Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Egyptian Pantheon

The Egyptian Pantheon
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
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The Egyptian Pantheon
This is a simple list of Egyptian gods and goddesses from Egyptian mythology, along with their titles and some of their attributes. The ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods at different times and in different places. Some gods changed in importance over time.
Amaunet (Amen) - Goddess of Heaven - wife of Ammon.
Ament (Amenti) - The Westerner; The Hidden Goddess; Goddess of the Land of the West; Goddess with Beautiful Hair - She welcomed all deceased people to the land of the dead with bread and water.
Ammit (Ammut, or Ammit or Ahemait) - The Eate;, Devourer of the Dead; Eater of Hearts; Bone Eater; Devourer of Millions; Greatness of Death - This is the crocodile goddess also known as Ammit the Devourer. She also assists Anubis with carrying out the Judgments,
Ammon (Amun, Amen, Amon) - The Hidden One; Lord of the Libyans; Lord of the Setting Sun and Moon; The Time Lord; Earth Father; Giver of Breath; Giver of Life, Vizier of the Humble, Who Answers the Voice of the Poor - The great god of Thebes of uncertain origin; represented as a man, sometimes ithyphallic; identified with Re as Amen-Re; sacred animals, the ram and the goose.
Amonet (Amunet, Amaunet, Ament, Imentet, Amentat) - The Mother Who Is Father - A primordial spirit composed of the two deities Ammon and Ammit.
Anat (Anath, Anta) - The Girl; Lady of Heaven; Mistress of All Spirit; Strength of Life; Lady of Mercy - A goddess of Syrian origin, with warlike character; represented as a woman holding a shield and an axe.
Anhur (Anher, Anhert, Onuris) - Sky Bearer, The Divine Huntsman - Very early aspect of Osiris, God of war, sun and the sky.
Anubis (Anpu) - Foremost of the Westerners - He is god of judgement of life and death, the jackal-god, patron of embalmers; the great necropolis-god.
Anuket (Anukis, Anoukis, Anqet) - The Clasper; The Embracer; Bestower of Life; Lady of Nubia - She is the goddess of river Nile and the cataract-region at Aswan; wife of Khnum; represented as a woman with a high feather head-dress.
Apep (Apophis) - Demon enemy of the Sun, the eternal enemy of Ra. He is a god of chaos and war.
Arsaphes (Herishef) - A ram-headed god from Heracleopolis.
Astarte (Ashtarte) - Lady of Heaven; Mother of the Blessed - A: goddess of Syrian origin; introduced into Egypt during the Eighteenth Dynasty.
Atargatis (Dea Syria) - Whale of Der - The great fish mother of Syrian origin, and adopted into the Roman Pantheon.
Babi - The god of baboons.
Ba Neb Tetet (Banabdedet, Banabdjedet) - The Soul of Mendes; Lord of Mendes; The Ram of Mendes - The calm cool headed ram deity who found a peaceful solution to the power struggle between Horus and Set.
Bastet (Bast) - Mistress of the Oracle; Great Conjuress of the Casket - The cat goddess with dominion over sex, fertility, marriage, magic, music, childbirth, and the pleasures of life.
Bes - Dancing. Lord of the Land of Punt - Bes is the dwarf god with leonine features; a domestic god, protector against snakes and various terrors; helper of women in childbirth.
Buto (Uajyt, Uatchet, Utchat, Per Uadjit, Uazit, Uto, Uraeus) - Eye of Ra; Lady of Heaven; Lady of the North - At times she was portrayed as a cobra, sometimes winged, sometimes crowned. Goddess of protection, hiding from evil. See also Wadjet.
Geb (Seb, Heb) - Father of the Gods - A fertility Earth god, similar to the Greek Cronus, always shown with erect phallus. Presides over fertility, new beginnings, creation, and crops.
Hapi (Hapy) - God of the Nile in inundation; represented as a very fat man. God of the Nile, crops, fertility, water, and prosperity.
Hat-Hehit - Fish-goddess of Mendes in the Delta; sometimes represented as a woman with a fish on her head.
Hathor (Athor, Athyr, Het-Hert, Hat-Hor) - The Great One of Many Names; The Golden One; Lady of Malachite; Lady of Turquoise; Sady of the Sycamore; Lady of the Date Palm; Lady of the West; Lady of the Dead; The Womb of Horus; House of Horus; Lady of the Evening; My House in the Sky; Lady of the Uterus; Lady of the Vulva; The Womb Above - This popular goddess is the matron goddess of all women, the embodiment of the female principle. She has many functions and attributes.
Heh (Neheb) - God of eternity, longevity, and happiness. Shown as a man squatting on the ground wearing a curved reed on his head.
Heket (Heqet) - Giver of Life; Spirit of the Primordial Waters; Mother of the Spirits - She is the frog-goddess of Antinoopolis where she was associated with Khnum; a helper of women in childbirth.
Horus (Haroeris; Haru-Er, Harsiesis, Harpocrates) - The Enchanted One - Horus is the god of war, sky, and falcons. He is regarded as the son of Osiris and Isis, for the former of whom he became the avenger.
Imhotep (I-Em-Hetep, Imouthes) - He Who Comes In Peace - The deified chief minister of Djoser and architect of the Step Pyramid; in the Late Period venerated as the god of learning and medicine; represented as a seated man holding an open papyrus; equated by the Greeks with Asklepios.
Isis (Au Set) - The Great Lady; Queen of the Earth; Light Giver of Heaven; Mistress of Magic; The Many Named; Queen of the Throne; She Who Is Rich in Spells; Great of Sorcery; Redemptress: Star of the Sea; The One Who Is All; Mother of Gods - Isis is the divine mother, goddess of magic, marriage, healing, and motherhood. She is the wife and sister of Osiris and the mother of Horus. She is one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, guarding coffins and Canopic jars; sister of Nephthys with whom she acted as a divine mourner for the dead.
Khephri (Kephera, Khepera, Kefri) - Father of the Spirits, He Who Becomes - The scarab-beetle god, identified with Re as a creator-god; often represented as a beetle within the sun-disk. A god of transformations, rebirth, resurrection of the body, reincarnation, and rebirth.
Khnum (Khnoum) - The Sculptor Who Gives Life; The Molder; The Divine Potter; Lord of Destiny; Father of Fathers; Mother of Mothers; Lord of the Cool Water - The ram-headed god of Elephantine, god of the Cataract-region; thought to have moulded man on a potter’s wheel.
Khonsu (Khensu, Khons) - God of the Moon; Traveller; The Navigator; He Who Crosses The Sky In A Boat; God of the New Moon - He is the moon-god, represented as a man; with Amun and Mut as father and mother, forming the Theban triad.
Ma'at (Maat) - Lady of Heaven; Queen of Earth; Mistress of the Underworld; Eye of Ra; Daughter of Ra; Lady of the Judgment Hall - Ma'at is the goddess of justice,order, truth, right, and orderly conduct; represented as a woman with an ostrich-feather on her head. Mehueret (Mehurt) - Lady of Heaven; Mistress of the Earth - A universal Mother Goddess associated with night.
Menthi (Menthu-Ra, Mentu, Mont, Munt) - Sun god, often with a bull head. In his war aspect he personified the destroying heat of the sun. God of protection, war, and vengeance.
Meretseger - She Who Loves Silence; Lioness of the Summit; Lady of the Necropolis - A protector of tombs and guardian of the Necropolis.
Meskhenet (Meshkenet, Meshkhener) - Goddess of Childbirth - Protects laboring women and newborn babies.
Min - Lord of the Eastern Desert; Lord of Foreign Lands -The primeval god of Coptos; later revered as a god of fertility, and closely associated with Amun.
Mut - Lady of Heaven; Queen of Deities; Mother of the Mothers - The vulture-goddess who is the spirit of maternity. Her name means "mom." An extremely beloved goddess later represented usually as a woman.
Nefertem (Nefert-Temu, Nefertum) - The Lord of Fragrance - He is the god of the lotus, and hence of unguents, perfumes and fragrance; worshipped at Memphis as the son of Ptah and Sakhmet; represented as a man with a lotus-flower head-dress.
Nehebkau (neheb-kau) - A serpent god of the Underworld, dangerous to both the gods and humans. Death, cursing, vengeance. Sometimes represented with a man’s body and holding the eye of Horus.
Neith ( Nit) - The Oldest One; Nurse of the Crocodiles - This goddess of Sais is represented as a woman wearing the red crown; her emblem, a shield with crossed arrows; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses who guarded coffins and Canopic jars; identified by the Greeks with Athena.
Nekhbet (Nekhebet) - Lady of the South - The vulture-goddess of Upper Egypt, presides over maternity, childbirth, life and death.
Nephthys (Nebt-Het, Nebthet, Nebhet) - Lady of the House; Lady of Life; Lady of Darkness; Lady of Death that Is Not Eternal; Mistress of the Palace, The Revealer, Mistress of the West - Nephthys is the river goddess, sister of Isis; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, who guarded coffins and Canopic jars; with Isis acted as mourner for Osiris and hence for other dead people.
Nun (Nu) - god of the primeval chaos.
Nut (Nuit, Nu) - Mother of Stars; Queen of Heaven; Mother of the Deceased; She Who Holds a Thousand Souls; Mistress of All; She; Who Protects - Nut is the goddess of sky and stars, represented as a woman, her naked body curved to form the arch of heaven.
Osiris (Auser) - Lord of the Far World - Osiris is the god of the underworld and the afterlife. He is identified as the dead or mummified king; also a god of the inundation and vegetation.
Ptah - Lord of the Sky; Lord of the Two Lands; Lord of Truths; Lord of Sunrise; Father of Fathers; Power of Powers - He is the god of creation, creator-god of Memphis, the patron god of craftsmen; equated by the Greeks with Hephaestus.
Ptah-Seker-Osiris - a composite deity, incorporating the principal gods of creation, death, and afterlife; represented like Osiris as a mummified king.
Qebhut (Qeb-Hwt, Aebehout, Kebehet, Kabachet, Kebhut, Kebechet) - Goddess of the Water of Life - The goddess of purification, also is known as the wandering goddess or the lost child, she presides over the magical reviving power of water.
Ra (Re, Phra, Amun-Ra, Akmun-Rah) - The Creator; The Supreme Power; The Only One; Great Father; Father of the Gods; Sun God - Ra is the god of the Sun, head of the great ennead, supreme judge; often linked with other gods aspiring to universality, and king of the gods until Osiris took over his throne.
Rait (Rat, Tat-Taiut, Rat) - Lady of the Heavens; Mistress of the Gods; Mistress of the Heliopolis; Mother of the Gods; Goddess of the Two Lands - Goddess of wisdom and knowledge, shown as a woman wearing a disk with horns and a uraeus.
Renenet (Renenutet, Renenuter, Ernutet, Thermuthis, ) - She Who Rears; The Nourishing Snake; Lady of the Double Granary - Goddess of harvest and fertility; represented as a snake or a snake-headed woman.
Renpet - Mistress of Eternity - Goddess of youth, springtime, the year, and the general idea of time.
Reshef (Reshpu) - god of war and thunder, of Syrian origin.
Sarapis - A god introduced into Egypt in the Ptolemaic Period having the characteristics of Egyptian (Osiris) and Greek (Zeus) gods; represented as a bearded man wearing the modius head-dress.
Satis (Sati, Satet) - She Who Shoots Forth; She Who Runs Like an Arrow; She Who Pours - This Nile River spirit is entrusted to maintain balance and peace at the Nile's first cataract, the traditional border between Egypt and Nubia.
Seker (Sokar, Socharis) The guardian god of the door to the Underworld.
Sekhmet (Sakhmet) - The Mighty One; The Terrible One; The Powerful; The Beloved of Ptah; Dark Sister of Bast; Great of Magic; Lady of Terror; Lady of Action; The One Before Whom Evil Flees; Mistress Dread; Lady of Flame; The Scarlet Woman - Goddess of lions and fire also goddess of vengeance, a lion-headed goddess worshipped in the area of Memphis; a fiery manifestation of the Eye of Ra. She represented the destroying power of sunlight and was the goddess of war and battle, physicians and bone-setters.
Selket (Serket, Serquet, Serqet, Selqet, Selquet, Selchis) - Mistress of the Beautiful House - A scorpion-goddess, identified with the scorching heat of the sun; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, guarding coffins and Canopic jars.Protectress of marriage, goddess of happy marriages and married sexual love.
Seshet (Seshat, Sesheta) - Lady of the Builder's Measure; The Great One; Lady of the House of Books, Queen of Construction; Goddess of Writing - The goddess of writing and measurement, the divine keeper of royal annals.
Set (Seth, Sutekh, Sertesh) - Great of Strength; He Who Is Below; Lord of the Desert; Lord of Chaos and Disorder -God of deserts, storms and violence, evil, and chaos also later version ruler of the underworld. He is brother of Osiris and his murderer; the rival of Horus; equated by the Greeks with Typhon.
Shai (male) / Shait (female) - Sometimes a goddess, sometimes a god. This death had a role like a guardian angel presiding over destiny and fate.
Shu - Lord of the Sky - God of Air and the North wind. Connected with the heat and dryness of sunlight. Shu and Tefnut - his twin sister- form the first pair of gods in the Heliopolitan ennead; shown often as a man separating Nut (sky) from Geb (earth).
Sobek (Suchos, Sebek, Sobk) - Lord of Dark Water; The Hidden One; He Who is Shut In - Sobek is the crocodile-god, worshipped throughout Egypt. An aggressive guardian who repels and devours malevolent spirits who threaten his devotees.
Tatjenen - The primeval earth-god of Memphis; later identified with Ptah.
Taweret (Thoeris, Taurt, Ta-Urt, Apet, Opet, Rertrertu) - Mistress of Talismans - The hippopotamus goddess, a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in childbirth and goddess of fertility. In her darker aspect she was the goddess of darkness and revenge.
Tefnut (Tefenet) - The goddess of moisture, dew, rain, and mist. She is said to live at the bottom of the underworld. She and her twin brother - Shu - form the first pair of gods in the Heliopolitan ennead.
Temu (Tem, Atem, Atum) - Dark Eye of Ra - Personification of God in human form and of the setting Sun. Father of the human race, he helped the dead. In one of his forms he was worshiped as a huge serpent.
Thoth (Tehuti, Djehuti) - Lord of Divine Words; Lord of Books - Thoth is the ibis-headed scribe of the gods, the god of wisdom, inventor of writing.The ape as well as the ibis is sacred to him.
Unnefer (Wenen-Nefer, Onnophris) - a name meaning ‘he who is continually happy’, given to Osiris after his resurrection.Wadjet (Udjat, Edjo, Buto) - Lady of Flame; Lady of the North; Lady of Heaven; Queen of Holy Spirits - The cobra-goddess of Buto in the Delta, a goddess of protection, appearing on the royal diadem, protecting the king. See also Buto.
Wepwawet (Upuaut) - Opener of the Ways - the jackal-god of Asyut in Middle Egypt; a god of the necropolis and an avenger of Osiris.
Note: A lot of time and effort went into this post, please give credit and a link back if you share it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your efforts, lover the image very informative
