Friday, March 11, 2016

Born Again and Again and Again… Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D. Mar 11, 2016

Born Again and Again and Again…
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Mar 11, 2016

All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

Have you ever wondered how many incarnations make up a complete set of human experience here on earth? To many, the answer comes as quite a shock.
The older you get in this life, the closer you come to gaining mastery over the main lessons of this particular life. These are lessons that you planned at a soul level before you were born. When you look back on your life, it sometimes seems that it all went by in a flash.
It seems like just yesterday that you were still young enough to feel like you knew a lot about life. Now you're older, and you've learned much more since, it become obvious that there's a whole lot more to human life than anyone can learn or experience in one short incarnation.
When I lived in Indiana in the 1980's, I used to look forward to visiting a past life regressionist every Tuesday afternoon. Once a week for several months, I'd be guided into a deep, altered state and recall scenes from whichever past life my soul consciousness wanted me to encounter next.
Eventually, after many weeks, the novelty wore off, but I was always amazed at the wide variety of experiences that I've been through to build a good understanding of the experience of being a physical human on Planet Earth.
Gaining a wide-ranging experience of all the varieties of human living with its triumphs and failures takes a lot more than one life. Typically, a complete tour of human experience on earth takes 288 incarnations.
That's a shocker, isn't it?
Here we are, living in a culture which, for the most part, believes that this one life is all there is. Meanwhile, the real situation is that we've been around the wheel of reincarnation more times than we care to remember.
Here's why many professional Past Life counselors say there are as many as 288 lives in a complete set of human experience. There are twelve astrological signs and twelve stages of reincarnatory life experience. These stages of experience range all the way from 'Inexperienced Human' to 'Mastery of the Human Experience.' So far, that amount of variety requires 12 times 12, or 144, lives.
Then, there is the need to experience both the yin and yang versions of everything, which is typically achieved by making the choice to be either male or female for each incarnation. When you multiply 144 times 2, it equals 288.
Sooner or later, the young and inexperienced soul becomes, in human terms, an 'old soul.' Then, they start tying up the loose ends in their own history of experiences in preparation for graduation into the next stage of experience in the long and fascinating journey back to the ultimate source from which we all came.!/Doctor-of-Metaphysics-Services-and-Fees/p/10178872/category=2441583

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