Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What Is Primal Energy and Lycan Wildness?

What Is Lycan Wildness
Dr Raven Dolick MsD Dec 17, 2014
All rights reserved

The Lycan nature is instinctual and goes well beyond that which is intuitive. Many today search dark hallways of their illusions to even fin their own  intuition, making the "wildness" as abstract as there popularized beliefs of self empowerment.
in its beginnings, is all about making conscious (or liberating) our dark or shadow nature, and to this end, Our PRIMAL (original) magick is undertaken. Empowered Lycans believe that we are already gods: but most people fail to understand this and continue to grovel: to others or to a 'god'.
The Primal Energy is proud, strong and defiant and detests the religions of the controllers and those who need religion to find real individual divinity for they will never know their true self and empowerment following controllers as sheep to slaughter. To the sabotaged beliefs of Christianity itself has been sabotaged from it's own PRIMAL (original) power.
 As the crucified god founded by the Nazarene, Yeshua. A Nazarene (a follower of Yeshua) is afraid of dying and weighed down by guilt and envy. The religion of Yeshua has inverted all natural values, setting back the course of our conscious evolution. As Primal Energy, on the contrary, is a natural expression of the evolutionary or  'Promethean' urge within us: and its magick is a means to make us gods upon Earth, to realize the potential that lies within us all.
No wonder it is that the common mind today fears our freedom and ways.
Our ceremonies are a means to enjoy the pleasures of life: they offer carnality, the pleasure of fulfilling one's desires, the bringing of material and personal rewards and the joys of what others fear as darkness. But they are only a beginning, a stage toward something greater.
The protectors and lesson givers of the Mother Erath herself are bestowed unto us in the Primal responsibilities of the Lycan in every foot print we leave behind.
It is one of the purposes of the Primal Energy to guide those Initiates who may be in it-to full self empowerment for the common good of Gaia equivalent comparison to the works of The Arrangement by Hagur
Those who are interested along the difficult and dangerous path which is to us as a well structured Kith simply see it as the way. Those who do not wish and not evolved to be Primal Energy are self encouraged anyway to follow this path to Adeptship and beyond should simply enjoy the many pleasures which the Primal Force of Nature and it's Darkness to sheeple's offers.
In pure Primal Energy there is an appreciation of the role of women, for Lycan's at its highest level is concerned with the development of the individual : roles as such are a necessary part of self-development. To be played, discarded and then transcended.
The structure of traditional Temples and the rituals performed by those members of those Temples of our past reflect this appreciation and understanding.
For example, it is possible and indeed desirable for a Mistress of Earth to establish and: organize her own Temple Body unless she herself wishes otherwise, just as it is possible and desirable to celebrate the Sexual power of magick and Primal Creation using Her priest, naked, upon the altar while the Priestess conducts the service, such reversal being an accepted principle of the Primal Magick we all harness.
Returning to the Primal Force in all living creations is fundamentally a way of living - a practical philosophy of life. The essence of this way is the belief that we can all, as individuals, achieve far more with our lives than we realize. Most people waste the opportunities that life can, by magick, be made to bring. Thus it requires the ego and belief structures advanced minded animals as humans harbor to Devolve to now be able to Evolve.
So Primal Magick is simply the use of magickal forces or energies to enhance the life of an individual or individuals according to their desires BUT then apply it to the Kith structure and earth evolutionary process that the average guru and follower of others can not and never will harness!
 This usage can be of two types
- the first is 'external' and the second is 'internal'.
External Primal Magick is essentially sorcery; the changing of external events, circumstances or individuals in accordance with
the wishes of the sorcerer. Internal Primal Magick is the changing of the consciousness of the individual magician using certain magickal techniques -
this is essentially the quest of the Initiate, we call pups, for the higher grades of magickal attainment, a following of the way of Adeptship.
To external magick belongs ceremonial and hermetic rituals and these alone when embraced suffice. To internal Primal Magick belongs The Way. Ceremonial rituals are rituals involving more than two individuals, the ritual taking place in either a nature herself and being Nature Herself which we call The Shift!, or a Temple area consecrated as a Natural Primal Sacred Space.
Ceremonial rituals involve NO set text with those of this level of empowerment which is followed by the participants, nor needed the wearing of ceremonial robes together with the use of certain items having magickal or Occult significance.
Hermetic rituals are usually undertaken by an individual working alone or with one assistant/companion.
GRANTED the Universe will always recycle that which is not needed and only the mind of man resists its changing and Shift for Nature alone INSTINTUALLY embraces and INvokes this recycling.
But Primal Energy, The Lycan Way, goes where it is needed and goes on its own causing great responsibility to the individual harnessing it and therefor many HUMANS  can not and will not embark in its success and power because the HUMAN mind is the reason all is aflux on this great Mother Earth we protect and serve.

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