Tuesday, March 29, 2016

There Is No Death ~ We Fear A Word We Call Death

There Is No Death
We fear a word we call death don't we?
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Mar 29, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

Very few of us really want to die. Although most of us believe death will lead to bigger and better things. Maybe even a paradise, where we will be free from the tortures that plague us in this life.
It is because of the unknown. We fear the unknown. We fear change.
No one can say for sure what death is like. To the best of our knowledge no one has ever come back to give us a definitive answer, acceptable to all, telling us exactly what happens when we die.
And this concerns us. We reason in our minds that there is more. We know in our hearts that a special part of us will continue on. But every so often something in us asks, "What if death really is the end?" And that part of us wants to cling to this life for all eternity. We cannot bear the thought of that which is us, forever ceasing to exist. To close our eyes forever and have all that we have struggled and fought for in our lives suddenly end. Perhaps not even matter anymore and soon to be forgotten completely. Like we were never alive.
No one may have come back to tell us what death is like. But I believe we have advanced far enough where we can prove that we do not cease to exist after we die. We may not be able to describe exactly what is going to happen or what the experience will be like, but I think we are at a point where we can paint a pretty good picture of death and believe it or not it is a very beautiful picture.
They say at the very core of our existence we are this incredible vibrating energy. In fact everything is vibrating energy. It is this vibrational energy that our conscious mind transforms into the physical reality of our existence. If this is true then this very good news for us.
Energy cannot be destroyed. It can only change forms.
So if we are energy we cannot cease to exist. We can only change forms. That which is truly us must continue for all eternity.
So there is no such thing as death.
Just transformation.

But what is eternity? Is it a place? Maybe it is a state of existence?
We would define eternity as never ending. Would that be a place where time continues forever? Or how about a place where there is no time only now? Even Einstein tells us time is a tricky thing. That it is relative to each individual. Perhaps we are in an eternal now and it is our mind that creates the illusion of moving time.
It's a hard concept for our minds to grasp. It's like a library. All the books exist but they still have a beginning and an end. It is a library where you wrote the books. You determined the beginning and end of each book. They are the books of your lives. You can pick out any book you want and read it. You may even want to read a different version of the life you are living now. Maybe make a different choice than you did before.
The books are created by our thoughts and feelings when we are alive and the amount of books we create are infinite. We can experience the same life again or start a new one. A lot will depend on what we have learned.
So if our thoughts and feelings create our lives while we are alive, then why should anything be different after we die? Our death should be a continuation of our life (so there really is no death) and a continuation of our creation. If that is true then everyone may be correct about what they will experience after they die. Christians may find themselves in heaven with the God they have envisioned. Or god-forbid in a hell with the devil they envisioned. In fact all those who adhere to a particular religion may find themselves exactly where they expect.
We may create our own afterlife. And that may be anything we want it to be. You will experience what you expect to experience when you die. I think it would be great to reunite with past family and friends and even pets.
I don't think we "die" in this life until we are truly ready to move on. And the same will be true in death. We will continue with our creation for all eternity. And always remember it is our creation. We have nothing to fear.

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