Monday, July 6, 2015

From Raven's Nest Jul 6, 2015

Sin For Salvation
Dr Raven Dolick M.s.D.
July 6, 2015
Sin for Salvation is the road to redemption. It opens your eyes to the truth. Reject the Old World Order's system of control. Find your own paths through life. An experiment in Europe showed that people drive better when traffic lights (systems of control) are removed. So it is with sin. People will be more moral when all the codes of morality are turned off and people are able to use their own judgement to decide what is right and wrong.
Usually, the sexual aspect of Sin for Salvation is emphasised, as it is here, but in fact Sin for Salvation applies to everything. It's a mindset. It's about not buying into the laws and attitudes of those who would control you. It's about having an open mind about what "sin" actually is. It's about not automatically subscribing to someone else's conception of sin. There are many sins in this world - such as the infinite greed of Wall Street bankers and their ilk - that are held up as virtues and qualities to be emulated. Always be on the lookout for sins that masquerade as goodness. Always be on the lookout for healthy activities that are condemned as sinful.
The captains of Wall Street break no laws when they bury their snouts in the money trough - because they themselves constructed the laws. But we all know that these people are morally wrong. We all know they should be stopped. So why aren't we doing something? The law is not there to protect us but to prevent us from acting against them.
Arthur Rimbaud, the radical and extraordinary 19th Century French poet, came into contact with the French chapter of the Illuminati and they inspired him to seek his higher self.
Rimbaud famously said, "The poet becomes a seer through a long, immense, and reasoned derangement of all the senses."
"…[he becomes] the great invalid, the great criminal, the great damned - and the supreme Sage!"
Rimbaud was one of the least conventional men in history. He paid no heed at all to the controllers.
The Marquis de Sade, Baudelaire, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Aleister Crowley, Antonin Artaud, William Blake are all other good examples of people who rejected the conventions of society. They are role models for those seeking freedom from the control matrix. Postmodernism: deconstruction, the death of the grand narrative, the death of the author, the death of art, the death of God, the death of the real, hyperreality, the "other", "excluded histories" - it all helps to challenge the dominance of the prevailing control narrative. Everyone should become a postmodernist.
Hieronymus Bosch's famous painting The Garden of Earthly Delights is a symbolic depiction of a Sin for Salvation ceremony.
The Illuminati promote the two Gnostic paths: asceticism and licentiousness. Some members favour one over the other; some alternate between the two. Which do you prefer?
So, it's up to you. Find the ways that allow you to escape the control matrix of the Old World Order. Embrace transgression: it's only a label. Practise sex magic if that's what you like. Participate in Dionysian rites. The OWO have always hated unrestrained sexual activity because of its power to disrupt networks of control. We live in a highly sexualised society and yet it's "capitalist" sex - used for making money - rather than true, raw, passionate sex. In fact, the OWO want to swamp us with images of sex that make us part with our money, but they don't want us to actually have sex, or rather they want us to have sex within the narrow confines of "family and religion". It's all part of their control system.
Arguably, we have never lived in a more repressed and Puritanical society. Baudrillard said that Disneyland was built to conceal the fact that the whole of America is now an infantilised fantasy world. In the case of sex, sexual imagery is deployed everywhere to conceal the fact that humanity has never been more anti-sex. How is it possible to have sex "scandals" in a world so apparently awash with sex and with such an allegedly liberal attitude towards sex? In ancient Greece and Rome, orgies, pornography and promiscuity were taken for granted. Many cultures throughout history, especially those concerned with liberation, have embraced extreme sexuality. In the 1960s, hippies told everyone to make love, not war. Where are the hippies now? We certainly know where the wars are. The control matrix loves war and hates sex. The hippies are now the generals. Isn't that the way the world works?
"Thou Shalt Not," the controllers say.
"Thou Shalt, Thou Shalt, Thou Shalt, Thou Shalt, Thou Shalt," we say.
Reject their Mind Control.
Their sins are false.
Sin for Salvation.

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