Saturday, December 27, 2014

On Toxicity in You Relationships and How YOU Can Heal Them

Healing Toxicity in Your Relationships

As I was working with a client a few days ago, I looked out my window to see dozens of butterflies on the tree outside. I was so distracted by the beautiful sight that it was difficult to concentrate on my client. I was captivated by the colors fluttering around. It was an exciting experience for me which filled my Inner Child with joy and wonder. My "wildness" was them!

I continue to watch them as often as I can, because I know they will too soon begin their migration further south.

Butterflies represent change, and I have definitely experienced a lot of changes recently! My most closest here on this page know them and the breakthroughs too from it all.

I knew then and realized that they have been good changes. Although I never intended to return to my own primal healing again so soon, it is nice to be back in familiar territory.

It is wonderful to be back with my Romani family and friends. It is very heartwarming to store our unity again in a soul print upon the Earth I serve and have everyone hugging and saying how much they have missed my presence the last 3 years!

Sometimes we have to accept that Spirit knows more than we do. I in my "wildness" and evolution to it never questions this.

We are all on the verge of bursting free of the chrysalis that has held us for much too long. Like the butterfly, we will flutter off into a New World and new experiences. I for one am ready!

Many aren't and will continue to create universal power in their own image through it all but YOU my lovelies are here reading this because you choose to warrior up too.

We have to clear out of us constantly what is not needed and here my loves is a biggy.........

I love you!

My heart to Yours!

Are You Shifting or Just Talking Shi(f)t

Healing toxic relationships you have created and ending the blame game.....

As we prepare to move into the 4th dimension of Unconditional Love, our Heart Chakras are being expanded. As this Chakra expands, relationship trauma is being brought to the surface to be healed. This is not fun at all, and we would prefer that the energy, emotions and trauma remain buried there, but it is necessary that we heal so we can continue to ascend.

Many of my clients have issues with their parents. They do not feel that they received the nurturing and love they needed as children. As adults, they are still reacting to their parents from that hurt child hidden deep within them. They feel they have healed until they have to spend time with their family, and the hurt child comes into the Light once again.

Before we are born, our Soul chooses the lessons that it wants to experience in this lifetime. We (our Soul) choose the parents who will help us to learn those lessons. For many who I work with, those lessons include feeling they have value and are wanted. Our Soul knows that these people we have chosen will treat us in ways that will give us an opportunity to learn to value ourselves.

Our life is a play where we are the author, director and star. We (our Soul) hire others to play parts in our play. Because these other Souls love us so deeply, they agree to take on some difficult roles in our play.

Because we want to learn to increase our self-esteem and how we value ourselves, we (our Soul) ask the Soul that is to be our Father to put us down and call us names.

Because this Soul loves us so much, he says ‘Ok, I will play that bastard in your life to help you learn this lesson.’ Unfortunately, we forget this when we are in human form feeling abused by our Father. Instead, we get caught in the Victim Archetype of the Root Chakra, suffering at the hands of our Father.

Though we (our Soul) chose this experience, we have a choice (free will) in how we respond to it. We can choose to play the victim and drown ourselves in our ‘story’, or we can become the Mother Archetype, loving and nurturing ourselves. We can spend our life acting from the traumatized child, or we can become the adult who loves and values ourselves.

Once we can learn to see our parents from this perspective, it is easier to forgive them and learn to love them without judgment. We can also learn to love ourselves without judgment and begin to live in the 4th dimension of the heart and Unconditional Love.

If you are caught in your story and unable to move past it, it is simply because you can't on your own. Denial has overridden your free will.

If you are strong and courage to conquer yourself then you arte truly a warrior then.

If you can't now and" really are done with all that shit, and it is shit,that DOESNT work I can help you to heal your primal nature that is a direct result of your own failed attempts to Heart and Soul Healing.

Begin to heal your heart.

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