Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Owning Your Own Power

Owning Your Power
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
Mar 16, 2016
All rights reserved
2016 RavenStar Enchantments
A Truth you may not want to accept!
No one has more or less power than you!
We relinquish our own power and in denial create the illusion one has more than another.
Too many of us give our power away. We feel like victims and that we have no control. Our life has been ruined because our Mother did not love and nurture us, our Father’s abuse destroyed our life or our loved one died and our life is now meaningless. We have many ways, with many reasons, of giving up our power.
There are people whose Mother did not love and nurture them who have created wonderful lives for themselves. Many, whose Father abused them, are very self-sufficient.
Why is it that 2 people can have similar experiences, but respond to them in totally different ways? What causes one person to allow an experience to ruin their life and another to use the experience to become stronger?

Learning that I was in control of my life and that my Soul had chosen all of my experiences were very freeing to me. I no longer felt like a victim to my disabled child, to my painful body, to my finances, etc. I could instead choose to change any of those experiences. I could use my personal power to create the life I wanted instead.
Knowing that you can change your life and actually making the changes needed is not as easy as it sounds. It took me many years and a lot of healing to make the changes, and I am still healing and changing.
When we experience a trauma of any kind, we lose pieces of our Soul. These pieces can remain missing and damaged for eons of time. If we are not whole and complete, if we are being affected by lifetimes we don’t even consciously remember, it can be even more difficult to claim our power and take responsibility for our lives.
Few healers know how to return these lost Soul pieces throughout time, much less how to integrate them back into oneness. I am very blessed that the Angels have assisted me in being able to heal another’s Heart and Soul, bringing them a sense of wholeness and returning their power. I have worked with several people recently who have been working on healing themselves for years, and had healed much in this lifetime, but they were still being affected by lifetimes they had experienced eons ago. By healing these lifetimes, they can finally embody the changes they have been wanting.
And after the healing retreats they came for with confidence and trust we still, years later even, have close intimate contact and assistance for each other. Many find their place within our healing collective at RavenStar Enchantments Spiritual Awareness Center and begin in-service work sharing their gifts and making a direct impact on the pressure of the earth. That my lovelies are the representations of the sacred circle and being complete.…

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