Monday, August 31, 2015

This Week Under The Moon Aug 30

Still healing from my injury 2 months ago but here is your weekly Lunar heads up for the week my lovelies........

This Week Under The Moon
For the week of Aug. 30 to Sept. 5

Sunday: the Moon is in Pisces
Someone could, perhaps inadvertently, misrepresent or exaggerate a situation or opportunity. Check things out thoroughly before making any response or decision.

Monday, Tuesday: the Moon is in Aries
Mercury in Libra is across the astrological wheel from the Moon in Aries. Ask someone for assistance if required; even if it's not required, getting some objective insight or feedback will be very helpful.

Wednesday, Thursday: the Moon is in Taurus
Venus in Leo is square (challenging) the Moon, which could bring about a desire to spend money on something luxurious. Mars in Leo is also square the Moon, which could bring up a tendency for impulsive actions. An attitude of moderation will go far toward keeping things in balance.

Friday, Saturday: the Moon is in Gemini
Visiting, either in person or via social media (including the telephone), is front & center. Moon in Gemini along with Mercury (communication) in Libra (another very social sign) and two other planets (Venus & Mars) in Leo will make this a weekend wonderfully devoted to interaction of some kind.

Check your astrology chart to find which house (section of your chart) has the current Moon sign on the cusp (the beginning edge) & apply forecast information to that area of your life as well.
For example, the Moon is in Leo and one of the suggestions is to entertain - however Leo is located in the 12th house of your chart, which is an inward energy place...then have a small, quiet gathering. By contrast, if Leo is located in the 1st house of your chart, an outward energy place...have a party!
Don't have an astrology chart?
Message me, my worldwide clientele love mine!.

It is interesting to note when the current Moon is in the same sign as your birth Moon and to see how the flavor of that day carries through the following 30 days.

Current Planet Positions:
Sun - Virgo until Sept. 23
Mercury - Libra until Nov. 2
(**retrograde Sept. 17 - Oct. 9)
Venus - Leo until Oct. 9
Mars - Leo until Sept. 25
Jupiter - Virgo until Sept. 9, 2016
Saturn - Scorpio until Sept. 18
Uranus - Aries until Mar. 6, 2019
(Taurus - May 16, 2018-Nov. 7, 2018)
Neptune - Pisces until Mar. 30, 2025
Pluto - Capricorn until Nov. 20, 2024

Current Asteroid Positions:
Ceres - Capricorn until Oct. 28
Pallas - Sagittarius until Nov. 1
Juno - Virgo until Sept. 18
Vesta - Aries until Mar. 9, 2016
Chiron - Pisces until Apr. 22, 2018
(Chiron usually stays in one sign for about a little over two years, very similar to Saturn's travels. However this time it is making an extended visit to a sign.)

Current Asteroid Transits:
Ceres - Achievement and responsibility are prevalent.
Pallas - Expand your knowledge & skills with resources not considered before.
Juno - Examine what is on your to-do list that pertains to your personal care.
Vesta - Seek out activities that relate to your basic belief system.
Chiron - Transcend wounds and negativity through compassion.

Note: Timeframes for Moon signs, void-of-course periods, and current planet & asteroid positions are noted for Eastern time zone (USA). Please adjust according to your own location. Times are not given if the void-of-course Moon occurs for a very short period or if it occurs during the night (based on same Eastern time zone).

* v/c = Void-of-Course - When the Moon is void-of-course, spend time working on projects already in progress, creative endeavors, or self-improvement. Void-of-course simply means that no planets are aspecting the Moon as it gets ready to change signs; there won't be a configuration of astro energy available to utilize. It's best not to start new projects, sign important agreements, or go shopping when the Moon is void-of-course because the result will probably be unsatisfactory in some way.

** Mercury Retrograde - the speed of the planet slows down considerably. Communications, paperwork, electronics, traffic and mail can become very mixed-up, delayed, or go on the 'fritz' during this time. A situation will be in the process of changing, so wait until Mercury is direct to finalize anything. In general, maintain a slower, more cautious pace in daily affairs. Always allow at least two days before (to slow down) and after (to resume regular activities) a Mercury retrograde period.

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