Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Power of Solfeggio Healing

The Power of Solfeggio Healing Frequencies to Radiate Love
Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov 17, 2014
All rights reserved

“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies.”
Dr. Mitchell Gaynor

We are vibrational beings and benefit greatly from sound healing therapy. Solfeggio frequencies are vibrational harmonic balancers to every cell in our body, mind and spirit. When listening to these heavenly sounds we find ourselves coming into a state of deep relaxation, with ease as if by magic. Solfeggio tones were used in ancient times with Gregorian Chants to reach deep states of peace and connection to the Divine. The Solfeggio scale of notes can be traced back to medieval times and throughout antiquity. These notes have the ability to put us in altered states of relaxation and consciousness by simply listening to them. If you are finding these powerful frequencies at this time it is because you are a match to the healing vibration and ready to reap all the benefits, allowing the positive shifts.
Solfeggio frequencies contain the six pure tones that were once used to make up the ancient musical scale but have since been altered for modern times. Our modern day musical scale is slightly out of sync. It is possible that the music we are listening to today is not nearly as healing as these ancient Solfeggio frequencies.
For those of us who are very conscious and picky about what we take into our minds Solfeggio frequencies are the perfect “mind food”. We are in a world where we are blasted with negative images and sounds daily. As we become conscious of our creating ability, we will want more healing sounds and images.
Solfeggio frequencies are sound healing at its best. They have the ability to heal us at levels as deep as our cells and DNA. As we believe so shall it be. Dr. Mitchell Gaynor was quoted as saying “Sound enters the healing equation from several directions: It may alter cellular functions through energetic effects; it may entrain biological systems to function more homeostatically; it may calm the mind and therefore the body; or it may have emotional effects, which influence neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, which in turn help to regulate the immune system—the healer within.”
Sound healing has been practiced throughout the centuries and was said to be a vital part of healing in Atlantis. America is often said to be the new Atlantis so this makes sense that we would bring these healing frequencies back into play at this pivotal time in history when we desire balance and energy alignment more than ever. The beautiful part is all we need do is sit back, relax and listen to these Divine tones for periods of time during the day or while we sleep. Sleeping with Solfeggio frequencies is particularly healing, as the tones are going to work deep in the subconscious mind and healing on levels we only “dreamed of” before. Could it all be this simple? In my experience, it is always the simple solutions that get the most profound results. This is an amazing gift and opportunity to heal and become more in our power. I trust you will use this information wisely and invest in yourself by spending time daily with these miraculous sounds.
When these benevolent sounds came into my life, they shifted and lifted me so much; that I wanted to share them with everyone I met. This inspired me to create the Radiating Divine Love Sound Track.
The Radiating Divine Love Meditations are created with Solfeggio frequencies from J.S. Epperson, Switchwords from James Mangan and guided visualizations around three chakras. For this work the heart, throat and base chakras are activated, healed and cleared. The idea is that as we heal our base chakra we may feel secure financially which is key to our health. The great sleeping profit Edgar Cayce said that “all mans ails stemmed from fear of not having enough money.” As we sparkle our base chakra with bright red sparkles and light we will feel profound shifts. As we clear the throat chakra with soothing blue sparkles, we may speak our truth more often. Next, we clear the heart chakra with vibrating green sparks so that years of “debris” may be dissolved to radiate love on divine levels we only imagined. It is my intention that you receive all the blessings and love that are sent through this work. So, simply sit back, relax and Radiate Divine Love.

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