Thursday, March 17, 2016

Gnostic Agape Love Feast

Gnostic Agape Love Feast

Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Feb 26, 2016
all rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

The true secret teachings of the Gnostic Naasenes, the secret of sacred Agape Love Feasts as practiced by the original believers of what we call the day, of the founding of Christian (Christ-ed, Anointed principles). I am enclosing her research, then I researched a sacred truth, hidden from those considered profane by the initiated believers. To some this will be a hard teaching, and its correct meaning, therefore I have only sent this to certain ones of you. Buckle your seat belts..... Shalom, WW.....
I hope this does offend all false belief structures concerning sacred sex magic...... for let wisdom finish what knowledge created!
It is however the true hidden history, of the Agape Love Feast, and the Milk Bath of Cleopatra, as well as the sacred sacrament, and the Elixir of Life.....
Kundalini, Sexual Magic and the Great Arcanum

In the Schools of Regeneration (so mortally hated by infrasexuals) we are taught how to work practically with the science of Uranus and Neptune.
The Path of Tao includes three ways, being itself the fourth. Much has been said about the Four Paths. We, the Gnostics, travel along the Fourth Path fully conscious. During the sexual act we transmute the brutal instincts of the physical body into will, the passionate emotions of the astral into love, the mental impulses into comprehension; and as spirits, we realize the Great Work. This is how we walk the Four Ways in practice. We do not need to become fakirs for the first way, nor monks for the second, nor scholars for the third. The Path of the Perfect Matrimony enables us to traverse the four ways during the sexual act.

From the first to the seventh verse, the Apocalypse speaks about the coccygeal centre. In this centre is the Church of Ephesus. In this creative centre the Igneous Serpent is found coiled three and a half times. Whoever awakens it and makes it rise through the spinal cord receives the Flaming Sword and then enters Eden.
In the Serpent is found the redemption of man, but we must be on guard against the guile of the Serpent. One should contemplate the forbidden fruit and inhale its aroma, but remember the words of Lord Jehovah: "If you eat of this fruit you shall die". We should enjoy the happiness of love and adore woman. A good painting enchants us, a beautiful piece of music can transport us to ecstasy, but a beautiful adorable woman makes us want to possess her immediately. She is the living representation of God Mother. The sexual act with the one we adore has its unquestionable delights. Sexual pleasure is a legitimate right of man. Enjoy the happiness of love, but do not spill the semen, do not commit sacrilege, do not be a fornicator. Chastity converts us into God's, fornication converts us into demons.

Krumm Heller- Huiracocha- Serpent
Krumm-Heller said: "The Sethians adored the Great Light, and said that the Sun, through its emanations, builds a nest in us and forms the Serpent". The Naasenes said: "All of you shall be Gods, if you leave Egypt and cross the Red Sea". Krumm-Heller tells us in his Gnostic Church that this Gnostic sect had as a sacred object a chalice from which they drank the semen of Benjamin. This, according to Huiracocha, was a mixture of wine and water. The Great Master Krumm-Heller tells us that the sacred symbol of the Sexual Serpent was never absent from the altars of the Naasenes. Actually, "the force, the power that accompanied Moses was the Serpent upon the staff, which was later transformed into the staff itself. The Serpent was, certainly, the one that spoke to the other Serpents and that tempted Eve".

The wise Huiracocha, in another paragraph of his immortal work entitled the Gnostic Church, says: "Moses in the desert showed his people the Serpent upon the staff, and said to them that he who takes advantage of this Serpent shall not be injured during his journey". All the marvellous power of Moses resided in the Sacred Serpent Kundalini. Moses practiced Sexual Magic a great deal to raise the Serpent upon the staff. Moses had wife.

In the terrifying night of past ages, the sublime and austere Hierophants of the Great Mysteries were the zealous guardians of the Great Arcanum. The great priests had sworn silence, and the Key of the Arch of Science was hidden from the eyes of the people. Sexual Magic was only known and practiced by the great priests. The wisdom of the Serpent is the basis of the Great Mysteries. This was cultivated in the Schools of Mysteries of Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, Persia, Troy, Aztec Mexico, Inca Peru, etc., etc.

Krumm-Heller tells us that in the "Song of Homer to Demeter, found in a Russian library, one sees that everything revolved around a physiological-cosmic fact of great transcendence". In that archaic song of that God-Man, which he sang to old Troy and Achilles' wrath, one sees clearly sexual magic serving as a cornerstone in the great Temple of Eleusis. The naked dance, the delicious music in the temple, the enrapturing kiss, the bewitching mystery of the secret act, made Eleusis a paradise of adorable Gods and Goddesses. Then nobody thought of indecencies, but only of holy and sublime things.
It would not have occurred to anyone to profane the temple. The couples knew to withdraw on time to avoid spilling the Sacred Wine.

In Egypt, Osiris appears as the Masculine principle, facing Isis, the eternal and adorable Feminine. In this sunny land of Kem, the Lord of all Perfection also worked with the Great Arcanum A.Z.F., precisely when he was in his preparation period for Initiation, before commencing his mission. Thus it is written in the memories of Nature.

Venus- Goddess of Love
In Phoenicia, Hercules and Dagon loved each other intensely; in Attica, Pluto and Persephone; but, as Doctor Krumm-Heller says, already among them they speak clearly of the phallus and uterus; "that is the Lingam-Yoni of the Greek Mysteries".
The great priests of Egypt, ancient inheritors of the archaic wisdom, which the Atlanteans cultivated, represented the great God Ibis of Thoth with the virile member in a state of erection. Krumm-Heller tells that on that erect phallus of Ibis Thoth a phrase was written that said: "Giver of reason". Next to the inscription a lotus flower shone gloriously.
The ancient sages engraved the divine symbol of the sexual Serpent on the millennial walls of sacred Egypt.

It was forbidden to disclose the secret of Sexual Magic. This is the Great Arcanum. Those unfortunate ones who divulged the unspeakable secret were condemned to death. They were taken to a paved courtyard, and before an ancient wall covered with crocodile skins and undecipherable hieroglyphs, they were beheaded, their hearts were torn out and their cursed ashes were cast to the four winds. Cazotte, the great French poet who died on the guillotine during the French Revolution, now comes to mind. At a famous banquet this man prophesied his own death, and the fatal fortune that awaited a certain group of noble Initiates who planned to reveal the Great Arcanum. For some he prophesied the guillotine, for others the dagger, poison, jail, exile. His prophecies were fulfilled with absolute exactitude. In the middle ages, all those who revealed the Great Arcanum died mysteriously, either by the shirts of Nessus, either by small poisoned soaps that arrived as birthday presents at the doorstep of the condemned, or by perfumed bouquets, or by the dagger.

The Great Arcanum is the key of all powers and the key of all empires. The powers of Nature are unleashed against the daring who try to dominate her. The Great Hierophants hide their secret, and the Divine Kings do not entrust the secret key of their power to any mortal. Wretched, unfortunate, is that mortal who, after receiving the secret of Sexual Magic, does not know how to take advantage of it: "For him it would have been better not to be born or to have tied a millstone to his neck and thrown himself to the bottom of the sea".

Nature has no interest in the cosmic realization of man, and this is even contrary to her own interests. That is why she opposes with all her forces the daring who wants to dominate her.

Khajuraho- Sexual Magic
Opportunely, a curious anecdote comes to mind. Once upon a time a poor customs guard was walking along a beach. Suddenly something caught his attention. He saw a leather object in the sand, lashed by the wild waves of the Caribbean. The man came closer and with great surprise, found a small valise or black leather case. He went immediately to the Harbour Master's office and handed the object over to his superior. Having fulfilled his mission he went to his house. When he went to work on the following day, the superior officer full of anger, gave the man a twenty cent coin, saying at the same time: "Imbecile! This is what you deserve! Take this coin to hang yourself; you do not deserve to live; buy some rope with these twenty cents, and hang yourself from a tree! Luck came to you, and you scorned it. The valise that you handed over to me had in it close to one million dollars. Get out of here! Go away imbecile! You do not deserve to live". Really, this is the fatal fortune that awaits those who do not know how to take advantage of the precious treasure of the Great Arcanum. Such people do not deserve to live. Never in life has the Great Arcanum of Sexual Magic been taught, and now we are disclosing it.

Unfortunate are those who, after having come across in their path the Treasure of the Kings, scorn it as the guard in the example! The treasure of the Great Arcanum is worth even more than the fortune found by the guard. To scorn this is really to be an imbecile.

To awaken the Kundalini one needs a woman. However, we should warn that the Initiate must practice Sexual Magic with one woman. Those who practice Sexual Magic with different women commit the crime of adultery. They do not progress in these studies. Unfortunately, there are certain individuals who use Sexual Magic as a pretext to seduce women. They are the profaners of the temple. Such kinds of men fall inevitably into the practice of Black Magic. We warn women to guard against these sexually perverse characters.
There are also many women who, under the "supposed" pretext of their profound Realization, unite with any male. What these passionate women want is to satiate their carnal desires. The world will always be the same, and since we are disclosing the Great Arcanum, they have appeared as expected, the swine who trample on the Doctrine and then die poisoned by the Bread of Wisdom. The cult of Sexual Magic can only be practiced between husband and wife. We make this clear in order to avoid seductions and carnal abductions, and "holy passionate" lusts.

The sexual force is a tremendous weapon. Scientists have not been able to find the origin of electricity. We affirm that the cause of electrical energy must be sought in the Universal Sexual Force. This force is not only found in the sexual organs, but also in all of the atoms and electrons of the universe. The light of the Sun is a product of sexuality. An atom of hydrogen unites sexually with an atom of carbon to produce Solar light. Hydrogen is masculine; Carbon, feminine. Solar light results from the sexual union of both. The studies of the processes of Carbon are very interesting. These processes are the gestation of light.

The cause of all causes of electricity should be sought in the Universal Serpentine Fire. That Fire dwells in the electrons. The sages meditate on it, mystics adore it, and those who follow the path of the Perfect Matrimony work practically with it.
The sexual force in the hands of White Magicians and Black Magicians is an awesome weapon. Thought draws the sexual liquor to the spinal cord in order to place it in its respective bag. With the fatal spilling of this liquor, billions of solar atoms are lost. The sexual movement of contraction that follows the spilling of the semen gathers, from the atomic infernos of man, billions of satanic atoms that replace the lost solar atoms. This is how we form the Devil within us.

Christ- Altdorfer (The seven churches, Kundalini)
When we restrain our sexual impulse, then the marvellous fluid returns to the Astral Body multiplying its ineffable splendours. This is how we form Christ within us. Thus, with the sexual energy we can form within ourselves the Christ or the Devil.
The Great Master, as the Cosmic Christ Incarnated, said: "I am the Bread of Life; I am the Living Bread. If someone eats of this Bread, he shall live for ever. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood, will have eternal life, and I will raise him up. He who eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, dwells in me, and I in him".
Christ is the Solar Soul, the living Spirit of the Sun. He, with his life, makes the ear of wheat grow, and in the grain, in the seed, remains enclosed all the potency of the Solar Logos. In every plant, animal or human seed is contained the Christic substance of the Solar Logos, as if within a precious casket.
Making the creative energy return inward and upward, germinates, is born within us, a wonderful child , a Christified Astral Body. This vehicle bestows immortality upon us. This is our Chrestos mediator. With this vehicle we can reach the Father who is in secret. The Lord of All Perfection said: "No one reaches the Father but through Me".

Christ on the cross (The seven churches, kundalini)
The astral ghost that mortals possess is nothing more than a sketch of man. It does not even have unity. This ghostly facade is a den of demons and of all kinds of filthy and abhorrent entities. Within this astral ghost lives the "I" (the Devil). This is an infernal legion. The "I" is Legion. Just as the body is composed of many atoms, so also the "I" is composed of millions of "I's.", diabolic intelligences, repugnant demons who quarrel among themselves. When a person dies he becomes just that: "Legion". The person itself becomes dust. Only that remains alive: a Legion of "I's". Clairvoyants usually meet the disincarnated dressed differently and in different places simultaneously. The person seems to have become many people; it is Legion. However, when we have given birth within us to a Christic Astral Body, we continue after death living in that sidereal body. Then we are really immortal.

Those people who possess a Christic Astral Body have the Consciousness awake after death. Ordinary disincarnated people live after death with the Consciousness asleep. Death is really a return to foetal conception. Death is the return to the seed. Everyone who dies returns to a new maternal womb, totally unconscious, asleep.

People do not even have the Soul incarnated. People's souls are disincarnated. People have only incarnated an embryo of Soul. Evil people have not even this embryo of Soul. Only by possessing the Christified Astral Body, we can incarnate the Soul. Ordinary people are only the vehicle of the "I". The name of each mortal is Legion.

Only with Sexual Magic we can give birth within us to the Christic Astral. Temptation is fire; the triumph over temptation is light. "The refrained desire makes the astral fluid rise towards the pineal gland and thus, the Adam Christ, the Superman, is born within us".

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