Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Secret Behind The Secret

The Secret Behind The Secret
Dr Raven Dolick MsD
Mar 31, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments
Most reading this have probably read the book "The Secret" or at the very least heard about it.
But there is more.
You have heard that nothing is separate. The universe is one pure source of energy. There is no distinction. You are not a separate source of energy from another individual.
You are not a separate source of energy from a rock or a plant. We are all the same source of energy.
That may be hard to grasp at first.
Do you even truly believe it?
You may say you do, but do you really live your life like that.
Be honest... you don't.
I always found the following analogy helpful. Picture the ocean. You are a wave in the ocean. You are the individual wave but you are still the ocean. You may see yourself as an individual (a wave) but you are also the source (the ocean) of everything. And in being the source of everything you are entitled to anything and everything you have ever wanted. There is nothing that you are not capable of doing and achieving.
Our problems arise when we see ourselves as separate individuals and not as being part of our source. This is the problem we all struggle with and this problem arises because of the bane of our existence known as our ego.
Your ego is a HUGE deterrent to using the Law of Attraction to get what you want in life.

Our ego tells us that we are all separate, that we are all in a world of scarcity where we must fight and struggle to survive. Our ego tells us that if someone has more than us they are better than us.
Our ego tells us we are what we have accumulated, our houses, our cars, our bank accounts.
Our ego tells us that we are what we do, our jobs.
Our ego tells us that we are what others think of us.
But our ego is dead wrong. We are all the same. There is only competition and comparison because we live in a world that has let ego take over. We are possessed by an entity that only wants us to see conflict. It doesn’t let us see other alternatives.
When you can't see other alternatives it severely limits how well you control the law of attraction.

We live in a universe of abundance. There is more than enough to go around. There is no need for competition and comparison because every single one of us can have and do anything we wish.
We just don’t believe it. Be honest do you truly believe what I just said about abundance.
Our ego wants to keep us in a mindset of, “me, me, me”. But it is not about ourselves it is all about others.
Nothing about this life is permanent so the best thing we can ever do with our life is give it away.
We need to give our lives in service to others. Everyday we need to ask ourselves what we can do to help someone. It doesn’t have to be something big. But we will often at times find that things that seem so small and insignificant to us can mean the world to others.
The great thing is the more we spend in genuine heartfelt service to others the more we will find our own lives enriching.
We will begin to find we have more and more control over the law of attraction in our lives. What we want comes more abundantly and faster. Yes we get what we want sooner not later and more not less.

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