Tuesday, April 28, 2015

FROM RAVEN'S NEST Apr 28, 2015

The Essence of the Soul is that its true identity is Spirit.

The soul is an articulated extension of the Spirit’s game of creation.
It exists for the purpose of the exponential magnification of energy.
It is thus both “real” and “unreal”.
Soul is relative. Spirit is absolute.
Ultimately soul does not exist. It is only the vehicle of the experience of separation from the Divine.
Soul itself is an illusion, a device for the play of creation.
The awareness of Spirit “falls asleep” in order to create the soul.
Thus the soul can be understood as a dream projection of Spirit.
The soul forgets it true identity as Spirit as it enters the dream.
The soul then takes on the experience of not knowing Spirit from which it is emanated.
The soul takes on the appearance of “evolving” while in fact it is only remembering, or awakening to the knowledge of its true identity.
When a soul has “evolved” to the point of full awakening its consciousness of itself has simply become complete in its awareness of knowing that it has always been Spirit.
It knows who it has always been.
Soul has remembered its truth: that it is energetically identical to Spirit.
When soul returns to Spirit the two merge into the Oneness that they have always been and the energy of creativity that the soul has generated as it played out its illusion of separation is given to Spirit as gift.
The Truth is that the soul was always energetically identical to Spirit.
That is what was forgotten.
The forgetting is what illusion is.
This is why all mystical teachings say we live in illusion.
The Forgetting is this: an impossible split appeared to occur in order to manifest the illusion of separation.
This forgetting is also called ignorance.
Ignorance is not just “not knowing”.
Ignorance is thinking you know when you do not.
Ignorance is ‘knowing’ that which is erroneous, and believing it is truth.
The ego mind is simply the ignorance of the awareness that soul is forever made in the image of the Divine.
Ego mind is the illusion which creates the birth of soul as separate from Spirit, and defines it as “not Spirit”.
By definition of the very nature of creation
Soul must be a perfect reflection of Spirit.
Spirit can only create in the image of itself.
It can only be an illusion, a dream, a state of forgetting, when the soul no longer seems to reflect the perfection of its original creation.
The ego mind takes possession of the soul’s energy like an invading alien.
The ego mind itself is the illusion that blocks the soul from realizing its true identity.
Ego mind is a state of dense contraction of energy, which is necessary to block the soul’s remembering that it is Spirit.
Thus we call “soul “ego when It is the state of forgetting.
Soul as ego is A contraction of energy and is most accurately described as a state of fear. Thus ego mind is always fear mind. Ego and fear are the same.
Separation creates fear, and fear creates the separation.
That which is LIGHT believes itself to be “not light”.
This fear creates contraction and energy falls in on itself.
Light falling in on itself that appears to be a black hole.
It looks as though it is a darkness that consumes everything.
It looks like the antithesis of Light.
This is the origin of duality.
This is the appearance of separation into “light and “dark”.
This is what the ego mind does to the soul:
The ego mind creates a belief of Anti-spirit within the energy field of the soul.
Anti-Spirit seduces the soul through ego mind into the belief that it is alienated from Spirit.
Ego mind convinces the soul that its true identity is the ego mind of fear.
“Not spirit” then becomes the origin of the belief that duality is reality.
Instead of All Good, there becomes the belief in good and evil.
This belief creates the alienation from the Oneness with the Divine.
All polarities then emerge and multiply and are the constraints that create the illusory substance of the dream.
They are limitations and so throw off energy which fuel the continued unfolding of manifest creation.
The souls restrained energy of its total Beingness is used to manufacture time and space.
Time and space then become the “music” through which the dance of illusion can flow.
A soul remembering its true nature as Spirit, and releasing itself from the power of the ego mind that possesses it is what is meant by the term AWAKENING.
It might also be said that a soul again becomes CONSCIOUS.
It reclaims CONSCIOUSNESS of what it has always been.
Soul becomes fully conscious that it is SPIRIT.
All is always held within DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS.
Even the dream of the illusion of separation takes place within the wholeness of Consciousness
CONSCIOUSNESS is the mirror which holds all the images of separation.
The images upon a mirror may change, but the mirror is always intact.
Thus the images of separation flow and change upon that which is constant and changeless.
Those who know they are Lords of the Dance are the Awakened Ones, or the Awakened One, for ultimately there is only One creating the Dance.
The Dance, the energy of the Dance, and the Creator of the Dance are the same.
When a soul is Awakened into its identity as SPIRIT All are seen as One And are known to be the same.
In that knowing the energy is no longer seen as being extended through the continuum of the dance.
Energy exists in a state of wholeness, and all time rests within the energy of Consciousness.
Within the awareness of the wholeness of all things time ceases to exist and the Dance is experienced as an orgasmic explosion of ever present magnificence.
It is no longer a dance though time and space.
It is the infinite present that encompasses all time and space.
Ultimately, we realize that we do not evolve.
The very concept of evolution is part of the illusion of dark and light, of less and more.
That which is created in perfection cannot become “more perfect”.
We only Remember and Awaken.

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