Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Power of Cosmic Cycles~Part 3

The Power of Cosmic Cycles~Part 3

Your Current Cycle

In Part 1 of this course, The Power of Cosmic Cycles, we saw how the Law of Creation forms a Divine Creative Matrix and then, using the Triple Matrix Effect, multiplies into nine additional combinations of the original three components. In Part 2 of this course, we saw how the Triple Matrix Effect works and what influence is produced by each of its nine components.

As this is a mini-course, we lack the space to go through detailed meanings of each individual year in a lifetime of cosmic cycles, but we can examine some examples that show you how to interpret your own current cycle.

The primary influence comes from the longer-term 9-year cycles, and then the current 1-year cycle operates within that framework. Here are the major and minor cycle influences in summary:

The Major 9-Year Cycles of Life

Cycle 1 - New beginnings. Birth to 9th birthday.

Cycle 2 - Gathering information and resources. 9th to 18th birthday.

Cycle 3 - Planning for your preferred expression. 18th to 27th birthday.

Cycle 4 - Building on experience and personal environment. 27th to 36th birthday.

Cycle 5 - Adjustments to life's focus by observing and adapting. 36th to 45th birthday.

Cycle 6 - Stability and steady progress. 45th to 54th birthday.

Cycle 7 - Mastery of work through deeper insights. 54th to 63rd birthday.

Cycle 8 - Peak of personal growth. 63rd to 72nd birthday.

Cycle 9 - Completion of life's work; becoming an advisor. 72nd to 81st birthday.

Influences of the Annual Solar Cycles

Year 1: Beginnings

Year 2: Gathering

Year 3: Expression

Year 4: Building

Year 5: Change

Year 6: Harmony

Year 7: Insight

Year 8: Growth

Year 9: Completion

Cycle to Age equivalents

Converting ages to cycles can be a challenge due to the fact that a person's age and cycle number do not exactly correlate. For example, when a baby has passed his or her first birthday and not yet completed two years of life, we say that its age is one. But, while passing through that second year of life, its yearly cycle number is two.

Age one is cycle two - can be confusing, yes, but we just have to get used to making the necessary adjustment.

The first year in major cycle 2 is termed a "2:1 cycle" (a "two-one" cycle.) A 2:1 cycle is a "1" year within major (9-year) cycle 2. It occurs after a person has completed one major, 9-year cycle of life. That preceding 9-year cycle of life ended on the 9th birthday. For the entire 2:1 cycle, the person's age is 9.

A 3:1 cycle occurs after a person has completed two major 9-year cycles of life. Those two major cycles ended on their 18th birthday. It is a "1" year within major cycle 3 and it runs while the person's age is 18.

A 4:1 cycle is a "1" year within major cycle 4 and it runs while the person's age is 27.

A 5:1 cycle is a "1" year within major cycle 5 and it runs while the person's age is 36.

A 6:1 cycle is a "1" year within major cycle 6 and it runs while the person's age is 45.

A 7:1 cycle is a "1" year within major cycle 7 and it runs while the person's age is 54.

A 8:1 cycle is a "1" year within major cycle 8 and it runs while the person's age is 63.

A 9:1 cycle is a "1" year within major cycle 9 and it runs while the person's age is 72.

Examples of Interpreting the Cycles:

A 3:1 cycle

The first year in Major Cycle 3 is termed a "3:1 cycle" (a "three-one" cycle.) It's a "1" minor cycle within major cycle number 3 and it runs from the 18th to the 19th birthday. Typically, this will be the year that a young person graduates from high school and enters college. The years of gathering basic school education are over and, somehow, they are expected to know what profession they want and therefore what to study. It's a bit unfair, really, because the "1" minor cycle is a time for ideas and just searching for what feels right. It can take the whole year to float ideas around until one emerges as the preferred choice.

You could say that there is a case for taking a sabbatical year to go away from home, travel, see the country or perhaps the world, and work in strange, new places before making such an important decision as what career to follow. Besides, the worldview-expanding experience of travel supported by short-term jobs can change a person's entire perspective on meaningful work. Instead of theoretical studies in a classroom, they get to observe and serve the needs of real, live people.

Better yet, the young person may begin to notice needs that are currently unserved, or could be better served, and that leads to the idea that a business could easily be formed to fill such needs. Imagine, they might come home with exciting ideas for a new business and decide that spending time at college would just get in the way of them pursuing the opportunities that they now see.

A 5:5 cycle

From the 40th birthday to the 41st birthday is a double "5" cycle, bringing with it the urge for change within a greater cycle of change. Does the phrase, "midlife crisis" ring a bell? The double-5 year can be a crisis of catastrophes in the personal life or a time of transitions to better things.

If managed well, it is a time of perfect clarity as to how to best adapt a life's work and personal situation for a preferred effect. Travel and exploration fit in perfectly with the number 5's influence toward change. If the person were keen to travel, but had never found the time, now is the perfect opportunity to make the time and take their loved ones on long-distance trips to exciting new lands and destinations.

An 8:1 cycle

The year from the 63rd to the 64th birthday can be the start of the harvest phase of a career that has been well-chosen. It is also the start of the greatest phase of personal growth in life. If so, enjoy the ride; the rewards have been well-earned. If, on the other hand, the career was not ideal for optimal personal growth, this could also be a time of searching for the perfect personal growth experience.

Inner, personal growth is the primary factor in this cycle, not necessarily career or any other outer form of growth. If new vistas are calling, this "1" year cycle is the time to explore all possible ideas in that direction. It is also a time to begin thinking about one's legacy, about how a person can leave their mark in the world and be able to know that their life was meaningful to themselves and others.

Using Cycles for Successful Projects

Here are the keywords within each 9-year cycle as used on a project. This does not mean that projects have to have a 9-year life. Just as in nature, each project can have its own life cycle. In nature, some forms of life in the plant and animal kingdom have life cycles of days, some months, and some years.

The important principle that helps us here is to understand the sequence of phases that a project needs to go through in order to be successfully structured, carried out, and completed.

A project needs to address all nine phases of its life, regardless of the length of the project's eventual life cycle.

Phase 1. Imagining new idea, objectives, or projects.

Phase 2. Gathering information and resources.

Phase 3. Expression through planning and the production of designs.

Phase 4. Building, organizing.

Phase 5. Change, by observing and adapting.

Phase 6. Harmony, stable manifestation.

Phase 7. Insight, deeper understanding, mastery.

Phase 8. Growth to full potential through perfection.

Phase 9. Completion of the project or cycle of action.

Example: A New Vocation

Sometimes we are faced with challenges that originate from forces beyond our control. There are massive changes at work in our world. For example, the ever-evolving automation of jobs can leave formerly prosperous people floundering and searching for employment opportunities that no longer exist. What would you do if your old skills are no longer marketable and you needed to learn new ones just to be able to pay the bills?

Natural cycles to the rescue! Success comes by attending to all the steps in the natural progression of events, so let's look at the example of finding a new vocation. Remember, it's the missed steps that cause failure in an endeavor, so avoid the temptation to look for shortcuts; watch that each phase is given enough attention, and success is virtually guaranteed.

Project phases can be of any length in time and each phase can be of a different duration to the others. The important point is that each phase has to be given sufficient attention before moving on to the next one.

Phase 1. Ideas time. You search your soul for your inborn interests and aptitudes and wonder what it would be like to pursue them. The big decision factor in this example will be whether the world will pay you sufficiently for such work. Also, consider this: Computers may be automating many old jobs, but people-helping-people work is something that unfeeling machines can never replace.

Phase 2. This is the gathering information and resources phase. This is where you research the potential of each idea, check out what it takes to obtain the required skills and knowledge for each one, and raise any funds that are necessary for your education.

Phase 3. This is the education phase, where you act on what is needed to be ready for your new work life. Expense need not be a barrier. You can become an expert by studying 200 books on a subject and know more useful information than a person with a degree in the same subject. A would-be employer might expect you to have the degree but solo entrepreneurs always choose the self-empowered route to education. They also keep educating themselves by continuing to read more about their subject and its related areas because, in these rapidly-changing times, continuous self-education is a necessity.

Phase 4. Building your new occupation. This is where you find work or start your own business. The result is an accumulation of experience to add depth to your theoretical training.

Phase 5. Change by adapting. As expertise develops, you keep observing and adapting to improve your capabilities and effectiveness.

Phase 6. Harmony and stability. The more effective you become in serving people through your new skills, the more valuable you become and the more your skills are demanded. The end result is that you work the same hours, but you get to pick which projects you prefer, and you get paid well for them.

Phase 7. Insight and deeper understanding develops. This is where you begin to attain mastery of your new vocation. At some point, if you have stayed focused in your work, you realize that your reputation has, by now, placed you head and shoulders above most of the competition. Not that you necessarily feel competitive, but the extra job security is always welcome in this ever-changing world.

Phase 8. Growth to full potential through perfection. This is the harvest phase of any project or occupation. Enjoy it for all that it's worth because challenges that you have mastered will eventually lose their fascination and you will then move on to the next area of growth in your life.

Phase 9. Completion of the project or cycle of action. This is where you get ready to change careers again, or retire, or become an advisor to those who are seeking a mentor in your field of expertise. Change is the one great constant in life and your soul is always looking for ways for you to keep growing. After all, personal or spiritual growth is the common purpose that we all share in life as human beings.

Further Study

While the cosmic CYCLES of life affect each year of our lives, there is also a much stronger factor at work in our physical reality. The LAWS of the universe are all-pervasive and always in effect.

In the last two centuries, science has documented much information on the physical laws of life but, as spiritual seekers, our interest is in the more subtle, causative laws which affect all life.

The Spiritual Laws of Life consist of three Divine laws plus nine more laws, created by the Triple Matrix Effect, that govern physical manifestation. The nine additional laws are the ones of direct concern to life in the physical realm.

By studying these, you will come to understand the true nature of this abundant universe and how it is designed to speed you on your way to spiritual realization, peace, and abundance in all aspects of your life.

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