Monday, December 22, 2014


Divination Course SCRYING
Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov 17, 2014
All rights reserved

Scrying is an ancient method of divination involving gazing into reflective surfaces such as mirrors, crystals, spheres and water, until a vision appears. The scrying object is also sometimes referred to as a speculum.
The term scry derives from the word “descry” which means “to succeed in discerning” or “make out dimly” or “to reveal.” Gazing meditatively at these objects enables one to focus and project imagery from within, for instance from the mind’s eye. The subconscious moves into a channeling state, thereby opening up the psyche, which is said to be influenced by phases of the moon. Some sources suggest that the visions seen are messages sent from the subconscious self to the conscious self. There are many purposes for the use of scrying. Among these are seeing into the future, answering questions, solving problems, tracking criminals, and finding lost persons or objects.
This practice has been traced back to near the beginnings of civilization. It may have started when man first gazed into a sacred pond or river. Witches and magicians, a Wise Woman or Wise Man, and the most common stereotype, the Gypsy fortune‐teller using her crystal ball, have all used scrying. Additionally, the ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas, Romans, Chinese, Arabs, and many others have all practiced this method of divination in some form. The Native American tribes, the Apache and the Cherokee use crystals, as do the Australian aborigines and tribes of Borneo and New Guinea.
One of the most renowned prophets of all time, Nostradamus, used scrying for more than one thousand predictions he made during his lifetime. His method was to set a bowl of water on a brass tripod next to a lit candle, then dip a wand into the water and anoint himself with a few droplets. He then stared into the water until he began having his prophetic visions. He predicted events not only for his day, but also for ten centuries into the future! To avoid the threat of the Inquisition, and skepticism, he wrote these predictions in rhyming verses (called quatrains), anagrams, and various languages, so they were not easy to interpret. Yet, over half of these predictions have come true.
In A Pictorial Anthology of Witchcraft Magic and Alchemy, (1931) by Grillot De Givry, the author suggests that Catherine de Medici possessed a “magic mirror” in which she studied the future of France. In the library of Christ Church, Oxford, there is a drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci of two witches using a magic mirror to see the future. In sixteenth century England, Queen Elizabeth I’s astrologer, Dr. John Dee, owned a “magic mirror” of polished obsidian, as well as a crystal ball, which he and his scryer, assistant Edward Kelley, used for predictions for various nobility and rulers throughout Europe.
As with any form of divination, scrying takes practice, dedication and a clear relaxed mind. The preparations, using numerous rituals and traditions, are almost as important as the scrying itself. Some are very elaborate, others brief and simple. These procedures are designed to create a feeling of personal commitment and awareness, enabling the scryer to be in the necessary frame of mind to receive psychic vibrations. Since psychic vibrations are more clearly received at night, most divination work is done after dark.
Some of these preparations may include meditation to clear your mind, making sure the room is dimly lit or candles are lit, and making sure the objects are very clean. Music or incense may also be used but this is a personal choice. Scryers often wrap their mirrors, crystals or bowls in cloth to protect them from dust, grease and scratches. Wrapping or boxing scryer objects not only protects them from dirt but also helps them retain the vibrations built up from continual use.
Just before you begin, you may ask your spirit guide for guidance or you may say a prayer and ask for the correct information that you seek. The time used for Scrying can vary from a few minutes to a half‐hour. It is usually done alone, although another person can be in the room.

How to scry: when using a mirror for scrying, you should stand in a dark room and place a flashlight or candle a few inches below your face and stare into the mirror for a few minutes. Try not to focus on details.
Watch for the shape of your face to change, it may appear to grow facial hair, you may see another face, and if you look off to the side you will see spirit. It is possible you may also see yourself in the past lives.
Using water, as the reflective surface for scrying is very common. It represents the collective unconscious, the flow of things in the universe back to one source. When using a bowl of water, it should be black or very dark; you may add India ink to the water to turn it black if you desire. Place the bowl on a table in front of you, make sure you are relaxed and the room is quiet and dim. Then close your eyes and take two long slow breaths, breathing in through your nose. Hold the breath for several seconds, then release it slowly through your mouth.
Your body should be relaxed and your mind clear, open and receptive. Then open your eyes and gaze down into the bowl of dark water. You could ask a mental question or just watch for the cloudiness to appear. Then watch for random images or scenes.
When scrying with crystals, the most common object is the crystal ball, usually about to 2‐3 inches across or about the size of an egg. However, the crystal does not have to be a sphere. The crystal should be clear quartz but it can also be white, blue, violet, yellow, green or transparent. Blue or amethyst is less tiring to the eyes. The crystal may have inclusions in it and some may develop cloudy areas after many scrying uses.
Again, as is standard preparation for all scrying, position yourself in a quiet, comfortable area with no distractions. Position the crystal on a black cloth in good light. You could put the crystal on a stand with a light under it or use a flashlight or candle. Place one hand around the object, and slowly turn it with the other hand.
You will turn the crystal many times and see different things within it. Gazing deeply into it, focus your eyes on the images that appear and watch for shapes that call to you. As the crystal starts to connect its frequency with yours, listen to your thoughts. Crystals are communication devices that receive psychic energy and signals. In The
Prediction Book of Divination (1984) by Jo Logan and Lindsay Hodson, the authors maintain that “crystals are known to embody natural, creative forces that lie beyond the reach of man’s normal consciousness but which can be contacted by altering this state.” The older the crystal the more frequencies it has experienced. Most true crystals have a few flat areas through which you can look; these are called windows or doors. Sometimes it may happen that you do not receive any messages or images. This means that perhaps this crystal is not in your frequency and you may need to try another crystal.
No matter which object, or speculum, you are using for scrying, it is imperative that you are in a relaxed, comfortable, clear‐minded and receptive state. During scrying, one gazes steadily into the object, trying to look through it, not at it. Try not to be consciously aware of its boundaries. Your gaze should be relaxed, rather than an unblinking stare. You may not see anything right away, or even the first time you try this. Be patient, take a brief rest and try again. Eventually a milky clouding or fog will occur in the object indicating that a vision is coming.
Soon you should be able to discern shapes or images in the scrying surface. They won’t necessarily have the clarity of a photograph and may still appear hazy at first, or they may appear as crude sketches. They may be disconnected, vague images or have a clear sense.
Some images will be direct messages revealing a scene or incident played out in front of you, while others will be indirect or symbolic. If you do not see a clear scene or picture, but rather a mental image, allow your attention to focus on these images. Once you see the images, they will persist. Even if you turned away from the object they will still be visible. The images may begin to form in your mind’s eye and no longer be projected onto the object’s surface. When this occurs, focus and pay attention to the knowledge offered by the images you are viewing. You may need to seek interpretations for these images and symbols in reference books on dreams and mystical symbols, but with practice and dedication and trust in your hunches and intuition, you will be able to interpret them accurately.

Jo Logan & Lindsay Hodson: The Prediction Book of Divination, Blandford Press, 1984.
Raymond Buckland: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca and Neo‐paganism, Visible Ink Press, 2001.
DK Direct Ltd.: Charting The Future, The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., 1992.
Julie Soskin: How Psychic Are You? Carroll & Brown Limited, Penguin Books, 2002

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