "Lucifer" should be restored to what it was originally - an epithet of Venus, the radiant goddess of love. All depictions of the Angel of Light should show a wondrously beautiful woman, the treasured daughter of Abraxas, sent into the world to combat the Prince of Darkness - Satan.

When you think of Abrahamism, is it not always fanatical bearded men you see in your mind, demanding death and destruction for all "infidels"? The God of Abrahamism seems remarkably like Thanatos, the god of death. While women bring new life into the world, men take it out of the world by killing it. Women are Eros, and men Thanatos. Men are deeply attracted to death cults because they love the theme of Apocalypse. Ultra violence has a profound fascination for all men. Men are violent because violence is part of the male psyche in a way that women can never fathom. Look at Valhalla, the warrior heaven of the ultra-masculine Vikings: they fight all day then feast and fuck all night. That is the complete encapsulation of the masculine worldview. When you boil masculinity down to its essential components, that's all that's left - sex, violence and partying. All men have a Viking within them, longing to get out. The masculine world is the id world. Men are fundamentally opposed to civilisation. Women are the ones who bring the Superego and civilisation into the world.

All patriarchal religions - especially Abrahamism - have a malignant masculine core. All such religions are evil. They have to be tempered with a feminine aspect. Ancient religions almost always had male and female divinities worshipped on a more or less equal footing. Some put goddesses at the top of the pantheon because of the fertility of women, some put gods at the top because of their virile power, but many had them as complementary pairs like yin and yang.

Monotheism was a catastrophe because it destroyed the equality and balance of gods and goddesses. An utterly masculine god became the sole deity of the cosmos, and the world was immediately plunged into a disastrous relegation of the importance of women, and a sanctification of the worst aspects of the masculine. Yahweh = Allah = Christ = Satan = Id = masculinity in its darkest aspect is the true equation of monotheism.

The Gnostic Abraxas, as the synthesis of Lucifer and Satan, as the sexless God who transcends sex, containing an absolute harmony of the female and male principles, is the only healthy way to portray monotheism.

It is wrong, dangerous and even evil for the monotheistic God to be portrayed as fundamentally a man. Even the most cursory glance at Abrahamism reveals that it's absolutely infected with masculine concepts and has marginalized and ridiculed everything feminine. Look at the way Jews, Christians and Muslims have treated women throughout history. Christians took a long time to agree that women actually had souls and the vote was passed extremely narrowly. Muslims hate women so much that they would prefer it if women were not seen at all, hence the burqa. Catholics refuse to have woman priests. Abrahamism has never been anything but the vehicle of the most terrible sexism that has reduced women to second-class citizens in a two-tier society. Just as it's mind-boggling that gays choose to be Abrahamists given that Abrahamism regards gays as the damned, it's equally extraordinary that any woman should have anything to do with such a sexist religion as Abrahamism.

Women should not subscribe to any religion that does not give them equal billing to men. Where are the female prophets, the holy books written by women, the female priests, rabbis, and imams, the female popes? Any religion that discriminates against women should be declared illegal - and that means Abrahamism.

Abrahamism has no place in the modern world. The reverence with which the ancient Egyptians treated Isis, the Phoenicians Ashtoreth, the Babylonians Ishtar and the Greeks Athena, Hera and Aphrodite shows that they were much more enlightened than the monotheistic Abrahamists. We need to restore the importance of the ancient goddesses.

All hail Lucifer, the Angel of Light, the Goddess of Love - the antidote to Satan. Through Lucifer we will reach Abraxas, the Supreme Being, the First God, and the God that we will all join as Gods ourselves.

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