Thursday, March 17, 2016

Romani Palmistry

Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Mar 17, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

The art of hand reading, also known as Cheiromancy, is an ancient method of indicating a personʹs character, temperament, intellectual capacity and foretelling coming events in life by reading and interpreting the shape and size of the hands and the markings on it. Evidence indicates that it dates as far back as the Stone Age, based on paintings of hands found in prehistoric caves. Aristotle (384‐322 B.C.E.) is said to have written about the subject of palmistry. His text, Chiromantia, is one of the earliest surviving works on the subject and was disseminated to scholars throughout Europe. Hand reading was also known to exist in ancient China and Egypt from at least 4000 BCE. However, the Christian Church banned the use of palmistry in 315 A.D., claiming it was rooted in paganism. This forced the practice to go underground, where it continued for the next thousand years in Europe. Elsewhere, however, the practice flourished and evolved, especially in the Arabic speaking world. In the 16th century there was a resurgence of interest and acceptance of hand reading throughout Europe. In the early 20th‐century it became even more popular in the Western world. Even medical researchers claim there is a correspondence between unusual markings in the hand with specific diseases and abnormalities, such as Downʹs syndrome. Specific patterns of lines and ridges on the palm and fingers have been confirmed by scientists to be linked with heart disease and the development of cancer cells. Today you can find modern palmists in just about every major city throughout the world.
Modern palmists claim that they can gain more accurate knowledge about an individual by interpreting the entire hand, not just by analyzing the lines in the palm of the hand. This includes: the overall shape and size of the hand; the size, length, shape, and spacing of the fingers; the shape of the knuckles; the fingernails; and the raised, padded and fleshy mounds in the palm known as mounts. Obviously no two hands are alike, as they come in many shapes and sizes.
When assessing the hands it is essential to examine both the right and the left hands. This is because each hand reveals different facets of life. Modern palmists generally agree if you are right‐handed your passive hand is the left‐hand, which indicates the subjective self, your innate character and potential, what you were born with.
Whereas the dominant hand (again, when you are right‐handed) reveals your achievements, how you have used your talents, your objective self, and your public persona. Just reverse this if you are left‐handed. The general consensus is that while the passive hand’s features remain constant, the dominant hand’s lines and characteristics will change and evolve over the years.
There are differing views on the number of categories of basic shapes of hands depending on your source. Some sources of palmistry information claim that the hand is classified into seven basic types, others state there are six or four types or shapes. In this course we will discuss seven basic types, and four shapes.

Characteristics of the Seven Types of Hands
ELEMENTARY HAND: short wide fingers and large or wide palm. Can indicate a slow thinker, a practical person. This hand is the same as one of the four basic shapes, referred to as the EARTH hand. Often related to hard‐working, level headed and sensible people. This type of hand frequently belongs to creative people.
SQUARE HAND: the palm appears as broad as it is high, fingers are longer than those of the Elementary hand, and rectangular shaped with either rounded or square tips. Reveals a matter‐of‐fact logical type person with an inquisitive mind. This hand is the same as the shape described for the AIR hand. Owners of this hand are often writers or a computer whiz, and like variety in their lives.
CONIC HAND: long tapering fingers shorter than the palm, with small thumbs and cone‐shaped fingertips. This hand indicates impulsiveness, enthusiasm, creative and sensitive, and quick fluctuations in mood.
SPATULATE HAND: short fingers with a long palm that is broad at either the top or the bottom.
Fingertips are wide compared to the rest of the finger. These hands belong to outgoing, lively, dynamic type of people, with a unique way of thinking. This hand compares to one of the four basic shapes known as the FIRE hand. Possessors of this shape are definite extroverts with infectious enthusiasm.
PHILOSOPHICAL HAND: tall slender palm and short uneven fingers with knotty heavy joints. Reveals an intellectual, analytical type person who requires solitude and prefers country life.
PSYCHIC HAND: long narrow tapering fingers and tall thin palm. Shows an idealistic person, who is gentle and creative and often involved in spiritual subjects, may be a visionary or psychic. This hand compares to the shape referred to as the WATER hand. People with these hands are usually refined and can be found in the world of art and music.
MIXED HAND: the palm and fingers are of equal length. Combines one or two elements from other shapes, so a person with this type would display a combination of tendencies. Denotes a flexible and resourceful person who may be multi‐talented, possibly an inventor.

The Major Lines of the Hand
Knowledgeable hand analysts believe that the lines in our hands are created by our nervous system and are connected to physiology and body chemistry, and not merely creases created by our hand movements, as some inexperienced people have suggested. Therefore each personʹs lines are unique and evolve over time, especially in the dominant hand. The major lines in the palm that indicate each individualʹs characteristics are the lifeline, the headline, the heart line, and the fate line. The Apollo line, a fifth line, does not appear on every hand.
These major lines are formed before birth during the fetal stage and are genetically influenced. The other lines appear gradually as we grow and they usually evolve as we mature, influenced by our life’s experiences.

The Life Line
The Life Line starts at the edge of the palm between the thumb and index finger, curving down and around the raised fleshy mound, called the Mount of Venus, and ending close to the wrist. This line indicates the quality of one’s life and the degree of vitality, energy level and general health, as well as strength of character, but does not refer to their longevity, as is often thought. It can show how your life will progress by analyzing the smaller lines that intersect it. But generally, a long, clear and deeply etched Life Line reveals a robust and resilient constitution. A faint Life Line containing breaks shows a weak constitution, very little physical activity and a low energy level. A long Life Line denotes physical strength and endurance. A short Life Line can indicate an uprooted life, such as moving to another country, or marrying someone of a different race.

The Head Line
The Head Line denotes the intellectual capability of a person and how they use it. This line begins below the index finger and extends a little bit horizontally then diagonally down towards the other edge of the palm. A long Head Line indicates a curious mind with a variety of interests. A short Head Line reveals someone with a more practical mentality, a single‐mindedness, such as a very specific specialist, or someone with limited intelligence. A faint or weak Head Line reveals poor concentration and lack of common sense, a daydreamer who can have unrealistic expectations. If the beginning of the Head Line is somewhat separated from the beginning of the Life Line, this can depict a well‐balanced nature. On the other hand if these two lines are intertwined at the beginning, this can suggest a cautious and dependent nature, lacking self‐confidence.

The Heart Line
The Heart Line is an indicator of a person’s emotional life, level of intuition, and their attitudes towards love, sexuality, and relationships. This line runs above the Head Line, beginning below the space between the first and second fingers and extending somewhat horizontally but curving down slightly to the far edge of the palm. Most people have a stronger Heart Line on the left, or passive hand, than on the right, or dominant hand. A strong Heart Line which is well‐etched and clear suggests a warm and generous person who is comfortable with their sexuality, and may feel very deeply both joy and sorrow. However, if this line is the most dominant on the palm it can indicate impulsiveness, and letting emotions rule other aspects of life. A thin, poorly formed, faint Heart Line can reveal emotional coldness, insecurity in relationships, and emotional difficulties. Someone with a curved Heart Line would likely have a strong sex drive and feel that physical pleasure is of utmost importance in an intimate relationship. They would have a passionate and fiery nature. A straight heart line is associated with those who take a more cautious approach to relationships.

The Fate Line
The Fate Line, also referred to as the line of Luck, varies substantially with each person more than any other major line. In fact, it is not uncommon that this line is entirely absent from an individualʹs hand.
This line runs vertically through the palm from the wrist up to the middle finger. A personʹs degree of good fortune will be reflected by this line’s length and depth. A clear and unbroken Fate Line indicates a successful career, a self‐motivated individual with a strong character. Although in this day of changing employment demands and social mobility, interrupted and broken Fate Lines are common and donʹt necessarily indicate career failures. Although a very weak and faint Fate Line is associated with those who lack control and direction and are unsettled in their lives. Those with no Fate Line showing at all are often nonconformists who do not feel the need to put down secure roots. They may be colorful people who would rather live by their own rules and not be saddled with responsibilities.

The Apollo Line
The Apollo Line, (also known as the Sun Line), although not apparent in every hand, usually begins higher up in the palm just above or below the Heart Line and runs vertically to just below the third finger. There are enormous variations of this line from person‐to‐person. It sometimes runs exactly parallel to the Fate line. This line is a protective sign and represents creativity and talent as well as happiness and personal fulfillment. An absence of this line could signify setbacks, a cynical nature or dissatisfaction. If this line is clear and straight it reveals good fortune and possibly fame. An Apollo Line that branches out from the Fate Line is frequently seen. This form suggests that the individual’s talent may be recognized at an early age resulting in success and fame. Some palms have multiple Apollo Lines, which are indicative of several different talents, a very versatile person.

The Secondary Lines of the Hand
In addition to the major lines discussed above, there are many secondary lines and markings that may appear on a personʹs palm throughout life. By also interpreting these, an experienced Palmist can further enhance the hand‐reading by giving a very detailed individualized analysis. In this course we will touch on these additional markings only briefly, but for more comprehensive information refer to other sources.
Imagine the hand as if it were a map, and then picture the major lines as main highways, the secondary lines as minor roads and the markings on the lines as obstructions along the way. These “obstructions” will come and go at different periods in one’s life. But it is wise to pay attention to them as they can warn of events and difficulties. They can appear anywhere on the palm, on the major line, the secondary lines or on the mounts.

The main markings that occur and their meanings are as follows:
Crosses: opposition, worries, shock
Squares: restriction, also protection in a difficult time, neutralizes any negative effect.
Triangles: talent, success, peace & harmony
Star: intense energy, luck with money, wisdom
Grills/grids: illness
Islands: low resistance, hardships
Chains: a weak period, confusion
A Break: change of direction
Dots & Pitting: temporary illness or weakness (usually occur at the end of a line)

The Fingers
As with all other parts of the hand, the fingers are highly significant in what they reveal about your personality. Each finger represents a different aspect of life and each are named after an astrological being representing their particular characteristics (these can be positive or negative depending on the length and shape of each finger), as follows:
Venus–thumb: associated with willpower and strength of character, initiative, direction.
Jupiter–index finger: represents ambition, leadership, confidence.
Saturn–middle finger: relates to wisdom, degree of responsibility, common sense, restraint.
Apollo–ring finger: associated with sun, brightness, the arts, creativity, beauty.
Mercury–little finger: relates to communication, skill of self‐expression, sexuality.

The Mounts
The fleshy, raised contours of the palm are called Mounts. These are interpreted by Palmists based on their shape, size and color and suggest much about a person’s strengths and weaknesses and overall personality.
Along with all the other components of the hand, they are used as another component in the overall analysis of the hand. Each mount is associated with a specific characteristic of your personality. Again, these are named after the mythical, astrological beings. Their size and height vary with each individual, and can change in accordance with happenings in your life. In order to view your own mounts, gently cup your hand, as this will make the mounts stand out.

Following are the Mounts and the aspects of your personality with which they are associated.
1. Mount of Jupiter: located at the base of the index finger, it represents your self‐confidence, self‐esteem, a rounded one reveals good‐natured, confident, sociable, an underdeveloped one indicates arrogance, laziness and selfishness.
2. Mount of Saturn: this is found at the base of the second finger, and is associated with your sense of responsibility, and your degree of common sense and caution. If this is overdeveloped it reveals a dismal disposition and inner chaos. If it is just slightly padded it is indicative of someone with common sense, who is serious minded.
3. Mount of Apollo: this is located at the base of the ring finger, and signifies the degree of artistic appreciation and creativity and represents the type of disposition. A rounded firm mount indicates a sunny disposition, a friendly and outgoing personality. If it is very prominent it reveals one who is conceited and egotistical, and if it is flat the personality could be introspective and disinterested in the arts.

4. Mount of Mercury: this is situated at the base of the little finger and is associated with oneʹs ability to communicate. A warm, quick‐witted, persuasive person would possess a gently rounded Mount of Mercury, while an underdeveloped mount indicates disinterest in others, and an overdeveloped one reveals a very talkative and selfish nature.

5. Mount of Mars: this extends horizontally across the middle of the palm and is actually divided into three sections; the Upper Mount, also referred to as Mars Negative, located on the outside edge of the palm, and reflects one’s capability of coping with life’s tribulations and integrity, if it’s prominent the person may be stubborn. The middle section is called the Plain of Mars and this denotes how a person manages their passion and emotion. If this area is thick itʹs could mean a quick temper, but if it is lean the person may be dull. The third section is called the Lower Mount, or Mars Positive. This Mount is at the crease of the thumb and is associated with courage, will to succeed, and if prominent it can denote a cynical, reclusive and cruel nature. If it is flat, it indicates cowardice.

6. Mount of Venus: this is generally more padded than the other Mounts and is located between the base of the thumb and the wrist and reflects a personʹs degree of vitality, affection, sex drive and overall enthusiasm for life.
If it is overdeveloped it signifies a large ego and unrefined character. If it is fairly flat it reveals coldness and delicate health. A well‐rounded one indicates a person who is kind, warm and friendly.

7. Mount of Moon: this is also referred to as the Mount of Luna and is located on the outside edge of the palm close to the wrist. It represents a personʹs imagination, intuition and creativity. If overdeveloped it reflects a person who is anxious and moody. If flat, it indicates a person would lack imagination and be a conformist. This Mount has been linked with the psychic world. If it overhangs the wrist it can indicate psychic leanings in the person.

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