Saturday, December 20, 2014

How Pagan Temperance Helps
Dr Raven Dolick MsD Nov 20, 2014
All rights reserved

Temperance sucks! Depending on your level of soul evolution and confidence in your own self and talents this titled expression will always get responses from within and without Pagan communities and varied as the swinging pendulum.
Temperance may not seem to be a standard Wiccan value since it became an organized religion in the ‘70’s, much more is placed on undefined values within the organization as Harm None than virtues of power and soul evolutionary obstacles. And let alone with the wild feasting, dancing and drinking that goes on. Now that Marijuana is legalized, we've got another reason for excess. However different Pagan notions of temperance are from other faith traditions, they do exist. Though sometimes hard to identify.
Just as natural cycles cause feast in the warm seasons and feminine in the winter, all self professed Pagan’s are obliged to seek balance. So, rather than never enjoy things to excess, there should be times that are given to seeking less in order to devote one's energies more fully. Gerald Gardner wrote that fasting conserved energy for magic, and ceremonial magicians abstained from sex and gossip before rituals. Yes gossip, that distasteful trait in the humans that only glorifies separation and unbalance. But one can imagine how much more potent the rituals and the people were when they were finally able to cut loose at the Sabbat.
You don't necessarily need to prevent yourself from enjoying life to be temperate. However, before you head off to that local Pagan potluck, consider saving your appetite for the joys ahead. You'll find that you appreciate what is provided for you all the more.
Just within this small and easy act many more unlimited possibilities to soul evolution will then start to present themselves to you.

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