Saturday, December 20, 2014

Question Everything!

The Ignorance Of The Human Race
It is so straight forward but very few see it.

We were all taught what to believe and what we were taught is determined by the area in which we were born and raised.
 Almost everyone believes what they were taught is correct and any cultural view which goes against what they believe is incorrect.
 Cultural traditions, family values, religious beliefs are mostly determined by where you live.
 Here is where it gets almost funny.  Everyone can look around and see that each culture has their own set of beliefs and values but most individuals believe they have determined their own beliefs by themselves.  They believe they have gained enough information and have done the necessary evaluation. They think the beliefs they hold are because of their own choosing, even though they can clearly see they are very similar to the beliefs of the culture they grew up in.
 There is the ignorance.
 Everyone can clearly see that each culture has its own set of beliefs.
 Everyone can clearly see that each culture thinks its beliefs are correct.
 Even seeing that almost everyone still thinks that when in comes to conflicting beliefs their culture is correct and the other culture is wrong.
 Whether we want to believe it or not we are all by products of the society we grew up in.  There is so much going on in us subconsciously we can never fully break free from our cultural prejudices. If this were not the case then our individual neighborhoods would mimic the entire world.  Our neighborhoods would be as diverse as the entire world.  Visiting a neighbor would be like visiting another country.  But we can look around and see that is clearly not the case.  Our neighbors are very much like ourselves.
 But then some will argue there may be differing beliefs but some one has to be right.
 There is no one single culture that is the "right" culture.  Just like there is no one shoe size.  What fits one person will not fit another.  What works for one person will not work for another.
 This is where we need to learn tolerance.  We should all be learning from each other.  All cultures have so much they can teach the others.  It is when the individual thinks their culture is the one "true" way that problems really start.  We can see the devastating effects of this happening all around us.
 We have many cultural biases which are very good for us.
 We have many cultural biases which are very bad for us.
 Our goal should be to keep an open mind and allow ourselves to experience the rich diverseness this world has to offer.
 What you need to do is start paying attention to your internal dialogue.  Pay attention to what you are saying to your self.  Then learn to quiet the voices.
 Start looking at things from different perspectives.  You will soon discover that you have been wrong about so many things.  That things you thought were true are not and things you thought weren't true are.  You will open yourself up to an incredible, magical world that you never knew existed.  You will open yourself up to a world of unlimited opportunity for YOU.
 This where you can choose a purpose.  Something you want to accomplish.  Something that excites you and makes you happy.  And when you set out to achieve that purpose you will know you have the diversity of the world backing you.  That you are not holding on to a very limited set of beliefs.
 You will be amazed by what you accomplish.

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