Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sex Magick & Aleister

Sex Magick & Aleister
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Mar 24, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments

Aleister Crowley was obsessed with the power of sex and created an elaborate system of sexual magic based on transgression, stimulus and ritual. He believed that we could become something holy, that we could make ourselves sacred, that we could transform ourselves into a masterpiece.
The imams, rabbis, priests and pastors who seek to control you via your religious beliefs have made sex one of the ultimate taboos. You are supposed to have sex only with your marriage partner, in a bedroom, in the dark, and foremost on your mind should be procreation rather than pleasure.
One way to break their control is to shatter their sexual taboos. Contrast Islam with the West. Islam remains terrified of sex, to the extent that many women are culturally compelled to cover themselves from head to toe, and all women must dress "modestly" so as not to inflame the passions of men. In the West, particularly Europe, full of casual sex, scantily clad women, drunkenness and drug use, Christianity has practically died as a meaningful force. There is a direct correlation between increased sexual freedom and decreased Abrahamism. Sexual liberation is toxic to religions of control.
In many Western nations, Christianity is no longer a problem. In fact, it's an irrelevance. The problem is that the West has replaced it with the new and equally odious religions of consumerism, celebrity culture, and the worship of Mammon. Sex has to be retrieved from Mammon and given a spiritual dimension once more - through rituals.
It was said of Crowley: "[He] didn't enjoy his perversions! He performed them to overcome his horror of them."
Again we encounter the theme of overcoming. It can't be stressed enough that overcoming challenges goes to the heart of a great human life. Most people end up in brain-dead, dreary, repetitive jobs that offer no challenges; they settle down to conventional family life; they pay lip service to everything they're supposed to and end up leading fake, phoney, shallow lives where they do nothing to raise themselves to a higher level.
Crowley enjoyed spiritual epiphanies through sexual transgression, and there's no question that if you leave your sexual comfort zone you can enter an extraordinary world of Dionysian energy that reinvigorates your whole life.
Crowley discovered that extreme sex could lead to ecstatic trance states where people's paranormal powers were massively enhanced. In one instance, Crowley's lover, Mary Desti, exhausted by a marathon sex and drinking session, entered a trance and became a conduit for the voice of a wizard called Ab-ul-diz, who communicated a message to Crowley, instructing him to write a magical text.
Several of Crowley's books were said to be written as a result of channelling higher spirits. It could equally well be said that Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, channelled the Angel Moroni, that Mohammed channelled the Angel Gabriel, and Moses (as depicted in the Hebrew Bible) channelled Yahweh. Many novelists claim to channel voices welling up from their subconscious. Only when they tell the story does the voice leave, apparently satisfied.
Sex magick revolves around ritual. Crowley devised many elaborate ceremonies, often based on the Christian Mass (by a similar token, the Black Mass of "Satanists" was a deliberate perversion of conventional Mass, designed to flout everything that was most sacred about the Christian version, and always concluding with a simulated or actual sacrifice and an orgy).
Crowley's religious and philosophical teachings are encapsulated by the word "Thelema" (Greek for "will"), and he preached the need for "certainty, not faith."
He achieved an ambitious synthesis of Western magick and Eastern mysticism, including Eastern sexual techniques for enhancing spirituality. He promoted "scientific illuminism", which he described as, "The method of science, the aim of religion." He proclaimed, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." And, of course, this is exactly the same position as that of the Abrahamist "God" i.e. HIS will is the whole of the law (but not anyone else's will, of course).

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